Blind Item #2
This politician had to cancel an evening appearance, after she got carried away with some day drinking & passed out in her hotel room. We have all been there.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
That economically illiterate AOC idiot. The Tide Pod generation demands we live to support them. Insane.
ReplyDeleteWhich famous drunk was it? I’m going with Pelosi, though being wasted has never stopped her from public appearances.
ReplyDelete"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez CANCELS her final SXSW appearance after it's moved to bigger room as she is 'under the weather' but she attended her documentary red carpet premiere earlier in the day" -Someone is going to have to muzzle this nitwit before she costs the Democrats the House in 2020.
ReplyDeleteTrump literally cheated on his wife -- while she was pregnant with his fifth child by three different women -- with at least one porn star and he is President. Spare me your pearl clutching about some freshman Congressperson getting day drunk.
ReplyDeleteStop with the creepy "Congressperson"! Call her a Congresswoman or use her actual title, Representative.
DeleteI use "Congresscritter" for all of them.
DeleteGood lord this isn’t even about Trump. 🙄 Seek help for your TDS.
DeleteThis isn’t even about Trump but you can’t help it due to your severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. And she’s a congressWOMAN & a crappy one at that.
you go girl lol
ReplyDeleteBut - wouldn't her "Serphardic Jewish heritage" cancel out her Hispanic propensity to succumb to strong drink? I can't believe she was auditioned for her congressional seat. The Bronx won't make that mistake again.
ReplyDeleteNews flash, CC: nobody gives a shit about who the President has sex with. Oh no the President fucked a porn star(s)?! Oh my word won’t someone please think of the children!! It is genuinely funny to me when Democrats act like they are offended by Trump’s sex life while at the same time advocating for full term abortion and trans gender hormone treatments for little boys and girls.
ReplyDeleteYou are really reaching there but I give you an A for effort though. This blind made me actually like AOC now.
Delete+100000 MD. What a great response.
DeleteThank you, I agree.
DeleteThe same retards above who think AOC should shut and say nothing about Trump, take your keyboard and shove it up your ass, sans lube.
and I'll give you another +100 for good measure
Kinda, more than kinda sick about hearing what the President did or didn't do with his wiener
AOC passing out drunk is actually good news. Somebody gonna rein this girl in. Drunks tell tales. She's dangerous.
Will also add my +100
ReplyDeleteno wonder you are single
kinda angry dude
He can’t find a woman, or man (or any sentient being)to cater to his fetish, which is having keyboards jammed up his ass.
DeleteOmg these comments lol
ReplyDeleteTrump is president and you’re not. Suck it, losers.
ReplyDeleteSandy Occasionally Cortex is a joke. The real tragedy is how she will be cast aside when she’s not longer useful to Soros.
Actually,. the Bronx WILL make that mistake again. People in NYC, especially in the outer boroughs, tend to not show up to vote. She got in because of a 13% voter turnout. Unfortunately, that abject moron AOC will probably get a second term, no matter how many enthusiastically stupid things she says or who she defends.
ReplyDeleteSomeone's hobby is shoving keyboards up their behind. No wonder he is so angry and filled with hate
ReplyDeleteOh my god why didn’t I read this far down before I posted exactly that. Damn it 🙄😂
DeleteLMAO so true. Democrats are literally fine with murdering live babies, yet, are disgusted by Trump's sex life when Buck and Clinton are in y'alls party. GTFO. AOC is the gift that keeps on giving. Same with Ilhan.
ReplyDelete"Democrats are literally fine with murdering live babies"
PS AOC rules
The Congress and the Senate should have term limits. They were never meant to be careers.
ReplyDeleteand no, she certainly doesn't.
ReplyDeleteTrump is president, and you're not. Is that the best you can do? LOL
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, well Obama was president, and you weren't!
This world needs more abortions! Abortions for all! Abortions for life!
ReplyDeletei thought we weren't allowed to talk politics on a "gossip site" ... i mean at least that's what i was admonished for previously ....
Oh great, politics.
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Blogger CCgirl said...
