Friday, February 01, 2019

Four For Friday - A+ List Predators

There has been a lot of talk, rightfully so, about Bryan Singer and his raping of teen boys. I think we would be remiss if we choose to sweep under the rug two other rapists just because we put them on a pedestal. One of these rapists is A+ list. Mostly movie actor. Do we ever talk about how when he was in his mid twenties he was raping a 15 year old on a daily basis? We just think the Oscar winner/nominee is just this wonderful guy and ignore his past because then it would make us confront what we are willing to deem acceptable. Even worse is this former A list mostly movie actor who was the star of one of the biggest movie franchises that has existed. It continues to this day, even without him. Should we ignore him raping a 16 year old teen on an almost daily basis when he was nearing 30? Oh, how about when he was in his early 30's and started raping a different 16 year old. Just because they stayed together until after she was legal doesn't make it any more right. Do we call him out on it? No. Do we call the A+ lister out on his behavior? No. Why? What makes us willing to give them a pass? What makes us willing to say it is different. Are we going to make excuses or is everyone going to be held to the same standard? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Harrison Ford for former A list.

  2. Jackman and Mark Hamill?

    1. Both good guesses but I think it’s Hamill and maybe Tom Hanks:(((

  3. Nicholson for the A+

  4. Tom Hanks for A+ it sounds like someone with a good guy rep

  5. Denzel is also seen as a great guy

    1. Thought maybe him too but he garnered an a hole rep a bit with the MeToo stuff. Could be ,but don’t know.
      Matty M has a great reputation as well

    2. I think to the CDAN family they are gross but to the general public I think they seem like good guys.

    3. Most likely true

  6. Why not reveal it if you want them to be called out?

  7. +3 MD
    Enty seems feisty today.

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Can’t be Hamill - it says the franchise continues to this day, even without him, but he’s still very much involved in the sequel trilogy.
    My first thought was actually Hugh Jackman; Oscar nom for les Mia, part of comments but has now left wolverine behind.

  9. " I think we would be remiss if we choose to sweep under the rug two other rapists just because we put them on a pedestal. One of these rapists is A+ list. Mostly movie actor. Do we ever talk about how when he was in his mid twenties he was raping a 15 year old on a daily basis? "

    i don't get this what does this mean? I mean...what GA or CDAN commenters know about these people? Why prople sshould comment on things never said, not even under the disguise of blind gossips?

    i mean...i might understand if the wording was" how would people react if they knew about this or that other actor " etc, but, in this form?

  10. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Jesus Christ, I don’t know what was going on with my autocorrect there;
    *Les Mis

  11. Paul Walker was dating a 16 year old and no one said anything. They stayed together after she became "legal". He's now been lionized by the media as the most wonderful guy and god forbid anyone say anything bad about him.

    1. I like this guess but just don’t want to admit fast and furious as one of the biggest movie franchises ever

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      This guess is BRILLIANT

    3. +1, he was my guess, too!

    4. +1. Lots of theories about this guy faking his death replete with pics. Tin-foilers been busy.

  12. Cant be Hamil becuase I have never heard of him and he is A-list??

    1. He gets former A list because of OG Star Wars. Can't be him because he is still part of franchise.

    2. It isn’t Hamill he never dated any teens. He’s been married to the same woman 40 years. My guess is Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp.

    3. Lule Skywalker been married to the same broad for 40yrs? He deserves a teen as a reward.

  13. Could the second one be one of the James Bond actors---Sean Connery, Timothy Dalton, or Pierce Brosnan?

  14. Why do they play and sell Michael Jackson records?

    Creepy as they come, and people act as though he was a god.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Fast and Furious is on it's 8th movie, with two more reportedly in production. It's one of, if not the largest, franchise for Universal Studios. I think Paul Walker is a good fit for the former A-list actor... mainly because I don't want to think that Michael J. Fox could fit into this in any way, shape, or form...

    1. Walker dated a 16 year old when he was in his mid 20s. That's on Record

  17. Natalie-- Really? You've never heard of Mark Hamill? How about if I identify him by his iconic role... of LUKE FREAKING SKYWALKER.

