Monday, March 04, 2019

Blind Item #10

For three days in a row, this A list dual threat actor who has multiple Emmy wins/nominations but surprisingly doesn't have any Oscar nominations was filming in a public place. There were fans watching and every time without fail he would walk back to his trailer, a fan would ask him for his autograph or photo and each time, no matter the age, sex or race he would tell them to "F**k off."


  1. James Franco?
    Filming The deuce

    1. Or did he get a nod for The film
      When he’s stuck on the mountain...

  2. There's a few more actors like Cranston and Michael J Fox who fit as well. And Kelsey Grammer too but can't see why he would get an Oscar nomination.

  3. Cranston got nominated for Trumbo, I believe

    1. I watched that movie recently. It was ok, not great. A little choppy. It could have been a lot better. Cranston was good. Louis CK pulled me out if it; he wasn’t that good.

  4. One minute Enty is bitching about Franco trying to fuck anyone within a 100 yards, and then the next he's bitching about him doing the exact opposite.

    For fucks sake pick a team and stick with it.

  5. Yes Jerkoff(oops mean James) Franco was nominated for 127 hours.

  6. Ouch.
    Is this Liev Schroeder?

  7. MJF??? U guys think so?? Noooo. Not him :-(..

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Jeff Daniels or John Goodman

  10. any actress or actor who treats fans like that are on my shit-list forever.

    your FANS are why you are where you are, asshole.



  11. Roseanne Star John Goodman Ignores Waiting Fans While Promoting Kevin Smith’s Red State! Douche!
    October 15, 2011

  12. Going to give it to Goodman

    CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — A new HBO series is being filmed at a mall in Charleston, South Carolina.

    The Post and Courier reported Saturday that “The Righteous Gemstones” is using the former Sears at Citadel Mall for production. The comedy show about a dysfunctional family of televangelists stars Danny McBride, John Goodman, Edi Patterson, and Adam DeVine.

  13. Why would Goodman have an Oscar nomination

  14. Douchebag, all he had to say was no.

  15. In public, celebrities don't owe you the time of day, fan or not. Now, if you're at a meet and greet or convention where they are being paid to interact with fans, then they should be attentive to their fans. For example, John Barrowman spent five minutes telling me a story while signing an autograph at a convention, but I wouldn't expect him to even wave to me if I saw him on the street.

  16. Goodman's done several films where he should have been nominated for an Oscar. He's a great character actor, and this is just disappointing.

    1. Yes, he was great as the dudes bagman/supplier.

  17. Celebrities don't owe anything, but unless the fans were being obnoxious it's pretty low class to spew "f*ck off" at everybody. It would be like yelling "f*ck off" at every homeless panhandler, and they're not even your fans. You don't know them or their stories. Maybe some of those fans took a day off to see the actor or drove from faraway, after years throwing down money on movie tickets and blu-rays/dvds featuring the actor. And how does the actor react, "F*ck off." All he had to do was what ever other sane person does, just wave and shake their head. I hope somebody got video and it becomes viral.

  18. Still better than those douchebags who are nice and courteous to pretty young girls and treat the older or not so attractive ones like shit.

  19. @truffle, you mean middle aged men 😉

  20. i get that they don't want to be bothered in public, or while working, etc. and not saying they "owe" fans anything, but they don't have to be assholes about it.

    i used to be the biggest Michael Jordan fan there ever was. my son's bedroom was all Jordan/Bulls stuff, blankets, sheets, trading cards, etc. i will never forget watching one of the documentaries on him/the Bulls and there was this scene where there were three (3) little boys holding pieces of paper and pens waiting outside whey they were leaving their hotel to get on a team bus. they were waiting for him, of course. i was absolutely stunned/appalled when he didn't even look at them, acknowledge them, NOTHING. it would have taken him 60 seconds to stop, say hi, smile at them .. SOMETHING. but no. just walked right by them as if they didn't even exist. the looks on their little faces, they were devastated.

    i lost a lot of respect for him after that.

  21. Alan Alda has at least one Oscar nom and I think two.

  22. It's one of those blinds where additional facts might swing the interpretation:
    Maybe he was trying to stay in character.
    Maybe the fans were being assholes.

  23. The set should be a fan-free zone.

  24. Jeff Daniels is one of the nicest people ever

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So is Goodman,can’t see it but??

  25. F*ck off for three days in a row, what great character actor is this? F*ck him, hope we get a reveal. Then everyone can tell him "f*ck off" every time they seem him. That is the type of interaction he prefers after all.