ReplyDeleteDemocrats are literally fine with murdering live babies
7:55 AM
while republiCONS are literally fine with a president who has over 8,500 DOCUMENTED lies since he's been in office, who has had scandal after scandal, who is a misogynist, rapist, racist, narcissist, megalomaniac, thief, cheater, hypocrite, anti-LGBTQ .. and i could go on an on. and a vice president who is the biggest hypocrite yet who espouses a "christian" church, no cheating, no LGBTQ, no nothing, but supports a president who does nothing BUT cheat a lie.
yay, look at our country.
and CONS, how can you scream PRO LIFE and be PRO death penalty. bit hypocritical, no?
YOU do not have a right to tell ME what i can or cannot do with MY BODY, unless YOU are prepared to adopt every single child out there put up for adoption.
you are only pro-life until the baby is born. after that, it's kill them all.
for the record, i'm pro-life, pro-choice, anti-death penalty and a vegan. i'm for ALL life, but support a woman's right to choose for HERSELF.
*steps off soap box and done with this topic*
+ 1
DeleteWow, you need help. Be ready cause Trump isn’t going anywhere for at least another 6 years because he will win in 2020. 😂🇺🇸
DeleteLOL .... Funny to see the crabby Old Guard clutching their pearls at this feisty Gen X-er. Whazamata? Music too loud peraps. She hails the New Guard and I personally, I love her! Cheeky, smart AND has a brain. Most of the lot of you here have not accomplished half of what she has in your entire lives as she has in her 29 years. It's the New World Order Gramps and Grams. Now... go sit in your rocker and listen to AC/DC and Led Zepplin on the boom box. Also shadafuqup! You're O L D N E W S. LMAO
ReplyDeleteFYI - Murdering babies? Stop getting your info from FOX news. You doddering dolts are misinformed. And you have a little bit of spit on your chin.
You sound like a real genius. If you like communists so much go live in Cuba & Venezuela. Moron.
DeleteAOC. The most dangerous hypocrite of them all.
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ReplyDeleteLike Trump, AOC is a blessing for the media. Lots of love clicks and hate clicks. Get that money!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I think there would be a lot fewer love clicks if AOC wasn't so young and so pretty.
Congresswoman Rashida Tliab has largely the same politics as AOC, but she's dumpy and 42 years old and gets a lot less press.
Completely agree. She riles up both sides. I don’t even think she believes what she says but it gets her a lot of attention.
Deleteraven, it's somewhat different when the blind itself is about politics.
ReplyDeleteWhen it is a nonpolitical blind where nothing and no one in it has any political connections, then yes, it is irritating and unwelcome to bring up politics.
With those tombstone chompers she doesn't need a bottle opener which quickens the process of necking that sweet sweet alcohol.
ReplyDeleteIf she had normal human sized dentition shed spend the time looking for a bottle opener, get bored not finding one and then go and watch some Friends re-runs instead.
But with those mouth pegs it just, Chomp! Spit! Gurgle! Gulp! Ahhhh!
AOC is the gift that keeps on giving. The only thing she rules is the severely mentally retarded wing of the Dim looney bin.
ReplyDeleteThere's a reason the word used to describe you lot isn't LibGeniuses.
AOC is not pretty. She has horse teeth and a strange, ugly, flattened nose.
ReplyDeleteIf you have been actually paying attention. She was recruited from a casting call. She is a dimwit. A terrible representation of her generation.
ReplyDelete"She is brown-skinned and she has a vagina. Ergo, she must be a witch." (the fine people at CDAN)
ReplyDeleteWhile I do think youre usually a dumbass, this is so true.
DeleteAlso, you might be right about Enty and his idiotic REEEACHES with conspiracy blinds.
I've been sitting back in the shadows reading these for the last month or so, and I'm just over it. The bullshit this CDAN crowd giddily claps to has become appalling. A bunch of racist mysoginists and the people who pat them on the back... Gross.
Between AOC and that Islamist, headscarf-wearing, as-anti-American-as-it-gets trojan horse, the comic relief they generate is just priceless.
ReplyDeleteKind of a blanket statement, there, Angela. There are quite a few other female minority politicians who aren't batshit crazy like Maxine Waters or AOC. Unfortunately, those two have the biggest mouths.
