Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Your Turn

Is there a drug, other than pot or booze you would be willing to try?


  1. I'd be willing to give Coke a go.

  2. Why? You holdin'? What you got?

  3. Nope, I tried come once several years ago didn't go well, Never again. But painkillers might be upcoming soon.

  4. Clean and sober 27 years. Tried most of them. Never again.

  5. nothin wrong with a little nose candy. too old at this point for x-tacy...

  6. Not saying a word, someone had a very funny typo 😂

  7. I've always wanted to try LSD under scientific conditions, like the woman in that video from the 50s.

  8. I think "try" insinuates a drug you haven't used before.

  9. Hell no. I did it all in my teens.

    Meth - DONT JUDGE

    NEVER AGAIN - Except weed

  10. Nice try, Officer Notacop.

  11. Yup it was my spelchek... *Coke* and it just tried to do it again. This keyboard is a pain in one way but no choice, the replacement was missing a comma key, so stuck with a Google keyboard.

    1. Oh, whoops. Mine was spelcheck too

  12. When I'm geezing in hospice I fully intend to try every type of drug available, because why not? I would avoid the ones that give you the sh!ts though, that just doesn't seem fun.

  13. Damn Sandy. That's some admission.

  14. @Natalie, I'm going to use magic to guess your favorite drug was...Acid ;)

  15. there are treatments in the FDA approval pipeline for depression, PTSD, etc - microdosing under medical supervision or nasal ketamine protein based sprays. they are finally realizing tiny doses of 'narcotics' can help rewire the tangles in your brain

    Im down to try. they say the nasal spray could be approved on march 4th - it, along with microdosing MDMA and pyscobiln (active protein in 'magic mushrooms') have been declared 'breakthrough status' which is essentially the medical equivalent of getting in front of the line bc lives could be saved

    1. I have read about this. I would definitely try the ketamine for my depression.

  16. Autocorrect has a sense of humor.

  17. COME?! That's a drug now/! I was just talking about doing shrooms a few years ago. I found the HUGEST shroom I ever saw and we kept it in honey and used it to sweeten tea for a couple of years. Because I found it myself and we lived on a farm, it was all very groovy. I wish I could share a pic of it. It was like a spaceship. The purple and gold just glowing! The size of the top of a coffee can.

    I guess what we were doing via the honey was micro dosing but no one called it that then.

    LSD tells you when you've gone ONE TIME too many - I got that message in the 80s. I like beer and weed now. I didn't even drink for 23 years but when I hit 50 I was like FUCK it .. give me a Guinness

  18. Flashy Vic doesn't think so @guesser.

  19. I have tried almost all of them except the designer drugs. They made their appearance after I was done with everything but pot and booze. I partied like a rock star and loved every minute of it. Then came kids. Hey they are grown now maybe I should revisit haha.

  20. Anyway come is supposed to be good for your complexion👍😁

  21. Anonymous10:15 AM

    definitely not. I'm too scared I would have a panic attack.

  22. Anonymous10:16 AM

    lmfao "officer not a cop"

  23. No drug I want to try.. I don’t want to get addicted to nothing..

  24. @Brayson87 Actually no. I was just that stupid to do it more than once. My fav is weed.

  25. Sandy -living in constant pain is a horrible way to live. Even if we've had differences I'm sorry to hear this and wish you well.

  26. Not yet Chris, hopefully I won't be needing any..

    1. Fingers crossed! I sincerely hope it works out well for you.

  27. The other night my husband suggested we do coke together sometime. We're in our late 30's and each did our fair share of drugs in our 20's. Knowing how volatile things used to get when we drank too much together, throwing coke into the mix would be a disaster. We're too old for black eyes and chafed genitals.

  28. Beer is food, not a crutch. I'm going out like Aldous Huxley. He was tripping on acid on his death bed. The problem was, he'd have flashbacks years after he'd died.

  29. NOPE!

    I did all the drugs I wanted to try in the 70's -- when the drugs were real drugs NOT cut with toxic additives.