    Hamill could fit, tbh. I don't want to spoil anyone, but didn't he die in the last Star Wars film? I don't know. I didn't watch it.

    1. How does Hamill fit he’s been married to the same woman since 1978 and there is zero history of him dating any under age girls that I can find. He was in his early 20s when he got married and a fresh name in HW. The way this is written is that the dating history is well known and out in the open, like Seinfeld, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, all dudes who openly dated teens while in their 20s and 30s.

  18. It's not Hamill - but I like the Walker guess. And I agree with Yep - the thing that let's them get away with it is the same thing that makes this a blind. Probably fear.

  19. +2 Walker

  20. Tom Hanks??? Hugh Jackman??? bad guys? i've been reading that here lately but i don't understand why?


  21. Not Mark Hamill
    he married his wife in 1978 and is only 4 years older than her
    Born 1951, wife born 1955
    when he married - he was 27, she was 23

  22. Paul Walker for the former- been written about a lot:

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  24. I don't think the second one is Paul Walker. The last five sentences imply that both actors are still alive. Why would need to call Paul Walker since he is dead?

  25. I meant to say "Why would need to call out Paul Walker since he is dead?"

  26. Look at Hanks' kid.

    Something's not right in that home.

  27. Sounds like statutory rape, not rape rape.

    Was 16 the age of consent in the place they were banging?

    Anyway, Lou Gosset Jr and Ah-nold.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I was thinking the same thing. There needs to be clarification is some blinds

  28. Paul Walker is the second actor. The age of consent is 16 most places, not California. Please do not use statutory rape interchangeably with rape, or with children under 14. This is used to defend more serious predators. We don't approve of what they did,but they are often going by the law. I bet you will find hundreds of examples like this. And where did the Dustin Hoffman story disappear to? Those girls were around 14.

    1. I totally agree. I wish we could designate a new word for statutory rape. Leave the rape word for forced acts of sexual violence. Use something else when you have, say, a 17 year old having consensual sex with a 25 year old. Still wrong, just want a better classification.

  29. Robert Deniro?

    and I am give a +15 to Paul Walker for the former A lister with two 16 year old victim/girlfriends

  30. Ok, Enty. It's time you got off that high horse you're on and stop proselytizing about foax we don't have a clue about. And, if I may, I will just turn all of this shit back on you. If you know about all of these alleged bad acts, then what are YOU doing about it, beyond writing it up in an anonymous blind item? Knowledge is power, dude. Use it for good. TBH, I visit here more for the comments/commenters than your mostly bullshit blinds. We can't be complicit about shit we don't know about. You talk about this shit in such a condescending, self-righteous manner that is, frankly, off-putting if not grandiose. You paint everything in the most obvious black-or-white context without even conceding that life is messy and scandalous and creepy and way more complicated than you would like it to be. THat's not how any of this works.
    And now, I will turn my high horse around and exit stage left.

    1. Well to be fair we don’t really know if he’s reporting it, or what. And can an anonymous person make a report based on something they didn’t witness? I’m not sure what can or cannot be done. But I agree with you for the most part.

  31. Schwarzenegger for the franchise star?

  32. @guesser

    age of consent is 16 in 30 states, 17 in 8 states, 18 in 12 states and DC - including California

    @Megley +1 definitely

  33. Omg,I agree with @Count! What about Don Johnson,started "dating" Melanie at 13 or 14. But I do not think I he was that much older,but still an adult.

    1. @guesser: i bet Hackman had some of them tender vittles while they were filming the movie where she showed her 17y/o jigglers and furry clam

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. @Dorvann.

    I could honestly see Connery doing this and far worse.

    But if you are ever on a Connery downer a remedy is this picture of him in drag getting married to old Paul McCartney by Dracula with Jack the Ripper as best man.

    Zardoz. Best. Movie. Ever. Even crazier than 47 Ronin.

  36. Hate to say it but could Brad Pitt be the first one? He dated Juliette Lewis when she was still a teenager and he was in his 20's.

