Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 29, 2019

These sex cult perpetrators are running out of funds. Their solution is to have their supporters try and link the sex cult to divisive politicians so they can raise money from the other side to help them defend themselves.



  1. Then they need to hire Tom Steyer a billionaire begging for financing to help impeach Trump. You've got the money, spend it, don't beg me for it.

    1. Fortunately, Trump did something right here. He signed an executive order that confiscates all funds from sex trafficking organisations, and it's showing. Nxivm is going broke, and Tom Steyer probably would have to be careful with his money regarding such.


      It's a good sign to me, that Enty, a lawyer, is aware of this.

  2. There have to be blackmail videos, no? Sell them to pornhub.

  3. Was this a Roger Stone thing?

    1. https://www.newsweek.com/roger-stone-nxivm-sex-cult-allison-mack-keith-raniere-907558

      You appear To be right. Looks like nxivm is trying to frame the conservatives

  4. So Feldman needs $ and NXIVM needs $. My heart bleeds for them all.

  5. Or the moonwalking VA governor? I say if he can actually do the moonwalk on video, maybe let him stay, otherwise if he has no moves then he's probably a racist ;)

  6. Oh great, now we have a new spammer. Fuck off, Chistes.

  7. Bet Trump is ultimately behind this rube harvest of rich dem idiots.

  8. Roger Stone & his wife are major swingers, the Nat Inq did a big expose on them years ago & Rog is proud of it, him & his wife would be down with NXIVM.

    1. Lol ew gross. Everyone in power is some kind of sicko weird perv. But anyone from DC already knew this. Politicians are as degenerate as celebs, just uglier.

  9. The real question is... WHY & WHO decided to take this cult down?
    I would assume it's not because the people doing it care about the abuses and crimes of the cult?
    Compared to some other pedophile operations, this one seems to be a minor player.
    So what's the real reason?

    1. Because they relocated to Mexico. And I believe they recruited the son a prominent politican/mobster (down there, it's the same) which rubbed him the wrong way.
      All of which goes to show that NXIVM was protected by authorities in America. And that Mexicans don't approve of Americans running scams in Mexico, because it's their turf. Jobs Mexicans can do.

  10. How much of a donation would i have to make to be personally thanked for a few hours by 2 20something cult members?

  11. @Count, on the average, it's usually your soul or purchasing a timeshare, soul being the better deal of course.

  12. 346NYC-- this certainly does seem like a small potatoes operation, especially compared to other blinds here. However, I do remember that Catherine Oxenberg's daughter was one of the members/victims. While she's not a huge name anymore, she was a tv actress back in the day, and has royal lineage of some sort. I recall the first time I heard of the group was when she was talking about them on Inside Edition...showing the branding, talking about them being sex slaves to the leader, not being able to rescue daughter, etc...maybe it was just too sloppy of group that met with public exposure it couldn't bury? Wish it happened more often, whatever brought them down.

  13. So Chistes Para Ninos is the new Amazing Quotes?

  14. Where were they branded? On the rump, like cattle? Just on the arm?

  15. Jerkula,
    If I remember right it was bikini zone, but like between hip and pubis. Not actually on the puss.
    Good podcast on the story, Escaping NXIVM from Uncover.

  16. Lol. Go where the rubes are.

  17. to Bonby Haud said...
    "Trump signed an executive order that confiscates all funds from sex trafficking organisations, and it's showing. Nxivm is going broke..."

    wrong...NXIVM money has not been confiscated--they are losing money due to the trial and mismanagement. Trump had nothing to do with it.

  18. There's a Buddhist group, some call it a cult, in Boulder CO, and Halifax NS, called Shambhala that is blowing up in a sex scandal.
    I'm sure there's Hollywood involved, going back up a few decades. Look at Reddit, the story is going mainstream in Canada.


  19. I dont actually want to be in a sex cult. I would rather be like one of the bikers who would hang out on Spahn Ranch and get to party & fuck the Manson girls. If i have to traffic some drugs or throw a beating on someone who owes money or wrench on dune buggies, i am cool with that.

  20. Nice fantasy, Jerkula. You know why they called her "Squeaky" right? :)

  21. No i dont, apple thief. She make squeaking noises while getting stuck? I just remember that she was the one given to the ranch owner, because he liked em young and she looked younger than she was.
