Thursday, February 21, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Blackmailed Model

This foreign born model is probably at best B list. The only reason she is that high is because of the reality shows she has appeared on here and her home country and in Asian countries too. If you are a fan of the genre, you know her and probably think she is A list. If you are not a fan of the genre, you have no clue who she is. Anyway, while in Asia she got involved with some men who were paying her for her time. This led to more frequent yachting trips there and also she developed a huge heroin addiction. She snorts it rather than inject it because these guys don't want to pay for someone with track marks all over their body. Anyway, one of the country she frequents the most and has appeared on television there the most is a country with a dictator who has a harsh way of dealing with people who use and sell drugs. Not for her though. He saw her on some show similar to all the others she has been on all over the world and they started hooking up. He even provides her drug of choice whenever she is with him. The thing is though, he doesn't really pay for her services. She says it is more of a blackmail thing now. He implies he could have her arrested for drug crimes. He also makes her stay for longer periods of time which has cut into her paid appearances as a celebrity and yachter. This week she was here in the US and was telling everyone she won't be going back there even though it will cost her some big promotional appearance money. She just can't stomach being with him any longer.


  1. Rodrigo Duterte of the Phillipines for the despot

  2. Well, it's better than being an icky accountant or housepainter or pharmacist or any regular job. AS IF!

  3. Guess everyone's "not a fan of the genre"...

  4. What genre does ANTM fit into, if not "reality show?" It's not a game show, or a makeover show, either. I wonder if "The Face" is considered reality? How stupid to get into Heroin, and how sad, though.

  5. Maggie Wilson?
    MTV Asia
    Philippines next top model
    Amazing race Asia
    Tons of Philippine TV
    Born in Philippines but raised in Saudi Arabia...

    1. Maggie is gorgeous! Hope she can get away from that monster.

  6. Never mind she’s married with children.

  7. Is Enty keeping the good stuff for his podcasts?😕 There are a lot of old and new gossip stories to be told, or made up. Something like this won't draw any traffic. Is the burned down mansion the house in New Orleans?

  8. Catriona Gray-- miss universe? that could.. maybe fit?

    1. Can't be, she just returned to the Philippines yesterday/2 days ago.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The leader of the PI is not a dictator. If not NK then somewhere in central Asia. I think even Myanmar is no longer a dictatorship.

  11. Idk I for some reason thought of Karen Mulder but she’s probably pretty old by now.

  12. A List, B List - Shit, I have never heard of half of them.

  13. I was thinking Bai Ling, but I suspect I'm waaaay off.

  14. Bai Ling gets enough work in Hollywood alone to keep her afloat in her yachting life.

  15. Duterte and Michela Cazzola

  16. robert said " the leader of the PI isn't a dictator..." Seriously?? He murders people with impunity. What do you call that?

    1. In the era of alternative facts and new definitions, perhaps Dutarte is a "freedom fighter". Let me run it by Kellyanne. She'll know.

  17. I call it “proactive” 🤷🏼‍♀️

  18. Being married is not necessarily incompatible with this blind.

  19. God astra, do you just speak to shock or do you stand behind your words? Just curious.

  20. Duterte will not be a dictator until he fixes the election in 2022. FDR had a lot of power, clung on to power for twice as many terms as any previous President (and may have tried for more had he not died in office) all the while espousing "I do as I deem right" as his way of running the country but was never called a dictator.

  21. ooooh @guesser. good call @new orleans house that burned down! did not even think about that. i am from around there, and lived in nola for 10 years and have never heard of a st. charles mansion burning to the ground like that. not that it hasn't happened, but i've never heard or seen it. i know things burn down, but ...interesting thought you had there.

  22. @Patty white,I want to give credit where due. I got a new comment alert that was apparently left on one of the original blinds. Not easy to get back to it on my phone though. I think Enty is holding back on something, he usually would rip from the headlines something like this. Will credit if I can find it!
