Monday, March 11, 2019

Blind Item #10

This A- list mostly movie actor was out with his girlfriend just long enough to let the paps get their shots, and then he packed it up. The whole thing is just about rehabilitating his image.


  1. I was thinking the same thing Sandy. He and his gf are in the DM today.

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    james franco

  3. Being in the DM is usually a dead giveaway. Haven't peeked over there today.

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I read the saddest story about a little girl that was found alone in an apt because her mom left her for days. it was DISGUSTING.

  5. Roaches were in that apartment and the mother needs to be locked up for good.
    Franco was on the news feed today, with some young lady

  6. At least there's a food video on the right screen, instead of that disgusting ad with the wire clearning out dirty drains.
