Thursday, March 07, 2019

Blind Item #13

They made very sure that infamous house burned to the ground. 


  1. This is that mansion in New Orleans that recently burned down. There have been blinds on here before about it, but I can't remember the names associated with it.

  2. St Charles Street, I think?

  3. "A historic St Charles Ave mansion is on fire. The home is referred to as the Montgomery-Grace home"

  4. Anonymous11:51 AM

    st. charles house. just got back from new orleans yesterday. its disgusting there.

  5. Who did? And why? Previous blinds made it sound like the owners had the house modernized and were doing great business collecting blackmail videos and evidence on their clients.

  6. Don't tell me the good citizens of New Orleans finally banded together a put a den of abysmal sin to the torch? 'Cause I think that list might be a little long.

  7. I thought this was the fire on St. James Island that Epstein did last month.

  8. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Years long lurker here...I've lived in NOLA since 2004 and have enjoyed reading the blinds about the St. Charles mansion, wondering which one it is. The one that burned recently is never in the news, except during Mardi Gras because it's where the most hoity-toity Mardi Gras krewe stops to toast each other every year. Krewes are like fraternities/sororities for rich, old money folk down here. These blinds are fascinating :)

  9. The perverts will just find another spot to abuse people. Hopefully at least some evidence survived. Why'd someone burn it down *now*?

  10. Anonymous12:08 PM

    One article in our local news noted the "priceless memorabilia" that was lost. Mmm hmm...

  11. Why is it disgusting there? New Orleans is an amazing town. Are you judging it by Mardi Gras? Would you judge a college by one frat party?

  12. could be the nola one. its not the one i guess as the house but it could be.

  13. While NOLA makes more sense - since that fire just happened - @Elphin might be on to something...

  14. @kfitz: I want to know why you say New Orleans is disgusting. I've been wanting to go there and plan on it in the next year.

  15. Anonymous12:43 PM

    i have friends that say its their favorite city to visit, personally I just don't get it. It needs to be cleaned up. I know its worse during mardi gras, but there was literal shit in the streets, people offering me drugs and someone tried to kiss me and give me molly. maybe im just getting too old. I will say the buildings lit up for Mardi Gras were pretty. other than that, the city smells like pee.

  16. Given that Mardi Gras just happened, where did that krewe meet instead? Last I read about that mansion was the day someone mentioned here that it was on fire. Was everything destroyed?

    Also, I didn't know about the island fire! Did the "cow" get torched?

  17. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Kfitz - You've got to visit when it isn't Mardi Gras. Completely different city. It's impossible to do normal stuff in the city during festival season.

  18. I love NOLA, but I agree with kfitz that the city does indeed smell of piss.

  19. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I think im going to try and go during the summer and give it another shot lol

    1. It’s an amazing town I’ve said so here often. Not MG-nope once to see ,but visit during jazzfest in May(usually). Great line of and cross section of music and the city is about that (and food). Totally diffeeeent chill vibe and clientele

    2. It might be too hot and humid during that time. It brings out the smell. They literally pinesol the streets. It'd my hubby and I's fav place. We went in october.

  20. I am from New Orleans and I was a tour guide. I am quite familiar with the mansion that burned and the families therein. It never occurred to me that THAT would be the house. I had a few other candidates in mind. I left the city three years ago and I don't miss it. I ran a small boutique hotel in the quarter and every morning when I got to work I had to hose vomit and more off of the sidewalks. I watched people piss on cop cars in broad daylight and shit on the sidewalks. It's all a shame. Someone put a call out to all the "road dogs" or whatever you want to call them that the city was the best place to be homeless and panhandle. All of them have dogs, too, so the cops don't want to fool with them because they'd have to take care of the animal, too. All in all, even on a good day, the city smells terrible downtown.

  21. HART: There's all kinds of ghettos in the world. COHLE: It's all one ghetto, man. Giant gutter in outer space.

  22. NOLA has its charms and its problems. Stay out of the Quarter and especially away from Bourbon Street and it's much much nicer, and much less sticky. I moved away last year and have been sad ever since.

