Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Your Turn

Do you think there will still be people on Earth when the Sun destroys it?


  1. People who don’t know the difference between “burro” and “burrow” don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground

  2. I dont know about people, but The Simpsons will still be on air!

  3. I think the sun will have killed them all first before it destroys the earth.

  4. Maybe not, as the radiation coming through the atmosphere will have gotten to a point where Earth might be hard to live on. That is one reason why Earth's switching polarities is such a big deal, it will increase the radiation levels coming through from the sun.

  5. Uh oh, this comment string could get out of hand quickly.

  6. I’m not sure! But it reminds me of the episode of “Night Gallery” where the kid can see the next day and the last day he says that the following day is going to be a new era where everything is wonderful and everyone will get along. But in actuality, the sun explodes. So 🤷🏼‍♀️

  7. Not a chance.

  8. @Sandybrook: Nailed it.

  9. Also, no. We would have evolved/devolved into something else by then.

  10. I think people will destroy the earth before the sun will.

  11. I think everyone will be destroyed, except maybe Cher (and cockroaches.)

  12. +1 HeatherBee. Humans are doing an incredible job of destroying their own species and Mother Earth at the same time.

  13. I'd imagine complete extinction will take some work. But I'd be shocked to learn there are a billion people alive in 200 years.

  14. Our big yellow dwarf should still be hanging in the sky another 5 billion years.

    Best guess is the 7 minutes and 33 seconds between the emission of the last radiation burst from the surface into our outermost stratosphere, what is left of any Earth dwellers or fauna will fry to a crisp before dissolving into dust.

    So, in 5 billion years, will there be sentient human-like beings? I don't believe humankind as we know it, can last that long.

  15. Nice little mid-week pick-me-up of a topic, Enty!

    No scientific reasoning, but we'll be gone already.

  16. Actually the sun is a light an it is white now -no longer yellow.

    1. Alf, I figured that was from all of the spraying/chemtrails or whatever the hell they are doing now.

  17. I say yes because AOC says the world is going to like end in 12 years and stuff. If that's true, and it must be if AOC says so, then people will like totally still be here but being killed off by cow farts.

    1. If brains were beans, AOC wouldnt be able to muster up a decent fart.

  18. No. We will all die off or evolve i to new critters because of Yellowstone or an asteroid hit, long before the sun reaches us. Human existence is a blip in the history of life on earth, much less the history of the earth & solarsystem.

  19. That's a few million years away. Man made eco-genocide a few decades. It's 20c in Feburary here in the middle of England, we are f***ed. There is a reason all those billionaires are buying property in New Zealand.

  20. The heavens and earth shall pass away. And the reasons the rich buy up NZ is for reasons that concern me way more than climate change.

    1. Yes I also wonder why they are buying NZ land. I believe they are also buying it in South America. Paraguay maybe?

  21. That doesn't bother me because the excessive CO-2 (Carbon Dioxide) gas will destroy the plant first!

  22. Yes, if we can bin the deep state. Will have 200 billion "people" watching the red giant sun from the outer solar system.


    "A US family who chooses to have one fewer child would provide the same level of emissions reductions as 684 teenagers who choose to adopt comprehensive recycling for the rest of their lives”

    And the funny thing is, once people have kids, they ignore them and let the cell phone do all the parenting!

  24. The sun will have already fried most living things on the surface (4.5 billion years) long before it engulfs the planet (7.5 billion years), this is scientific fact. Now there may be people still living below the surface when the planet is destroyed. Religious reasons, inability to leave orbit, etc.

    It's so far in the future that humans currently now would look like dinosaurs to whatever intelligent life exists at that point. At least AI will get off this rock, maybe they'll find us a new home since most biological bodies are not built for space exploration. So be kind to Alexa and Siri ;)

  25. I would say near term..economic collapse...further down road...fossil fuel depletion (gas/oil/coal)... throw in possible nuclear war///disease///famine... then we have supervolcanoes, solar flares, space rocks..the Earth has a long history of glaciation..i doubt what we are doing will stop that...every 41,000 or 100,000 years.. No way will the Earth keep up its current population long term..if we could get it down to a half billion or less..might be able to ride it out for some time..

  26. We will not look like humans then, we will have evolved into something else

  27. @Groggy


  28. So glad I did not have kids.

  29. @J well now I feel better about not being able to have kids. To think my family lineage goes back millions of years and I'm ending it all by myself (only child).

  30. I'm ending mine too. But we're not really such a big deal. The earth will manage without my kids just fine. And I get to live large during, basically, peak everything. No regrets.

  31. AOC has this solved: She is going to install a "dimmer" switch on the sun. True story.
    Is anybody THAT dumb on purpose?

  32. I am counting the days until AOC's presidential run, it will be epic! :)

  33. The only peak is peak hyperbole, thanks grants for scares brought to you by the ridiculous MSM.

  34. I'm betting on a Supernova in our galactic neighborhood going off first. Everything less than dust, in a millisecond.

  35. Yeah Sarton.

    Compelling point-by-point rebuttal.

  36. If humans stop breeding, we will eventually die out. This may be the plan long before the sun starts to expand and destroys all life on Earth.

  37. That's like 5 BILLION years from now. Odds are a stray asteroid will do the job first, if we don't manage to off ourselves in the meantime.

