Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Blind Item #1

This alliterate talk show host makes a mess of trying to claim the child molester somehow didn’t molest any children.


  1. Wendy Williams/MJ?

    1. Or RKelly? But I think she isn’t a fan of his?

    2. Think it MJ. Wade Robeson is a liar. The others, not so much.

  2. After WW's in-home rehab stint, she's got to kiss a lot of butt. She'll say anything to keep her job, now.

  3. I don’t see anything wrong with questioning Wade Robeson motives. It’s not showing support of MJ.

  4. I believe both MJ’s victims. Who spends 6 hours on the phone with a kid and sends the types of faxes he did (relentlessly). Problem with child victims is they do not really believe they are victims at the time. They think they “wanted it” and are complicit in the sexual acts. That’s why there are statutory rape laws. Kids cannot give consent. The Moms were in denial because of the benefits they were receiving by being Michael’s “friend.”

  5. I think Wendy needs to retire. She’s lost the plot. Between wearing the wedding ring, defending the husband. Her time away doesn’t seem to have benefited her at all.

  6. +1 Tricia, Wendy is losing credibility by the day:

    Wendy Williams also voiced her doubts, telling the crowd at "The Wendy Williams Show" Monday that while she believed that Jackson showered and hosted sleepovers with young boys, she did not think "that there was any sexual touching."

    "I don’t believe a word of anything in this documentary," she told the audience. "Michael is no innocent, but that’s not him."

  7. Aqua girl
    She needs to step back and take look at herself
    Get help

  8. There is no real proof that MJ molested any child.
    And what evidence there was was either misconstrued or this 'evidence' was bought and paid for.
    MJ was targeted by the pedo power structure because of what he might reveal.
    If you want to look into these matters it's important to keep emotions out of it.
    Here is some info that might help:

    366 pages released by the FBI after a 10-year investigation into Michael Jackson. CLEARING him of any wrongdoing. Two-thirds of those pages show Michael Jackson as the victim of "extortion" and "threats.
    Read more: https://www.truemichaeljackson.com/accusations-and-trial/


  9. @Simon totally agree!

  10. Also, ask yourselves why would all these heavy (and some not so heavy) hitters be so invested in smearing MJ?
    Maybe they have something to hide.
    Hint: Oprah certainly does, and I don't mean that she is a lesbian either.

  11. Just witness and victim testimony, I mean aside from a video or his DNA in a little boy, what other evidence would there be in a molestation case?

  12. Wendy Williams. She rabidly defended Jackson, would hardly let her guest talk. She was messy yesterday. I grew up listening to MJ however I also believe the two men.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. A question that should always be raised is that if he wasn't a pedo, why did he try so hard to act like one? The sleeping with strangers' children, giving them wine, bathing with them, etc. No matter the intentions, however possibly innocent, most adults recognize that these are inappropriate behaviors. And no matter the intentions, if he could not recognize inappropriate behavior, does that really makes us think he'd refrain from sexual or romantic behavior? Perhaps in his own mind he didn't see what he was doing as wrong, he was never a villain in his own mind. He could have been less of a predator and more a damaged individual that didn't understand what he was doing.
    Doesn't make him any less of a monster to those children though.

  15. Poor deluded celebrity worshipers.

    Many people are skeptical about marriage of Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Pressley. They say, Lisa Marie is more of a sit at home type, while Michael Jackson is more of a homosexual pedophile.
    Norm Macdonald

  16. watch the video of Dave Dave on Larry king.

  17. Wendy has been exclusively pay for play for a long time. Seems like every opinion is courtesy a big fat check. Her svengali husband has to be behind it all.

  18. Leaving Neverland was a hard watch. Part One was basically a master class on how the worlds most famous icon groomed both parents and children for his own sick gain. Part two was wash, rinse and repeat for the monster when he got bored with his "elder" boy toys. Our smiling pseudo Peter Pan was really the devil, destroying the souls of families and children alike. Michael Jackson is straight up guilty as the day is long.

  19. The Boys from Brazil? Did MJ do it, or his clone with the crumbling nose?

  20. @sook, totally agree. Not only did he work hard at making each boy feel special, he dumped them callously when a younger model presented himself. No matter what you believe about what he did sexually with these kids, he was manipulating young boys and their stupid moms. Both men said they were still working on trying to forgive their moms. It will be hard.

  21. People have a hard time believing that very talented artists can be monsters too.....there is way too much smoke and many have a stake to protect his legacy for truth to come out....parents: protect your children.

  22. Oh FFS. Idiots and their idiot blog based conspiracy theories.

  23. "He's going to name it (his child). He says if it's a girl, he's going to name it Sharon. And if it's a boy, he's going to have sex with it."

    "According to his dad, the three day old boy is a regular chip off the old block. In fact, he's already molested a one day old boy."

    "According to published reports, Michael Jackson's wife is now pregnant with the pop star's second child. Asked why he decided to become a father again so soon, Jackson explained that his 7 month old son is starting to lose his looks."