    And I KNEW it wasn't that big castle house. *lol* Too much public stuff going on there for it to be a sex dungeon murder house. But I must say, 2525 wasn't on my "creepy house" radar.

  23. Also in New Orleans you definitely have to venture out of the French Quarter to understand the hype...

  24. Weren't they originally suspecting pool products on a lower floor ignited? I just remember the news mentioning yellow smoke which can happen from chlorine.

  25. We took our kids to NOLA for spring break a few years ago and we really enjoyed it. However, I do agree, there's definitely a smell and it does leave me with a dirty feeling. My son was horrified to see a cockroach outside of our hotel LOL We did leave with fond memories though. With that said, I know nothing about the house that burned down, I'm interested to hear more about it!!

  26. Is there really anything on Epstein Island that could be reported as a "House"?

  27. momo said...
    "I am from New Orleans and I was a tour guide. I am quite familiar with the mansion that burned and the families therein. It never occurred to me that THAT would be the house."

    Because there likely was no such house.
    The New Orleans house was one of the most shocking blinds he's ever posted, and it was successful enough to get a bunch of followups. By now, he could try to top the previous stories, which would be quite difficult, or he could give a reason for which the house is not in use.
    Then he hears, because of Mardi Gras, that an old house burnt in New Orleans two weeks ago, and he decided to close the story of "The House". But he didn't bother to check if the place was indeed a rent for select people, while all the reports claim that it still belonged to the Grace family who also lived there.

    And it definitely didn't burn to the ground:

    So, pick your choice:
    - Saudis (or whoever it was) did blackmail and extortion over sex activities at the Montgomery-Grace house, while the family (and their elderly poodle) still lived there
    - it happened in a different house, and he just covers his tracks (or his sources) by pointing to this one
    - he heard a few blackmail stories that took place in Nawlins, and decided to unite them by setting them in a single house he had pictured to make the story more effective (just like when you adapt a biography and compress a few people into one single character) then decided to conclude the tale at the first opportunity
    - he made up the entire story

    As you may predict, I take 4, but have your pick. Just don't look away from the inconsistencies between the house that burnt and the previous blinds.

  28. Recommend visiting New Orleans around Christmas. It's quite festive with great food and jazz but without the crowds and sweaty heat.

  29. @ Angela

    From the Link " McConnell said this is one of the largest fires he has ever seen in New Orleans. He said the risk of collapse is prominent, so firefighters are taking the proper precaution" if is not " burning to the ground" is very close ...the owner even joked about being ready for" Ashes Wednesday "

  30. It's a complete loss. Yeah- there are some parts of it still standing, but there's no way anyone could even consider calling it a "house" anymore.

  31. Yes, there is a house on St. James' Island. There are photos of what it used to look like before it was incinerated. I expected fancier, but it looked like a mid-scale jack-shack with beds. Tacky. Horrid artwork, too.

    1. I live within view of LSJI
      It is not it,sadly.

  32. You can clearly see that the structure, even if it's heavlily damaged, stands. It can collapse, but this could have allowed for forensics to have a check and notice some wires or equipment, anything out of the ordinary. Hey, the insurance will have to check anyway.

    But it was just a tiny detail compared to the main information. The same family was living at the place for more of a century. If you think that they were paid off to leave for a few years, then paid much more to allow the compromised house to burn down and testify that they were at the place when the fire started, don't forget that there were neighbors who saw them on a regular base.

    Also, the fire made big local news. And people shared stories about the place. Don't you think that nobody would have reported to the police that they had noticed that celebrities would go there or that there was a bunch of limousines stopping there every night for months?

    It was a famous house, an historic house, that according to Enty was the place for a lot of criminal activity and blackmail. Don't you think it would have been a better idea to pick a more discreet place instead? You don't want to do that at a house that screams "Photograph me! I'm one of the most typical houses from all of La Nouvelle-Orléans. Tour guides point at me!"