ReplyDeleteGoddamn. For a hollywood gossip site there sure are a lot of red hat dumbasses hanging out here. Who'd have thought.
ReplyDeleteEh, there’s a big overlap between Hollywood gossip and political right winger conspiracy.
DeleteI thought elitist cock suckers like you, would be hanging out somewhere more high brow, than a Hollywood gossip site. Guess I was wrong!
DeleteSays the dumbass. I wear my red hat proudly. MAGA
DeleteSo tf what? I’m pretty sure a great many politicians of all stripes have had too much a great many times.
ReplyDeleteGoddamn. For a gossip site there sure are a lot of hardcore-partisan-intolerant-of-any-other-perspective-that conflicts-with-their-own dumbasses hanging out here. Who'd have thought.
ReplyDeleteSigned, the voter who has been pushed to the edge of leaving the Democratic party by hardcore partisan morons.
So AOC rocks as well? well played lady. Every single one of her critics are about as smart as anti-vaxxers.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather wear a red hat than a headscarf.
ReplyDeleteAmen, same here.
DeleteJust like Hillary!
ReplyDeleteSo the big shocker is both republicans and democrats follow CDAN? Sheesh
ReplyDeleteAOC is NOT GEN X - she is a millennial through & through.
ReplyDeleteI'm Gen X and I'm about 10-15 years older than AOC.
I like her, she's feisty and is getting the youth interested in politics.
Blind Gossip has an item which may be about her - something about the party cutting her loose - check it out if you hate her it might make you happy. Same blind could also be about the muslim one though.
This must be at the SXSW yawnfest.
ReplyDeleteI'd drink heavily if my job was a politican. Oh well
ReplyDelete@hunter not sure she is getting the youth involved in politics with the right message, and she's so starstruck all the time. Seems she loves attention. There are plenty of "feisty" people in politics including women and she doesn't stay on her message well, lots of stuttering and stammering when she's asked about her position.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it a bit early for the political trolls to start coming out of the woodwork?
ReplyDeleteI swear, whenever Trump is under scrutiny, the trolls come out hardcore to deflect. What's that? Trump has a new budge proposal with more funding requested for his beloved wall? Given his failure in Vietnam with North Korea and the Michael Cohen hearings (and the conveniently trivial prison sentencing for Paul Manafort), Trump was overdue for some much-needed deflection. What better than painting AOC as a drunk?
Give it a rest.
You do know Manafort was working for the Podesta group, who reports straight to HRC, when he did his crimes right? That’s why the Mueller report will practically be buried. It names the real criminals. THE KLINTONS.
DeleteI saw that blind on BG and I think it’s Omar. She’s digging her own grave.
ReplyDeleteDamn skippy cc423
ReplyDeleteCDAN used to be fun -- then Enty got jonesing for more clicks and decided to bait the tin-foil hat wearing crowd, which brought in the maga hat wearing crowd (aka magats) who brought in tons of their friends to click away. Enty is one happy dude now.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's annoying how this site's been infested with MAGAts now.
ReplyDeleteAlso hilarious how they'll throw shit at an idealistic young woman with brains like AOC because she terrifies them while they make all sorts of excuses for the Traitor-in-Chief.
Double standards and projection is all these people know how to deal in. Remember how they accuse all liberals and Democratic Party politicians of being pedophiles, while supporting known pedos like Roy Moore and Trump, among others?
She’s a communist. Guess you’re not too bright either. You guys are so pathetic. 😂😂
ReplyDeleteThese people are fed up with being criticized for being hurtful, offensive, self-centered and, worst of all, racists. That's why they'll come up with the most devastating accusation in their opinion, being a pedophile, against liberals. That's definitely much worse than being a racist, and they assume they are giving their opponents a taste of their own medicine. They don't care for the claim being accurate. Also, if they appear to be saving the country from pedos, they think they can get away with all the objectionable stuff they are accused of, because they're acting towards a greater good, to clean the country of these criminals. And they don't think they're protecting pedophiles in their own ranks, they're just protecting innocent people who have been unfairly accused of being peophiles by liberals who are indeed the ones defending pedophiles.
