Sunday, February 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

January 27, 2019

Was she sick? No. Was it drugs? It doesn't appear to be. Apparently our one named singer/actress is having horrible stage fright and was totally unprepared and didn't know how to use the teleprompter to sing and just bailed at the last minute from a high profile gig. In the past she would have used drugs to get through it.



  1. Hahaha. Had no idea she was still a thing. No sympathy here - she got off scott free for causing a fatal car accident.

  2. I didn’t know she was still a thing either. I did like a lot of her songs. She was popular when I was in middle/HS. But I haven’t thought of her in a long time. And yeah she did kill someone in an accident, didn’t she? Like that horrible Rebecca Gayheart.

  3. She didn't cause a fatal car accident, the woman in front of her slammed on her brakes, causing her to rear end the woman. The cops investigated it.

  4. Chick has got a major ego & won't rehearse, then freaks out when it's time to perform bc she's not prepared, so no sympathy.

  5. I hope she doesnt get performance anxiety w/ a dick in her hand, like w/ a mic.

  6. @Gator it is common knowledge in Cali that anyone who rear ends another vehicle is at fault. Guess what traffic law that is most commonly ignored? Maintain 10 feet behind the vehicle for every 10 mph you are travelling. So 50mph = 50 feet. so, if the person in front of you "slams on their brakes" you can avoid the collision. Brandy straight up killed that other passenger and bought her way out of it. Period.

    1. If you are foolish enough to think people on the I-405 (scene of that accident) stay FIFTY WHOLE FEET behind the car in front of them, you need to educate yourself or drive anywhere in Southern California. No one does that. No one. If they do, one or more cars jump in and resume speeding or accelerate. Duh! The 405 is one of the worst, the 5, the 101, the 210, the 91 all compete for the top prize in that regard.

      Brandy did not intentionally kill anyone. Her attorneys settled the case legally, that's what ins. co's DO. Again, Duh.

  7. I've been taught one car length for every 10mph. As if. People drive bumper-to-bumper at 80mph.
    Anyway, there are times - no matter how well rehearsed - I'm shaking with stage fright.

  8. Is it really a reveal if the item was from under a week ago? What's with these lately

  9. What event was this? She seemed outwardly professional most of her fame. Odd. Stage fright after all these years??? Weird. Possible trauma.

  10. This was about tinashe and then when it wasn’t true I think the name got changed

  11. And Vince Neil killed Razzle in a car accident