    "Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson are getting a divorce, and they cited irreconcilable differences. And I have the inside story. I heard that Lisa Marie was actually...behind Michael's back she was fooling around with another homosexual pedophile!"

    Norm Macdonald

  24. Leaving Neverland it seems it has the bigger promotion budget than Avengers. Everyday the several articles in Daily Mail for two or three (?) mounts and so on. It seems the promoters hired the troll's factory too with the similar comments everywhere. I wonder who are paying for this all. The whole thing is getting weirder day by day.
    Good pedophiles want to expose a bad pedophile? Sure.
    There's so much more here than meets the eye.

  25. Oh there's a clear history of live pedos throwing dead or fallen pedos to the mob. Feldman anyone? He certainly can't change his tune on MJ after defending him all those years. But he can serve up whatever scraps of dead or unimportant people he's allowed to in order to make a buck.

  26. If you still support Michael Jackson you're an idiot.

  27. You have to be some kind of special idiot to not believe MJ molested those children. Shame on you.

  28. Brayson87 You don't get it. This story is almost 30 years old. Michael Jackson is dead for 10 years. Who care about it enough to pay so much money to promote some crap documentary film couldn't make any money?

  29. Jooles cc423 Oh, the troll factory is here. Ok then. Bye.

  30. Jackson did indeed do it. I remember reading an article in some random magazine where a medium interviewed his ghost. He said he forgave himself. Lol. He said heaven was pretty cool

  31. Ugh. This place is fast becoming a fucking cesspool of shitheads

  32. I fucking love Norm MacDonald.

  33. Krissie-- that almost pisses me off more!! (And, YES, I KNOW it's an article with a medium talking to his spirit, but based on that...) Not saying I need him burning in hell, that's for a higher power to decide, imo, but ffs, nobody's worried about his opinion of or forgiveness of himself! Geez, you'd like to think accessing heaven would make him a bit more gracious and remorseful.

    I think I'm losing my mind, lol...[disengage, find paczkis, slip into sugar coma]...

  34. I posted a Wade Robson dance video on my FB (it's impressive) and my professional entertainment friends from across the US weighed in to say "he's a douche." They both seemed to think he was a shitty person.

    That doesn't make him a liar, but it does make him lame.

    I did a deep dive on the MJ investigation and if people don't appreciate the finer points of hebephilia they may be convinced to continue to overlook it but MJ was a kiddie diddler through & through.


  35. telling a minor to destroy bloody underwear

    i 100% believe MJ is guilty from now on

  36. Hunter, I can never get past the fact that I feel an adult man of innocent intention would avoid ALL possible situations of inappropriate appearance...especially once they'd been accused (nevermind sued and questioned by police). Have your amusement park, have your parties, but parents included, no isolated child, no shared beds or closed doors, and ffs, certainly no shared showering! Come on, now! I dont care how innocent you proclaim you are, if only for the sake of not wanting the boy to have weakened boundaries around other adults, you dont need to be in those situations with other people's children--chronically!
    Whether Wade is a jerk or whatever, and Im so distressed that his story is compromised by testifying for Michael AND suing the estate, so many details of what he and the other man said are so consistent with the bribery, flattery, cajoling, fear and manipulation predators inflict, that i believe what they are saying. That fear and manipulation and the residual shame of it all could easily create an adult of confused and fear-based decision-making.

  37. It isn't for anyone other than the abused to decide when and if they're going to 'out' their abuser who groomed them for many years.
    Culkin and Feldman etal have to come to terms in their own time, if they were molested. There's also a possibility that MJ didn't sexually abuse either one of them simply for the fact that they didn't NEED him and had celebrity of their own without him?
    Did you not understand how difficult it was for the two relatively unknown men to come forward?
    Stop with the criticism.

  38. Having watched the doc the thing I took away was the deification of MJ back in the day. It was sick. He was given so much power, just a pop singer really. No one has that much draw these days, not Ga Ga or Blah Blah or all the performing chimps out there. What a malaise in society that this weird little man held such sway. I saw seas of children calling for him. Where were their parents? Nothing but kids. Mothers pimping out their 7 year old boys for a bit of fame and money. The strongest person in that doc was Wade's wife who told her mother-in-law to get out and never have anything to do with them again. Evil mother banished to the outer regions of hell. Soon she'll join MJ.

  39. @marylamb, Wade Robson and James Safechuck did not come out with the shitty documentary because they came to term of their abuse now, but because their previous extortion attempt from MJ's Estate was thrown out of the court.

    It's an organizational attempt to slander a man to change the direction of the way wind blows. Daily Fail has been part of the payment program because they are not allowing any of my comments to appear on MJ rlated articles. Only negative comments are allowed to be published. This is how media is manipulating and brainwashing sheeple, and this time, they have succeeded in a big way.

  40. Let's assume for a moment that Wade Robson is actually telling the truth. Then you must also believe everything he says in this "documentary" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPSv_ejCraE



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