  33. The sex trafficking is a feint. Human experimentation has been going on in the south since before the Civil War. The Louisiana Purchase was a sell off by Napoleon to give his Anglo/American brother Masons a huge pool of human lab rats to work on. (Napoleon had Haiti-- until he didn't) This rubble was a safe house for those involved. Calling it a brothel makes people shrug. Somebody with means, but out of the loop, caught on and torched the place.

  34. Angela

    for the house burnt or not, its' a matter of" Lana Caprina, as we say here in Italy, that means it doesn't make much a difference, the house is mostly ruined, burnt to the ground or not

    2 in the house next to that, there is, was the House of Jay Z and Beyoncè, do you think it would have been so strange to see VERY famous people around there? also JUST the fact that the house was known and very visited could have justified the " famous" people there, key word COULD

    i haven't checked the informations about the family, but why exclude that they were part of the trafficking there?

    Anyway, i don't know if this blind is true or not, it's just that i find your" debunking" quite weak, and a bit a picking the pieces you like, like the house that is not really" burnt" come on

  35. Actually, Bonaparte wanted fresh cash to finance his armies, and he was tricked by his Secretary of State, Talleyrand, who ultimately settled for a lower sum than planned, but pocketed a lot of secret bribes.

  36. I've been to NOLA about 5 times (never during Mardi Gras), with friends that absolutely love it. I don't care for it. I think it's one of those cities you either "get" or "don't get". I don't get it.

    1. I've had people tell me the same thing about Miami, you either love it or hate it. One friend told me she thought it was a crap city and couldn't belive how rich people love it.

  37. @MJ

    So, in our current news cycle, nobody would even bother to report that the house was a stop for many celebrities? Because that's where we are now. Nobody will say, "It was a beautiful house, a reminder of a past time. It was so elegantly designed, we loved seeing it every morning on the way to work. And I'm sorry it burnt."
    Everybody would be "Hey, that's the street where I saw Will Smith! And Jay-Z! And John Ratzenberger was there! I almost took a selfie with him. #burntowin #besthouseinNOLA"

    All signs point to the place being a family house for decades, without anything special to it, besides being a very fine historic house. The family even has a sense of humor about the accident. If they knew that it was used for taping famous people having sex with underage kids, it might have been a good idea to keep a VERY low profile about the fire.

    And, once again, I know that the house will collapse and will be torn down within days. But it looks like a few rooms weren't totally destroyed, allowing people to investigate if there had been any need. Even if the tech to tape the clients was removed, there would still be enough holes for the equipment and traces of hidden compartments to raise questions.


  39. " Everybody would be "Hey, that's the street where I saw Will Smith! And Jay-Z! And John Ratzenberger was there! I almost took a selfie with him. #burntowin #besthouseinNOLA""

    find me people that hunted down Jaz and Beyoncè that live(d?) close to that house and then we can talk

  40. " And, once again, I know that the house will collapse and will be torn down within days" did you see the pics? for most of the house there are no rooms anymore, just empty spaces with columns around...and someone has sid that MANY memorabilia inside were lost.

    but we'll see in the next days if surfaces weird things

  41. Entward - need a reveal on this one to silence the doubters.

    Love and bacon -
    Humor me.

  42. Why a reveal? Everybody has the same guess. A reveal would just confirm that the guy who says it is true says again that it is true. It wouldn't confirm anything.

    Details would really mean something. The house was inhabited by a family who had live there for more than a century. People who have spent actual in New Orleans and who comment here expressed their surprise that it was "the" house, well before I shared my doubts. How could this house be used for illegal sex parties then extortion while it was at the same time a regular house for regular people and an elderly poodle?

  43. I’ll never understand why naysayers insist on reading here. Mind-boggling and utterly redundant.

  44. Tricia!I was hoping you'd be around to give some info on the eerie isle! Did you see the fire? Hear any deets?

    1. Hey Vita! No I heard and saw nothing... it’s a boat ride away (10 minutes). No mention here but I haven’t really had occasion to ask anyone (kids schools etc lol). Gonna ask today in town:)

  45. The official reason Napoleon sold LA is because Toussaint Louverture seized Haiti in the only successful slave revolt in history and 40% of foreign income was lost. Personally, I think Louverture, a trained by Jesuits puppet, helped set up the transfer of influence in the region to France's American cousins. Globalization isn't new, not by a long shot. Slaves are real, their revolts are stage managed. After the deck is shuffled, the same families are still there.