  37. I agree with swishy. PW was gross but is so lauded now.

  38. Also Rob Lowe dated Winona Ryder from 86-88, that would make her about about 15 and he was in his mid 20s

  39. @MD isn’t fast and furious like the #6 top grossing franchise of all time? I don’t want it to be one of the biggest ever either, but my husband loves to remind of how well it is performed as a franchise

    1. It is but I hate it lol. I’ve tried to watch those movies but I just always give up.

    2. I have never seen a minute of any of them. And I’m proud of that fact.

  40. @ Natalie Are you kidding me you've never heard of Mark Hamill? LUKE SKYWALKER in Star Wars?

  41. Brad Pitt started to date Juliette Lewis when she was 16(they even lived together)
    Paul Walker started to date his teen girlfriend when she was 16.It is why he lived in Hawaii. His ex girlfriend was also a teen

    1. Ding ding ding. He dated others too. Also Depp.

  42. I like FrenchGirls guess. I forgot about Brad Pitt.

  43. Can we get some more incest blinds or actual pedo blinds (for the multitudes around here who do not know how to use "pedophile" properly, it means sex with per-pubescent children, not teen, you morons). All these 16,17,18 y/o "vicitm" blinds are like paint drying or a Jay Mohr sitcom pilot, totally lacking in entertainment value.

  44. Natalie LMAO so someone can't be A- if YOU'VE never heard of them. You've never heard of Luke Skywalker??? Thanks to the others for calling her out on this.

    Also, Megley *clap clap clap clap* Amazing.

  45. Definitely Tom Hanks, one of his victims came forward

  46. To answer your rhetorical question enty, no. No one is ever held to the same standard as anyone else.

  47. Tom Hanks or Harrison Ford, Paul Walker for the second guy

  48. Same way many people overlook rock stars having sex with underage groupies or having barely teen girlfriends. So many people write it off as being a different time, but if held to the same standards most of the big music and movie icons can add child sexual abuser to their resumes.

    Elvis is probably the biggest musical icon of all time, people worship him like a god. He has a very dark and disturbing history with young girls, but much of it has been whitewashed. Check out the first picture in this DM article,

    it makes me uncomfortable and there are plenty more like that. Most of the info about Elvis taking the virginity’s of young tweens and teens and then discarding them has been conveniently scrubbed (I can only find articles alluding to it in a quick google search) But ask the right people, do the research, deep dive and it’s all there. So why does Elvis get a pass?

    There are plenty of celebrities that aren’t called out or are excused for their behaviour. I’d like to see all of them held accountable. Not just the ones we don’t like or who look creepy.

    1. The Daily Mail is not the best source for info. I had a run in with them over a celeb story they came to me for facts on, I gave them facts and they chose to run with salacious, untrue gossip instead. Many people called them on their erroneous gossip and they refused to answer, and deleted comments of those telling the truth. They’re a glorified rag mag.

      Not that Elvis was a saint, but I wouldn’t base my entire opinion of him over a Daily Mail article. Chances are high most of it is fabricated. They just don’t care.

  49. Morgan Freeman & Harrison Ford?

  50. Hugh Jackman and Harrison Ford fit this blind like a glove.

  51. My claim to fame aka what stars I ran into. Nothing like one of the posters here but... just sayin we all might have some dish to share. Joe DiM used to come to our house for frequent visits obv when I was younger... I went to same HS as Mark Hamill. I was at a f'ball game with Don Jr in the room night before his dad was elected and he wasn't expecting a win. I'm just a regular Josephine Blow. Random musings.

  52. Sadly there are a few guesses that fit really well. Paul Walker and the two 16 year olds are on record, so maybe that’s too obvious? You never know with Enty though! Sad if it was Hamill, he was the subject of a kindness blind a while back and he seemed like one of the good guys.

