Saturday, February 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

February 16, 2019

This A- list mostly movie actress who also does commercials is being forced to bring girlfriends along on dates and meet her significant other at restaurants just to have some kind of privacy in public. The paps are finally on to the game that this is much more serious than previously they knew.

Jennifer Garner


  1. Or maybe he wants threesomes, he's loaded, she's not.

  2. She no longer has anything to sell the paps. Jen and Ben sold out the kids to the paps to hide other relationships. This is worse than bearding,she can only offer non stop pregnancy rumors,get the old Anniston covers.

  3. Lord she's useless.

  4. I see loads of Hallmark movies on imdb in her future.

    1. Chaps are you saying there isn't going to be a Peppermint trilogy?

  5. She's gotta sell some narrative to the tabloids after she lost her only bridge to the A list (Affleck) and fucked up her face.

  6. She Ives the paps taking pictures of her and their kids..

  7. Is it a slow month for paps?

  8. When did CDAN come so mean spirited?

  9. I know you all have her wrong. While she may have used paps to gain credibility for her career, there's not an actress out there who abstained from work to save her kids through a period as mariage and divorce, and then, when wanting work in a business that feeds this behavior, used a few outings to boost their image, but sell the kids? You have her very wrong. The monsters are hungry for the worst time in a fallen stars life, and she and the kids were attached to one. I'm not religious, but she is, and so what. Its her right. Like anyone, privacy in a public hurricane is a rare bird, and if she tried to subterfuge the press, I get that.

    Try once to put yourself in her shoes.

  10. @Best Man, Jennifer has spoken many times against paps photographing her children,and yet there are always pictures of them at church or school. No blurred faces,no restraining orders. Kids should not be photographed at school or church,it could even be dangerous. If she wants to have the kids photographed,at an event or public place, fine. But don't lead people to believe you didn't arrange the pictures.

  11. LA is second only to NY for professional paps in the US. These guys earn big bucks. They know the addresses and car registrations of every star and celeb. They know schools, clubs, shops, churches. They know itineraries and timetables. When you have kids you can't shunt them to and from school in blacked out limos. You shouldn't have to hide and sneak around just to live. Kids should be off the table. They aren't actors. Garner tried to get YS child protection from paps in line with Europe where media cannot publish child images without parent permission. US senate kicked it out. The US media treats kids of stars like shit. Paps have no fear and cried these kids. CDAN community knows that. All celeb watchers know. And do jack shit. Be proud America.

  12. Garner knows she is not A-list in motion pictures, she is A-list in the media. Hence, her organic food brand, next is a cookbook, and and cooking show. Jen got the massive estate in Brentwood, 8000 sq ft on multiple acres, the biggest estate in the arShe is worth $100 million after the divorce. She wants to be even richer as a lifestyle brand and it's launching. Jen is a player. The new guy is richer than Ben.

  13. I just saw pics of Scarlett Johannsen's daughter with her face blurred. They were in NYC. If the Affleck kids are fully seen it is because it benefits their parents. They have been sold to the tabloids.

    @Unknown Jen and Ben sold the Brentwood estate and she has downsized. They have no doubt split the proceeds. Ben's new home is worth twice what hers is. As for the new "boyfriend," he isn't worth shit. No one has ever heard of that burger chain. Fake relationship anyway, she's still waiting for Ben.

  14. Why do the paps care about Jennifer Garner? She is a nobody.