  46. I lived a block from the bldg Beyonce bought on Harmony St. It was a ballet school. I doubt they ever live there. I have a friend practically across the street who has never seen them. It's like Nick Cage had a place in the Garden District where I gave tours daily. I never saw him. The previous owner would let us bring small groups into the house. It looked like a scene from Caligula. The house had also been owned by Anne Rice for a time. She too didn't live there. She wanted to do some kind of museum and fought the city over zoning and lost. She had another place just around the corner on 1st Street where she did live and I often saw her. I always had small groups and she was very cordial and would even sign autographs. The house was the one vividly described in The Witching Hour. She could make me smell the garden district. digress. digress. All tour guides can talk too much..

    There was a place JUST OFF St. Charles on Napoleon that used to be a swinger's spot. I lived down the street for years and never knew. There are a lot of "swingers" in town, for sure. Look no further than the David Vitter story for how it works 101/ Go to Jesuit a good Catholic boy, marry a woman to breed with - it's a business arrangement - and do what you want while she looks the other way. Standard fare, uptown. From one who knows. I couldn't do it and lost a lot in the process of not. C'est la vie.

  47. I had read on a blind here about exactly which family it was that owned the house that Enty speaks of. I'm not sure why it rules out any such house just because one family has owned it for a long time? Money=corruption alot of the time. He mentioned a disgraced SC senator was taped having sex with boys there.. I am curious who THAT was...

  48. TwoDots said...
    "I’ll never understand why naysayers insist on reading here. Mind-boggling and utterly redundant."

    Because it's always instructive to confront people who are basically into a cult, especially when I don't have to join the CoS or Jehovah's Witnesses.

    You've been told here that it was a house of evil. You assume it is. You take every word or reveal by Enty as granted.

    Yet, every actual report published about the house shows that it was a totally normal house where ordinary people lived... and then lost their house due to fire.

    Which is regarded here as evidence of a manipulation by the mainstream media and the "real" owners of the house. And, for you and other people, an explanation is that the official owners are in cahoots with diabolic people. According to Enty's blind and your own certainties, this family must hide something.

    And this can have real-life consequences. What if these people get insulted or attacked, just because somebody assumed this is all true and decided to confront these people? What was the result of Pizzagate? Some lunatic went into the place with an assault rifle, asking to see the non-existant basement. He could read hundreds of messages that told him that it was true, and that every report that made it obvious that it wasn't true must be a fabrication. And that's exactly what you're doing.

    Personally, if I prevent some innocent people from being intimidated or threatened, I find it more rewarding than believing these continuing fairy tales about this bad bad place in New Orleans where evil people do bad bad things to little kids and even to naughty celebrities.

  49. Going with the second and third choices ,@Angela. "The family even has a sense of humor about the accident" . Strange reaction,everyone I know who lost their home and belongings was devastated. You show remarkable ignorance about fires of this magnitude. Also,you often hear about neighbors knowing nothing about what is going on right next door. I had this experience myself. A few houses away,a home was abandoned,most assumed another foreclosure. The cleaning crew found the place was a meth lab. Hiding in plain site. Arsons downtown have gone unsolved,a few dollars maybe changed hands. The one thing you are right about was the original story getting off track. I don't know if Enty did this deliberately or not.

  50. Somebody is triggered--again. Beyond tiresome...

  51. original blind

    Tuesday, November 21, 2017
    Today's Blind Items - St. Charles House Of Horrors

    It is still there. It is still owned by the same people who have owned the house for hundreds of years. There is a sprawling house on St. Charles Street in New Orleans that has been used by politicians and celebrities as a secret pleasure den for almost 100 years.

    Over the years the owners have remodeled several times. The most recent of these remodels took place within the past decade. Unbeknownst to the various guests of the establishment, each room has been wired for video and sound.