    1. It’s 100% not Hamill. He’s been married to the same woman for 40 years and barely even dated while in HW. This was someone who was out in the open with their relationship and there are many of those to go around. The only people guessing Hamill are the people who want it to be him because he own Trump so well on Twitter. 4chan really has ruined this site. Enty is so obsessed with these pedo and underage blinds it makes me think he’s got an obsession with kids himself.

  53. one of the biggest movie franchises that has existed = star wars

    stayed until after she was legal = Woody Allen Don Johnson

  54. What gets me is that once someone guesses a name, that person is forever branded in the minds of these readers. It doesn't matter if they're proven innocent -- they will always be a pedophile because it's been suggested.

    This is a shit way to run a site. Enty knows this happens and encourages it.


  55. @Amartel We - the media consumers and the public in general.

  56. the truth about Harrison Ford part 1

    Suspect - born in 1942/1943

    Because of the censorship of internet I needed much time to investigate this, and can bring you this exclusive story.

    According to the statements of Corey Feldman there weren’t just one or two paedophiles sexually abusing child actors, but a whole bunch of them. As far as I can tell Feldman in his book described some of the paedophiles so accurately that for any insider it would be easy to know who they are. I’m only looking for the ringleader…

    Corey Feldman has repeatedly stated that one man was responsible for the drug addiction and death of his best friend - Corey Haim.

    Some of the names that have been mentioned on the internet: Steven Spielberg (born 1946), Joel Schumacher (1939), Harvey Bernard (1924 – 2014), Richard Donner (1930), Rob Reiner (1947) and Tom Hanks (1956). None of these can be the “evil monster” that Feldman claims is responsible for the death of Haim, as becomes clear from their birth date.

    We are looking for a monster that first sexually abused Haim when he was 14 years old, filming Lucas in 1985, when this paedophile was 42-years-old. So I’m specifically looking for a suspect that was born in 1942, 1943. The monster has never come out as gay, has children of his own and hides behind a family-man facade. The star behind the family-man facade is an evil monster who has led an extraordinarily twisted double-life. This person uses intimidation and threats as a way to keep people quiet. And all these paedophiles were friends. This man was and is a Hollywood mogul, one of the most successful people in the entertainment industry (from 1985 to 2013):

    1. Geffen was born 1943... How do you overlook that one?

  57. the truth about Harrison Ford part 2

    Just in November 2016 Carrie Fisher (born October 21, 1956) published a book in which she describes a 3 month sexual affair with Harrison Ford, starting May 1976 when they were filming Star Wars. Fisher was only 19 years and Harrison Ford 33/34. This isn’t paedophilia but it certainly was adultery (Ford was married at the time).

    Harrison Ford (born July 13, 1942) is the highest-grossing U.S. domestic box-office star. Ford is one of Hollywood's most private actors guarding much of his personal life. In 2003 Ford called for gun control in the USA. I never even knew that Ford was a Jew; his mother Dorothy (née Nidelman) was Jewish. Harrison Ford was active in the Boy Scouts of America, and achieved its second-highest rank (Life Scout). He worked at Napowan Adventure Base Scout camp as a counsellor for the Reptile Study merit badge. The Boy scouts are just about the best spot for a paedophile (Spielberg was also a Boy Scout):

    Ford has been married 3 times: Mary Marquardt (1964-1979), Melissa Mathison (1983-2004) and Calista Flockhart since 2010 (who is known for her role of Ally McBeal):

    Ford plaid a cameo for the movie "E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial" (1982) but was cut out by director Steven Spielberg. Why would Spielberg cut one of the most famous names in the industry from this movie? Did something happen with one of the members of the cast? Maybe it’s not so strange that Harrison Ford came to the movie set for a cameo, when we learn that he was dating its screenwriter - Melissa Mathison – at the time. They married in 1983 and separated in 2001.
    Melissa Mathison, who was nominated for an Oscar for her screenplay for E.T., has died in 2015 at the age of 65, of “cancer”. Her estate is valued at $22 million, mostly what remains from the royalties she received after a lengthy legal battle with Harrison Ford. Their split is considered one of the costliest in Hollywood. What makes this suspicious, is that her will has gone missing:

    In his last film “Eyes wide shut” Stanley Kubrick made explicit references to the “secret” Masonic societies and their sick sexual appetites. Kubrick died of “heart attack” only 5 days after showing the final cut. After his death the movie was censured, so we’ll never know what hidden secrets they murdered him for:
    This movie was mostly about satanic orgy rituals. The main character Dr. Bill Harford (played by Tom Cruise in the movie) was named after Harrison Ford, because - according to Kubrick - Bill should be a "Harrison Ford-ish goy" and created the surname of Harford as an allusion to the actor:

    There is also an obvious connection between Harrison Ford and the known paedophile Roman Polanski. Ford played the leading role in Polanski's Frantic (1988). This connection appears to be even closer when we learn that it was Harrison Ford that in 2003 accepted the Oscar for Polanski’s "The Pianist" (2002) at the academy awards. Polanski couldn’t attend because he would have been arrested for his conviction for raping a 13-year-old-girl.

    For me even more ugly is Ford’s connection to the Clintons (that were very good friends with Jeffrey Epstein, that was running his own child sex ring, with promises of modelling careers)

    Ford is vice-chair of Conservation International (CI) an American NGO to “protect” nature (NGOs in our world that’s upside down aren't the philanthropig organisations we are meant to believe). CI has links to companies with a poor environmental record like: BP, Cargill, Chevron, Monsanto and Royal Dutch Shell

    1. Oh to have an 8 ball and access to a 19 y/o carrie fisher. 5'1, soft titties, pussy like a vise, 70s bush prolly so big it lookin like she got a bunny as a maxi pad. Mmmmmmmmm.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. the truth about Harrison Ford part 3

    For the movie “The Mosquito Coast” (1986) the role for the son of the main character played by Harrison Ford was offered to Corey Haim, but Haim declined and starred in (his breakthrough role) Lucas. Did Haim not want to be in the same movie as Harrison Ford? This role went to River Phoenix (August 23, 1970 – October 31, 1993) instead. Later River Phoenix played the young Indiana in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" (1989). Strangely Phoenix never in the whole movie acted in the same scene as Harrison Ford that played the adult Indiana.

    On the evening of October 30, 1993 (a human sacrifice day for Satanists), Phoenix went to The Viper Room in Hollywood (partly owned by Johnny Depp). He died early the following morning (on Halloween). According to the coroner Phoenix died of "an acute multiple drug intoxication" and had "lethal levels" of cocaine and heroin in his body. Three days after his death medical examiners announced that autopsy tests were inconclusive - but ruled out foul play (how could the coroner dismiss the possibility of murder?). The identity of his supplier was never known.
    In November, 1991 River Phoenix had told Details magazine that when his family was part of the Children of God (The Family - from 1973 till the end of the 1970s) cult he had sex with other children starting from the age of 4. Phoenix has told that he was completely celibate from 10-14 years of age:
    The coroner's report said Phoenix had traces of Valium, marijuana and ephedrine in his body, but no alcohol. Drugs were not found in the actor's stomach and there were no needle track marks on his body. "It looks like it was snorted" (how could he snort a lethal dose?): http://community.seattletimes.nwsour...3&slug=1731562
    The following story puts together some of the strange contradicting information on the death of River Phoenix.
    According to William Richert: Samantha Mathis (the girlfriend of Phoenix) said that John Frusciante approached their table, offered River a plastic blue cup and said “drink this, it’ll make you feel fabulous”; shortly before Phoenix collapsed.
    In 1994, Peter Bogdanovich gave an interview stating that Mathis had told him that River went outside and had a heated discussion with John Frusciante. When she saw him again he had a drink in his hand and fell sick shortly after.
    These testimonies contradict each other, but if one of them is correct River Phoenix was murdered by poisoning his drink:

  59. I thought Hugh Jackman has been with his wife basically forever

  60. @brad - “Strangely Phoenix never in the whole movie acted in the same scene as Harrison Ford that played the adult Indiana.” why would the young Indy character be in a scene with the older Indy character? Makes no sense.