  26. Why? Because Goodman has plenty of nominations/wins by other film awards the past 10 years-Saturn, Satellite, Screen Actors Guild, Broadcast Film Critics,

  27. Well there is Bruce Willis, but it's hardly surprising he has no Oscar nominations.

  28. So what? It is his prerogative to interact or to not interact with fans... it would suck to be famous and have people wanting things from you everywhere you go....

  29. I have the feeling Barrowman would stop and talk to anyone who was positive.

  30. Neither Bryan Cranston or Michael J. Fox would curse out fans like that. Not their personalities at all.

  31. Barrowman is beloved by one and all. If you ever reach the end of a rainbow you will find John Barrowman waiting with a smile.

  32. Doubt it's Goodman.I Met him in Chicago while he was filming that Babe Ruth movie. The trailers for the cast where in front of the bar we were at. Goodman walks by we give him a shout and he comes in and drinks a bud and a shot of jack and bummed a smoke off of me. He was great!

  33. Well, as we say in South Carolina, "well bless his heart."

  34. My favorite thing to do when I meet a celebrity is to inform them who they are in a really excited fashion. Every time. Like a giant grinning moron. 😆


  35. absoluteyl disgusting what Bryan Cranston said about Eddie Redmayne wife

  36. i thought maybe christian slater filming mr robot right now in nyc, BUT by many accounts he is supposed to be REALLY kind, like had a revelation in personality post-drug addiction/arrests and issues with his father and became a better its probably not him

  37. My former TV husband Bryan Cranston would NEVER do this.

  38. I think it is Goodman. I read something about him ignoring fans.

  39. James Spader can be less than charming

  40. Not Baldwin - Oscar nominated for The Cooler.

    Not Cranston - Oscar nominated for Trumbo.

  41. Fnchristopher-- i am completely shocked to realize he wasnt nominated for Walter in The Big Lebowski

  42. Goodman at a bar is not the same as Goodman going to his trailer. Jamie Lee Curtis is notorious for fake charm

  43. James Spader is a private person. However, he is not that rude.

  44. I love John Goodman as an actor, but Ive seen interviews where he can be a bit surly. No need to curse at people, just walk by. Maybe he is not enjoying whatever project he is working on, or as someone suggested, the fans are yelling unfriendly comments. I do sympathize with celebs when theyve got people seeking autographs who clearly just intend to sell them.

  45. Sorry but celebrities don't owe fans anything. They make a product that entertains you, and you pay them for that product nothing more. I will never understand why fans feel they are entitled to insert themselves into a celebrity's private life.

  46. I've met celebriti4es, and I've waited to meet celebrities. Whether they stopped to chat or not, I realized they are doing a JOB, and any little thing they give fans is a treat. No, celebs don't owe the world their lives. That said, I've met Rock Stars, and they're more eastyoging than movie stars. I wouldn't wait a hot minute for a movie star.

  47. @raven. Michael Jordan signed an autograph for my son when he was around 10 at an event. He had a scowl on his face but he did sign. Surprisingly Dan Marino didn’t give the kids the time of day, was rude as hell. Charles Barkley signed a basketball for my son and did it with a smile on his face. Franco Harris same. Very nice. Lynn Swann, rude as hell.

  48. Barry Bonds, rude as hell. Jim Thome, classiest guy ever. Would hold up the team bus and sign for every kid waiting with a smile. Also always had a suit on. Nomad Gaspiorro, very very nice til an obnoxious twenty something told him he was a has been and they were only there to see his wife. He looked like he was about to cry and quietly turned and left. His wife admonished the fan and said he takes it to heart. She was also very nice, forget her name now. A tennis player I think.

  49. Oops Mia Hamm. Not a tennis player lol. My bad.

  50. Anonymous5:26 AM

    It's Goodman.

  51. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Most baseball guys are very good to fans.
    My step dad worked in PR for minor leagues. I tagged along with him sometimes.
    No matter how the game went they were always wonderful to fans.
    It really taught me how to put on a smile when you don't feel like it.
    We met Cal Ripken Jr and his brother (also a player /cant remember first name) They were so nice to me.
    If you can't be nice, just wave and keep walking.

  52. @daryl. Wow Cal Ripken Jr, how cool! We met Ben Stiller when he was filming a movie here, surprised at all the nasty comments about him, he couldn’t have been nicer and spent a goood half hour taking to us.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. If I see someone famous I don't say anything. Some people can think of something clever to say in a moment's notice. The only famous people I actually met were OJ and his wife because we were introduced in Venice Beach.

    As someone who values privacy I cannot barge into someone else's space.



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