    One of the reasons this A+ list mostly movie actor has been drinking himself to death is the video he has seen of himself having sex with a 13 year old girl multiple times over a three week period.

    There was a political candidate who had all the backing and money in the world last year on the Republican side. He was then shown a video of himself with two college guys engaged in several hours of sex. After that, the candidate just kind of gave up. He went through the motions, but that was about it. He was given a consolation prize to make sure he is there if they need him.

    In the past week, all of this is threatening to come out of the shadows. Apparently one of the masterminds behind it, got into an argument with his father. The father, one of the wealthiest men in the world was killed this week in a freak accident. The thing is though, there was nothing accidental about it.

    You know who was a very frequent guest to the house on St. Charles? This disgraced A+ list movie producer. Do you know who helped set him up? This A+ list mostly movie actor who lives down there and heard two separate stories from two A list actress girlfriends who had both been raped by the producer.

    That producer led to buzz and more buzz and more noise. It also provided cover for people who were forced out. Want your wife to find out about the sex games you like playing with college girls? Then, now might be a good time to retire.

    The house on St. Charles is money central in the South. Super PAC's, movie financing. It is all entwined.

    $10M to one Super PAC came from two donations. A movie was filmed in New Orleans last year. Two of the actresses in the movie were, at separate times, provided some information about visits their respective A list husbands had made to the house. The next thing you know, two separate checks had been written. $3M from one A lister and $7M from an A+ lister. Oh, and that A+ lister? He had to couch up another $5M this year. Apparently he is OK with being caught with a guy even though he is in the closet. He does draw the line at him with tween boys though. His actress wife thought it was just guys he liked and not boys. Since she found that out last year, they have spent a total of about 10 days together.

    What is the purpose of all of this? I don't know. I do know though it is causing chaos. It will be interesting to see what kind of order comes out of this.

  52. link for original blind with comments

  53. livew in NOLA too and that thing burned to the ground like it was intentional it was alos a damn muggy day that day so it was just weird and conveniently a car was parked in front of the fire hydrant which delayed firefighters a bit too

  54. Haven’t made it thru the comments. Still stuck on ‘shitting in the street.’

  55. Enty, how about a “deep dive” on this house and it’s secrets?

  56. Shit. the St Charles house was burned down. I hope all the secrets weren't burned with it

  57. Aquagirl lol

    Relative to all of this I can only say I CAN't BELIEVE INSURANCE IS LEGAL.

    In the early days in New Orleans, which burned twice on Good Friday FWIW, there were no firefighters. If there was a fire in the neighborhood someone would get them to ring the church bell. On Good Friday the church bells were covered, or so goes the legend.

    Soon thereafter, you BOUGHT PROTECTION and many buildings in the French Quarter still have FIRE SEALS which designate that your place deserves to be saved. NEVER MIND the neighbors!! You paid for this.

    It's not hard to see how insurance played into this whole scheme. As I said, I can't believe insurance is LEGAL

  58. Momo, EXACTLY, it's not like regular people act like fangirls hunting down the" celebrities"..people mind their own buiness, and it happens all the time that illegal or strange " activities"
    are hidden in plain sight

    and @ Angela " You take every word or reveal by Enty as granted."

    please...people question, people mock Enty often, and people sometime debunk what he writes and this last thing they do it better than you

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. @Guesser

    The thing you fail to realize is that if it's not the actual house (which is also pick 2 or 3), Enty is throwing innocent people (the family who owned the house and who lived there) under a bus, making them a target for any wannabe vigilante who reads this blog.

    Also, he basically picked the first N.O. house that made significant news after the blind. The fire took place on February 19 or 20, it was reported at the time, but it actually gain much more coverage because of the Mardi Gras parade last Tuesday (and Wednesday). A couple of days after Mardi Gras, he proudly reveals to his informed audience that "the" House has conveniently burned to the ground, so no question could be asked.