  61. Great research, Brad! Thanks for posting it!

  62. Just because the age of consent in California is ridiculously low does not make Paul Walker a rapist.

    1. AOC in CA is 18. Probably a reflection of how lousy their schools are and how ill prepared CA students are for life.

  63. Harrison Ford being Jewish is somehow nefarious???? I smell Pepe.

    The one accuser of Tom Hanks was heavily researched and debunked.

    I don't think of Harrison Ford or Tom Hanks as being big family men. Frankly, Brad Pitt is the only family man actor that comes to mind.

  64. BRAD PITT - What a load of crap

  65. Some of you guys act like he’s calling you out personally as commenters in this blind. Calm down.

  66. I agree with Sal T. It amazes me how so many of you refuse to see Paul Walker as a predator because he was good looking but you have no problem accusing others of the same activity because they are not handsome. You have truly been brainwashed by the media. It's unfortunate that you will be passing this lack of discernment onto your children.

  67. @Melody Clark
    I only scanned the comments but did someone other than you bring up that Harrison Ford is Jewish?
    I had to look it up, yes his mother was Jewish. And?

  68. Thanks Brad. I wonder if Calista knows anything?

  69. Jackman, McKellen, Spacey could have a number of em!

  70. ok, after reading the comments and the guesses, now i get the blind ( sorry for being slow )

    so, the most popular guesses are Paul Walker , Morgan Freeman and perhaps Harrison Ford

    living in italy, i have a different perception on what" rape" is, bc the age of consent in Italy is lower than some states in the USa..frankly,for education on italian laws, i have a hard time thinking as " rape " the sexual acts between a, consenting 16-17 year old and an older person, so to me, Paul Walker might be creepy or gross, but not a rapist

    but if the law says that a sexual act beteen a 16 year old and an older person is rape, then Walker should be called out for that

    Morgan Freeman is simply put,sick...and disgusting

    idk about the other one, but whoever he is, the same if the law says is rape, then he should be called out, too

  71. It doesn't make a difference. Out them, it will make its way to the chans and the campaign will commence. Do it. This can't go forward based on guesses.

  72. Sorry but the whole Jewish thing is simply pattern recognition. If the majority of people involved in a particular industry happen to all be a certain race/religion, it’s not a problem to notice this. It’s akin to noticing that the vast majority of terrorists are Islamic. Noticing that fact is ok, noticing that most of the perverts and pedophiles and sickos in many industries just happen to be Jewish, is wrong. Noticing that they are extremely over represented in certain industries, is also forbidden.

    Doesn’t anyone find it odd that we aren’t allowed to notice? And anyone that does is “anti Semitic”?

  73. What gender are these guys after?

  74. @Flirty Chick

    If you knew anything about modern teenage girls, you'd realise that a famous good-looking guy like Paul Walker was preyed upon by them,not the other way around. Hell, I bet he had a body-guard just to keep women of all ages away from him!

  75. @Megley - go back to the beginning of CDAN and start there. Also, listen to the podcast. Enty has turned people in many, many, many times. They are protected by people far more powerful than you can imagine. Wake up! You are showing your naivete. Start researching things on your own. You will learn far more than way. Quit putting all the responsibility on one person. It is ALL of our responsibility. QUIT SUPPORTING KNOWN PEDOS! Start there.

  76. Paul Walker lived in Hawaii when they were dating. The age of consent in Hawaii is 16. That doesn't make him a rapist. They moved to CA after she was 18... because the age of consent in CA is 18. CA is ridiculous with their STATUTORY rape laws. I knew a couple in high school (a senior and a junior) who got caught having sex in their car. SHE was 18 and he was 16. She got arrested and had to register as a sex offender. Statutory rape is not the same thing as RAPE.


  77. see the reddit AMA where someone who worked with brad pitt said he was abused by someone who is ..

    - permanent A list in hollywood
    - people would never in a million years believe he was guilty
    - as huge a star as michael jackson was

    imo the only people who are that big are Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Harrison Ford

    (i think the AMA was shia)



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