Friday, March 22, 2019

Blind Item #11

This A+ list mostly movie actor is blaming the foreign born model/wannabe actress he calls a significant other for him not winning more big awards this past award season. He says she should have been more supportive of his massive over inflated ego.


  1. I’m withTricia13 on this

  2. They looked ridiculous trying to play off the couple thing. And Gaga too with her dude (not because BCoop with Gaga I’m pretty sureπŸ˜‰,but still. Bad acting lol

  3. He really is the asshole he played in Wedding Crashers.

  4. Huh? Isn't she just a beard? What did he smoke?

  5. Five or six posts in and no..

    Iron SharkπŸ”©πŸ¦ˆ do do Dee do do do...

    This place is slacks ng.

  6. I saw the movie this past weweekend--what a bore. ClichΓ©s one after the other. It made me long for the Streisand version...

    Babs and Kris Kristofferson at least had chemistry (how could you not, with him?), I didn't believe BCoop and Gaga as a couple at all

    Sam Elliott and the dog were the highlights

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  8. Wait, what?!? Yeah, no. Def not Irina’s fault you got snubbed dude.

  9. E, so glad someone finally agrees that it was way overrated. Maybe because I'm not a big music person, but the movie was 45 minutes too long.

    1. BayAreaGirl you are so right! An hour in I started looking at the time counter to see how much time was left to go

      Also, the foul language was over the top. Way too many f-bombs, which is lazy scriptwriting--no one talks like that. Plus my 80+ yr old mom is still dying to see it and she doesn't like that shit talk at all!

  10. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Absolute jerk. Personality of a wet gym towel.
    Could we please find some lovable A list actors like the old days?

  11. Brad blames a beard wife? HOW? WHY? She can maybe walk a red carpet with him, maintain a sham, etc but what else? She can't make the industry like him?

  12. It was a third time remake, get over it!
    @Megley you're on it. Dude has that coke personality- let me tell you how great I am. Reminds me of a in the closet star, was it in Swimming with Sharks? Bored famous guy who thinks everyone wants to hang out with him. It alluded to Travolta.
    @FlashVic Iron Shark, sugar baby shark.

    1. Fourth time, actually

  13. I don't even think he's that great as an actor, honestly.

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  15. I saw some of Bradley Cooper's interview with Oprah.

    Damn, did I ever need a vomit bucket!

    He was so kiss ass and trying to come across as sincere, deep, humble, and straight.


  16. I cannot comprehend how a person can watch the same movie four times in two days.

    I did see The Neverending Story a lot...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. See a more realistic movie would have been her character pushing his character off a building then assuming his persona to become a star because nobody cared about her talent when she was just boring and ugly.

  19. Brad and πŸ”©πŸ¦ˆ are such a horribly matched couple you'd almost believe they were legit if only she acted halfway attracted to him and he stopped leaning out of the closet whenever he thought people weren't looking. Don't mail order your beard next time bro, use a reputable bearding agency.

    1. Brayson I love it when you plug your agency. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Wait. THAT was bullying? Holy fuck I better never open my mouth again then. I'm doomed.

  22. @raven,I try not to judge people on their choice of entertainment,as long as nobody gets hurt! Too easy to target people, but a little overreacting. I've done that as well,just to get even with Xfinity,lol. But let's face it,Bradley is a much better actor on screen than his acting with Iron Shark. She was more convincing with Ronaldo.

  23. Are you and blindgossip on a mission to bore people to death?

  24. What happened to Ms.🦈 taking the baby and leaving the country?

  25. Bradley Cooper is NOT A+!!

    He had a big year, yes, but NOT A+.

    He is not the same level as Streisand, who was referred to as A+ just today.

    We need to get real with this ratings.

  26. ASIB was on the plane. Skimmed through to the part where he lures her onto stage with the song. Skimming because Coop really knows how to drag out scenes. BCoop should feel fortunate for any award for which he was nominated for that movie because it was all graciousness to him and GaGa.

  27. Bradley Cooper won 4 best actor awards for A Star is Born

    - Black Film Critics Circle
    - Dublin Film Critics Circle
    - Latino Entertainment Journalists Association
    - Washington DC Area Film Critics


  28. Bradley Cooper couldn't work with Mel Gibson but he worked with sex offender Mike Tyson

    1. The Bradley Cooper of Hangover was an on-the-sidelines player. He probably had to ask permission to pee.

      The ASIB Bradley made a shitload of money for whomever. Once you have power, THEN you can decide you don't want to be anywhere near Mel Gibson. Besides, who wants MG and his volcanic temper/nicest-guy-in- the-world bipolarity on a movie set you control? You can learn a lot about making interesting and cool movies from Mel. No doubt about that. But you are bound to pay with your mental health and peace of mind. It can't possibly be worth it.

    2. BCoop having to ask persmission to pee on set πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

  29. BC, even when he's trying to be laid back and humble, just comes off like a tightly coiled spring ready to pop. I haven't seen ASIB, and I think he's talented enough in other movies, but how about be grateful that first effort as writer/actor/director was well-received? It IS the fourth version of the story. To blame Sharky is absurd. What is she supposed to do, shake pompoms in the audience and cry every time he is praised? Maybe people have noticed how HE seems to make her look miserable every outing.