    Yet, when you look closer to the local reports, you can see that he did a sloppy job, picking a famous and beloved house there, that happened to be the home for a family of three (plus poodle). By the way, when you see the size of the carcass, it's really hard to believe that it was the hub for a large child prositution ring plus blackmailing operation.
    Had he been more thoughtful, he would have checked on local news and used a less egregious place that went into smoke or had to be torn down for another reason a couple of months ago, not the very house that reaches national news at some point. But he didn't even bother to do that. Hey, a famous New Orleans house burned down a couple of weeks before Mardi Gras? Let's make it the place for all my "house" blinds and these morons will gulp it down.

    It's indeed easier, when you think of it. Enty just made very sure that his fictional infamous house would be fictionally burned to the ground, so he could make a final blind to retire a popular but embarrassing topic and give the feeling at the same time that a lot of random things are connected. That's definitely not the case, but he can rely on a troup of conspiracy theories enthusiasts who will connect the dots anyway.

  61. Christopher Montgomery (Family that owned house on St Charles in NOLA) Helped start the Prodigy Talent Group in 2015 that had an office in Rockledge Florida. Jeffery Epstein related pedophile case? Grandfather type person showing interest to minors...

    Business Spotlight: Prodigy Talent Training
    Address: 634 Barnes Blvd, Suite 202, Rockledge,Fla
    Owner: Jonathan McFadden Rockledge, FL, January 05, 2017 --( It’s been a whirlwind past few months for A.J. Peters.

    Only weeks after becoming a student at Prodigy Talent Training in Rockledge, the 12-year-old Port St. John resident was signed by Los Angeles-based talent manager Ryan Glasgow and appeared in the short film “Hostile,” directed by Djuan Ballinger.

    Kids are recruited through Twitter, FB and sometimes directly through Email.

  62. Why are there so many comments on this one post! That's interesting. So is it the NOLA house or Epstein's?

  63. I wonder who "They" is. I thought that house had completely new owners. I think the house was for sale sometime last year.

  64. i live in nola and summer is the worst time to visit (it's hot as hell here). mardi gras is the worst time for your first visit unless you're a trash college student. spend more time outside of the quarter. come in the spring or fall/winter. again - like all cities though you either love it or you do not.

    that said i'm not surprised at all about this mansion being burned down if this blind matches it.

  65. lol Aquagirl, I was having trouble with that visual and no doubt olfactory delight too haha!

  66. Well somebody was burning their secrets.

  67. It wasn't just a house. It was an altar for Krewe of Rex.

  68. Angela you are working very hard to disprove the house that burned down on St. Charles is not the house. I am curious why you are so adamantly against it being the house. I don't believe the 5 alarm fire made national news, but hey i could be wrong. Also, in the city of new orleans we don't fan over the celebrities that visit/live here. That is why a lot of celebs like to be here. As to those who speak ill about New Orleans, New Orleans is an amazing place. It is a place where everyone welcomes another. a place that people may come to forget or a place to remember. We love our city and understand that the stench from the Quarter is one from people who came to live. We are a city of culture and love. Mardi Gras is a unique time of year here, so i recommend visiting it twice. once during the festival of the year and another time when it is not so hectic here. Back to the house...when it burned it was big news here. The news was all over it, but i will say the owners oddly didn't seem as devastated as the locals. The locals mourned the house that Rex was toasted Mardi Gras Day. However nothing stops a party here. In fact this is a city that turns the bad into a party, i.e. The No Call during rhe playoffs. Geaux Saints!

  69. An admin on a NOLA FB page I follow posted this:

    Good news about the Downman house on St. Charles Ave that burned recently. I heard it from a contractor involved that they are going to totally restore it to it's original condition.

    By saving the facade and other parts of the historical home and not totally demolishing the site, they are allowed government funds to assist in the multi-million dollar restoration since it is a historical registered house. The owners and insurance companies will pick up the majority of the cost though.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Check out 4717 St. Charles, New Orleans. The current owner, how he made his fortune and some of his more interesting business partners, his very interesting hotel encounter, his current wife...

  72. Good thing it was made of wood and not steel, otherwise it would have been a complete loss.

  73. The king of Comus toasts the king of Rex at his ball. The King of Rex returns the favor on his parade front of this house.

    What does that tell you?



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