  30. Already had pain killers when i broke my leg. And it was the only way to sleep. Adderall maybe. Already done everything except Heroin and LSD. Too scared to do. See Art Linkletters daughter

  31. DMT - I'd try the 'heroic dose' I can't help but wonder if it is as life changing as I hear.

  32. I'm actually judged for NOT ever doing drugs and have never been drunk. Friends can't believe it. Interesting it's always the younger ones (20s) that seem to have a problem with it.

  33. I have never tried pot.

    Its not that I'm some sort of high and mighty moralist as I used to take too many mushrooms and dabbled in a bit of speed and acid. But pot wasn't that available when I was growing up. You could get it but you had to make the effort and I'm a lazy cunt who has never smoked so I gave it a pass.

    I moved away for a decade or so and when I moved back in the early 90s people were openly smoking it in bars and clubs (at least in the town I live). The change was astounding but due to me being a non smoker, it still didn't appeal.

    Then after about a year or so the cops came down really hard and the openess vanished practically overnight.

    I haven't taken anything vaguely narcotic in about 30 years.

  34. Anonymous12:09 PM

    @MountainMama same here. I've done everything I wanted to do. I swore when I was old and sitting in a rocking chair I would have a permanent smile on my face remembering the good times. Now that I'm done with a career that did random drug testing maybe it's time to revisit my youth. Certainly helps make growing old gracefully take on a new meaning.

  35. If Heroin wasn't addictive and deadly, I'd try it. Just to experience the allure and find out what made half of my family hooked on it. Or if an asteroid was coming right at me and I had a few minutes to prepare... why not?

  36. If you try edibles, GO SLOW! Small amount, then wait 30-60 minutes to see where you're at, then repeat. I ate 3 small cookies a couple years ago (I'm 64 now) all at once. Ended up in a full blown panic attack, thinking (knowing!!) for sure I was about to die.

    I alternated between calling/begging my son to come over *NOW!* and dialing 9-1- and then stopping. I was 10000% positive I was dying, having a heart attack or something very serious. I literally couldn't move off the sofa. Sat there and stared at nothing for hours.

    What an idiot I was to have embarrassed myself in front of my son like that. Of course it's funny now, but I really was sure I was taking my last breaths on Earth.

  37. I did everything. I loved everything excepts downers.

  38. Weed, meth, lsd, & shrooms have all been good to me. Finally tried coke a few years ago, when meth was unavailable, and i hated it. Sniffles & racing heart arent a fun time.

    I would try extacy, even have 4 pills that i acquired long ago, but i havent had a safe opportunity & broad to try it with. After a bad experience w/ a broad who lied to me and told me she had done shrooms before, i dont trip w/ first timers.

    My plan if i ever get diagnosed with something terminal is to cash out my assets, give my kid 90%, and use 10% to try heroin, hopefully leading to addiction and OD. I wouldnt try it w/ viable productive years ahead though.

  39. Tried most drugs (other than meth and heroin) to try to feel weird in my younger days.

    Now, in my older days the only drugs I do are the ones that make me feel normal.

  40. Did everything available in the ‘70’s except heroin. I watched two girlfriends shoot up for the first time. They passed out and I figured I better keep an eye on them. My drugs of choice were Quaaludes, Seconal, Phenobarbital and acid. I liked to get down, not go fast. I dropped acid for six months straight and literally felt my brain fry. I know I dropped IQ points. I haven’t touched anything except for a little crank in the early 80’s to drink all night. I had kids and everything stopped. Now, it’s a little day drinking at the hub’s neighborhood bar maybe once or twice a month and on and off with my nicotine.

  41. Ecstacy. But I mainly do weed. Lots of alcohol in my 20s. Last year I went on a massive weed trip for a couple of days cause I had marital problems. Needed some time off after months of stress. It was soooo much fun. Just so liberating. Then the husband said he wanted to give marriage another go. I think the weed made me relax? Lol.

  42. mushrooms
    and some little seeds you had to take on a empty stomach or vomiting would occur. got to see cool stuff on those seeds that were sold legally in alternative bookstores.

