Monday, February 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #7

February 11, 2019

Grammy Awards

This former A+ list singer who is now A+ list generally at only hitting on women 24/7 was so wasted while hitting on people that this foreign born B+ list mostly television actress who used to be on a hit almost network show was laughing at him and the married alliterate A list singer walked away telling him he needed help.

John Mayer/Nina Dobrev/Maren Morris


  1. john mayer seems like a relic of gossip ancient history

  2. haha that dirty dicked sloppy sob, everyone has his number

  3. your body is a wonderbread

  4. He's a serial dater/hitting on young women

  5. so his summer tour venues are huge. toyota center in houston? john mayer can get that kind of crowd??? really?

  6. He's pushing 42, as Eminem once said "you're too old, let it go its over"

  7. I wonder if they know about his "Poop" moniker?

  8. @PickyTicky, not just the ladies. Mayer is very open minded.

    1. Yup @ brayson. Making out and more with Perez Hilton allegedly!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Isn't Andy raising their love child?

  11. ION - sparkle was in NYC for girls time and a baby shower...

  12. John still thinks it's 2004.

  13. Hey, you should all look at today's Blind Item #3, which is about Judd Apatow and Ryan Adams. Enty has actually lifted a whole smear piece on Apatow published on Breitbart a few hours ago.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Ive been told I look like him but I think he's ugly. Ive also been told I look like a male GOOP so...haha

  16. Dont quit-- not seeing it(that's a good thing)...based on this pic, I'll have to think, but no one is popping my head at the moment (do you ever watch the celeb look-alikes on Wendy? Some real ringers there!) 😊

  17. Hi Vita! I use to love Wendy but she lost me when she bragged about having a special meeting with her "good friend" R Kelly a few months ago AND WENT ON TO DEFEND HIM. Has to be DRUGS!

  18. Eesh, didn't see that one! I remember her saying he's got a really dark past and is illiterate. She was definitely getting off her game those last few months. Im holding out hope that she can clean house and come back stronger than ever, tho!😊

  19. DontQuit In that picture you remind me a little of Vanilla Ice.

  20. The brows? Yeah a lil patchy-which is annoying cause Ive never touched them. Lets see your pic : )

  21. DQYDJ No, I think it’s more the jaw and facial structure. I’m on google + and for some reason it won’t show my pic! I’ve tried several times but gave up. I am in one of the readers photos though! Making a silly face! Lol What’s with the Tricia beef dude? You seem pretty intelligent and have some good guesses, can’t you comment here without always making a dig at Tricia? It doesn’t really achieve anything and I’m sure you’d feel so much better if you just let go of that grudge and all the bitterness that goes with it. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter if Tricia posts first? Or makes typos, or appears to spend more time on here than you’d like her to? We all have stuff in our lives that we could be judged on and Tricia wanting to be the first to guess on a gossip blog really isn’t a big deal. I’ve seen people say that you were a nice guy and a popular commenter back in the day, can’t you draw a line in the sand and get back to that?


    Casey Affleck’s continued success proves Hollywood’s hypocrisy

  23. John Mayer may like to bang chicks, but at least he doesn't go after underage chicks like Ryan Adams. I swear considering the shitstorm that's coming down on Ryan by now, I'm surprised he hasn't offed himself.

    1. Enty has been insinuating that Mayer has been cruising for the barely legal gals. Oh and he is good pals with Mr Adams and us featured on his new album

  24. Lol well there goes that.

    Not that I'm a fan of either but it just seems the whole thing is one, big cesspool.

  25. How the mighty have fallen. I remember ten perhaps fifteen years ago John Mayer was a huge star. Not anymore.