Also pedophilia in the degenerate entertainment industry has been something of a rallying theme for anti-Semites for about a century, and even longer through the theme of the blood libel. They've been denouncing the desecrating message Jewish producers and artists would send to the masses through their films since the 1920s, and they assume that these people are all accomplices in this huge scheme to destroy true religion, Christianity and innocent children. While things happen to be actually much worse, for instance, in the Catholic Church.
Oh noes! Call the internet poliz! Someone got drunk!!!!
ReplyDelete@Angela -- do you have actual proof that liberals are protecting pedophiles? I mean aside from the writing on your tin-foil hat?
ReplyDeleteAOC is riding the cult of personality train.......the same way Trump did.
ReplyDeleteIt seems America is entertaining itself to death
I kinda like 'congresscritter'. Sounds real down home.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe whole "men are afraid of outspoken women" AOC bit ignores the fact that women have been outspoken long before AOC was born. She likes to congratulate herself for being a woman with a brain as if this is some new thing. It's insulting to other women.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything she stands for.
ReplyDeleteDo you, Ron Hobbs? Then move the fuck to Venezuela and enjoy the end game to her moronic ideology. Sick of you ignorant're going to destroy the greatest nation the world has ever seen because you're too GD lazy to read a book!
ReplyDeleteJack Rabbit, you don't need to be so worried, she's so stupid that even a large part of her own generation laugh at her. Stupidity is celebrated in this world, but when you're THIS stupid, it's just fucking funny.
ReplyDeleteWith this latest collection of democratic poster children, Trump 2020 is guaranteed.
You NEVER hear of conservatives becoming liberals, but the opposite is happening by the millions. Thanks to this lot - we should celebrate their stupidity, not be angry at them.
GO crawl to your safe places Cindy and other mentally ill TDS sufferers. Most of us do not really care about politics, it is sickos like you with low self esteem that have put your whole reason for existing into a political party (looks like mostly Democrats). This AOC is a clueless dim witted egotistic puppet on a power trip. Nothing to do with Trump. She mouths off about Reagan when she wasn't even alive. She whines about Capitalism and "climate change" yet spent thousands of dollars on Uber rides and flies around the country.
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about her politics, but it's quite astounding to see how AOC's political opponents are doing a terrible job at exposing her and are the first people responsible for making her popular. Every attempt so far has backfired. The guy who would take photographs of her looked like a stalker, the video where she reenacted the Breakfast Club dance was supposed to make her look ridiculous, but failed miserably in that regard.
ReplyDeleteHer opponents always assume that, because she's young Latina with little experience in holding office, she must be a total airhead and and an easy target for mockery. But, regardless of her political affiliation, it's obvious that she's great with retorts. So, every time somebody attacks her on Twitter, it's a cheap taunt, and she comes up with a quick-witted reply that gains her numerous retweets and new fans. And yet, they keep on underestimating her. The longer they try that strategy, the more they look like dinosaurs.
Angela must be living in a different world. AOC is a laughingstock except to those who were going to work at Amazon in her district.
ReplyDeleteIf the blind item is about AOC, then day drinking when you have a later engagement does not only show lack of discipline it is very irresponsible. She used to be a bartender, and bartenders (who often are mega drinkers) usually have a good tolerance built up, so big fail on that.
ReplyDeleteWhat I can't stand about her is her childish, little girl, cartoon voice. It is like nails on a chalkboard to be LECTURED by this pompous twit. I live in DC and she is NEVER on our subway system- the best way to get around town, unless there is some random track fire. She lectures that we should not eat meat for her BS Green Deal and then is seen chomping down on a burger a few weeks ago. HYPOCRITE MUCH?
She literally loves the sound of her own voice and never shuts up and the media is an accomplice to this crime.
One thing I did agree with her. She was criticizing Reagan and she talked about how he dumped people out of mental hospitals. I do believe that this was the first time back in 1980 where we saw homeless people on the street and it was very sad. If AOC ranted about helping the homeless and and poor people in America without ranting on about Socialism (HELL NO) I would not despise her as much.
These comments made my day! SO much butthurt!
ReplyDeleteTHIS is what CDAN is all about!
Jimmy Carter was President in 1980. So the homeless are his fault. A new term was created for him -the Misery index.