    1. Rabbit: morning glory seeds. Never taken them, love the flowers.

  43. Penicillin.

    I tried snorting Coke once and nearly drowned plus the bubbles burned my nose.

  44. Would LOVE to try LSD or ayahuasca for a mind-opening experience. So much more to "reality" than we're able to see or comprehend.

  45. No. I've done a lot of stuff (LOVED LSD!) but wouldn't do any of it now. I do smoke weed regularly. I am curious about Ecstasy, but nope, nope, nope. Too old to be fucked up, and I've got kids now.

  46. I have never done and would NEVER do any kind of drugs. EVER.

  47. I wish that I could try heroin once but won’t ever do it because there’s no such thing as ‘once’ when you’re talking about heroin.

    Would like to try Ecstasy but too fearful. I drink about a gallon of water every day, and drinking too much when you’re doing Ecstasy can kill you.

  48. I don't need to stick my hand in the fire to know you'll get burned. Obviously there are 10's of millions out there who never leart that lesson .

  49. I'd give DMT a run...

  50. nope .. those days are long gone.I used to be what was called "the test pilot" so if i got high and didnt die the purchase was made. as long as it didnt involved needles, hate needles, always have,they make my skin crawl. Now i'm happy with a couple of bong rips and some good scotch

  51. oh lord, no more hallucinogenics. Tried kratom last month and the effect was OK, but the downside was very unpleasant.
    if ketamine is indeed (what did we call it? PCP.) a cure or tonic for depression, I'm on board.

  52. I’ve always wanted to smoke opium in an honest-to-god opium den. Oh, and try ecstasy (but it’d have to be with the exact right person). I love that marijuana edibles are legal now. There’s this kind of chewy candy with 10 mg (?) of THC in each. I wash my face, brush my teeth, eat 2 of those .... after about 45 minutes, I’m loose as a goose & laughing at everything for a couple hours, plus I get a great night’s sleep.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Whatever you do don't try your mentally handicapped kid brother's Mellaril.

    See. You'll end up making numerous typos as an adult and will delete comments like a madman.

  55. DMT and Ayahuasca are all I have left to try. You can order Mad Honey online. I suggest Hamilton's Pharmacopeia for everyone on here. It's put out by Vice, the host is very intelligent and was close friends with Shulgin-he wrote Tihkal and Pihkal- he was also the second biggest psychonaut to live. If you have access to mushrooms look up Blue Honey, I was going to write the recipe but I don't want to advertise. I have done everything I knew I could walk away from. Everyone knows meth is about as smart as trying to box Mike Tyson. I'm terminal, using psychedelics has helped my end of life anxiety. I have never been happier. I'm also on a metric fuckton of pain killers prescribed to "keep me comfortable" I don't over do it because after all the conversions I take 300mg of morphine in 24 hours every day. I used to have terrible depression and anxiety I have spinal stenosis and pain is the most sobering substance known to man, its also suicide fuel. McKenna's heroic dosage guidelines saved me. I wish we had easier access to this stuff. You have no idea how much a good trip can help you or a loved one get over your existential bullshit. I was told three years is all I would have five years ago. So it's safe to say I am ready. Please check out Hamilton's Pharmacopeia, he takes you through the process, eventually being guided on trips with Shamans. The toad episode was intense. They just completed a study with survivors of NDE's and found k-holes are basically the same experience. The strangest thing I've ever heard of was DMT trips always being the same for everyone. It's like opening a door, or pulling back the curtains between here and wherever that place is. Terrence McKenna and Alexander Shulgin are worth listening to describe their experiences. Can you imagine being the first person to try a certain chemical and get stuck with it for a day sometimes three, knowing nobody has ever been this far before. It's amazing how strong we can be mentally. Life is beautiful and time is good for a limited time only.

  56. Heroin. But only a teeny, tiny pithy little bit and that's it. They said it works

  57. James- I am saddened to read this! Thank you for sharing your humor and knowledge with us, as well as your perspective on life. Good luck to you, and keep doing it on your terms!

  58. I wish I would have tried coke when I was younger. I wish I would have tried some other activities too. But that boat has sailed.