  38. I'm sure Congress will be holding hearings trying to blame Trump for it.

  39. I find it wonderful that the people who think man is causing global warming are not going to reproduce. To clear that much stupid out of future generations w/o having to build death camps for tards will conserve lots of resources. Between the DNA from them and the anti-vaxxers disappearing, my grand children will live in a nice country.

    1. Lol well look there. I AGREE with this statement hahaha

    2. I dont think i ever called you stupid, Rosie, just sexist and rapist.

    3. sexist? Well I DO believe women are the more advanced, superior species.
      Have I said that out loud? Hmm
      Well it's true.
      But rapist.. are you in a meth haze or is that real time actual memory?
      And was it your memory? Because I don't recall....

    4. Plying college girls with drugs, then getting in their panties while they are high and unable to consent is rape.

    5. Ewwww college girls? Uhhh yuck.. I've not paid Any attention to college age since I was the same...and PLYING lol well that shows how little you truly know of real women- we not talking paid prostitutes here, so maybe it's outside the scope you understand?
      Anyway. I thought that was hyperbole, like me screaming you have a tiny penis but you were for real? Hmm..interesting.
      I guess, does that mean you REALLY have a tiny penis too??

    6. In the past you admitted on here to selling girls weed, and how getting high with them got you in their panties.

      My prick is very small, which i am fine with. Increases my chances of a broad letting me violate her ballon knot

  40. Way to feed the fire, Enty.

  41. Global warming can stop today and we're still overpopulating species-suicidally.

    And don't insult people who grasp very very very basic math with by comparing them to moronic antivaxxers.

    1. Simple math shows the earth has been warming since the end of the mini ice age, which preceded large scale industrialization. The sole purpose of the man made global warming myth is hysteria made profits.

      From the graphs i have seen, the Earth isnt as hot as during the Medieval Warm Period nor the Roman Climate Optimum. King Arthur and Caesar were probably doing lots of joy riding in their diesel trucks to create such warm periods.

  42. @J, What's your solution to unfavorable population growth?
    Offspring limits, forced birth control, forced abortions, a new religion decreeing the best number of offspring? Or go the other way, mandatory decreased lifespans enforced with euthanasia, increased use of the death penalty for even minor infractions, etc? Good luck enforcing any of that. I imagine if population ever becomes a real issue they'll just unleash plagues to decrease the population to a predetermined optimum number, call it nature, climate change or an act of God, no one to blame.

  43. No solution, Brayson. What's the solution to lemmings diving off a cliff? People gonna do what they're gonna do.

    1. Compelling. Minus the point-by-point

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Oh no, J, you've brought up overpopulation too many times not to have some ideas bouncing around. 😅
    Could always drug the population, some sort of euphoric that decreases births or sex drives. 🤔

  46. Nope. I just make sure I have wine, everything else will sort itself out.

  47. It's not the sun, it's the geoengineering, pollution and deforestation. They could stop all that but they are psychotic morons.

  48. Once every one is transsexual the human race will survive what ever an exploding sun has to give.

  49. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Yes. We will continue to adapt to the changes in environment.
    As long as there's water,oxygen, and a natural food source, some kind of beings will be here.
    But, we won't resemble what you see today.

  50. 5 billion years from now there will be no humans as we know them , they wil have evolved into something else entirely provided we live long enough to evolve. We are just on the brink of global suicide right now anyway

    That said the PR machine pushing CO2 suicide only has it half right, purposely ignoring the largest elephant in the room 'the Earths radiation imbalance' to see the real reason climate change is acceleration faster than at any other point in earth history over the past 50 years. They may talk us into giving up fossil fuels and meat but they will never put the wifi/cell phone genie back in the bottle.

  51. You're asking me to think here? I need to be two, preferably three sheets to the wind before my toe is even dipped in as a commenter.
    I did laugh out loud at the question. My progeny will survive better than most and as the times proscribe.
    Define human. Read George Orwell. It takes all I have to make it through today.
    Some thoughtful posts from others here...

  52. @Brayson: Reading a lot of CDAN posts, especially those about pedophiles, definitely decreases my sex drive (especially on days where the blinds are all negative.) I always feel as though I need a shower. A perfect solution for overpopulation.

  53. I hope so, we live on a planet with nothing but dickhole people.

  54. I'm sure the Kardashians will still be around

  55. Good thing you don't give a fuck about your kid in the first place, Rosie. Otherwise the situation might bring you down.

  56. Simple math isn't about warming, Count. It's about exponential population growth. Malthus will be right, sooner or later, and long before the sun expands.

    1. Well, first thing we need to do to stem population growth is stop sending humanitarian aid to foreign countries. Them people are starving for a reason, and should be allowed to die down to a sustainable # for the land they live on. Feeding them so they can sit around all day and produce more starving people is only beneficial to companies who write off their donation of super bowl loser t-shirts.

      Next we need to cross our fingers that central Asia erupts in a war. No way India and Pakistan start fighting and China dont see it as an opportunity to push the disputed borders in the region. 500million dead in the region would be a good start.

      Finally, bring the internet to everyone. When the only entertainment ya got is fuckin, yer gonna produce lots of offspring.

  57. But ...but .... weren't we all hysterically ranted at, after Tump won the election, that he'd be death of everyone, and everything, and the catalyst to nuclear holocaust?
