Monday, February 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 3, 2019

I have written before about employees of one of the companies of this celebrity CEO tunneling beneath the border to smuggle drugs. It looks like it is going on again, but this time the police and DHS are on to it.

Elon Musk/Tesla


  1. Like I said, until Musk becomes involved with giant lasers there is no conclusive evidence that he is a Bond villain. ;)

  2. "Do you expect me to talk (about the Model 3)?"
    "No, Mr Bond, I expect you to buy."

  3. Musk probably got a contract from the CIA to make the drug tunnels. Not enough dead soldiers to put the smack in nowadays.

  4. So Tesla employees are tunnelling under the border? Not employee’s of Musk’s tunneling company? That makes sense.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. *just as a follow on, wouldn't it be great to hear Sean Connery say the name Elon Musk aloud? "Ee-lahnn Muh-shk"

  7. Right... according to you, this has been going on for what? a year? two years? according to your entries, Musk should be serving 10 life sentences by now & Tesla should be bankrupt 100 times over. None of this has happened, but you keep writing this wild stuff about both of them....

    1. Because perhaps the news reporting on TV actually is... fake news, and Elon Musk is a Nobody who was tasked by bankers with creating the first internet bank, and was used as a scapegoat so the heads of foreign countries could develop rocket technology under the funding of US tax dollars. (How exactly did Space X get started?)

      But I'll just sit in the corner with my tinfoil hat and twiddle my thumbs

  8. If this was true, the story would have leaked.

  9. This blind is stupid... But Count hit on a real scandal....

  10. Ridiculous blind. Makes no sense.

  11. listen kids.. The world is rotten at its core. It was build like that, all the way from it foundations.
    The key here.. is to understand that there is no one cabal, or one group who is ruling earth. There are many, and they fight each other for dominance.

    1. You're not wrong, but it is painfully apparent that the Conglomerate that controls Hollywood and News Corps
      (Which are undoubtedly owned by the same Cabal, and I could go on about that)
      Are in control of the American populations minds, and wether or not they control the entire world, they control OUR entire world
