Monday, February 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 2, 2019

For someone who struggled a lot with addiction, it is interesting this former A+/A list mostly movie actress not only does the wine thing, but is also an owner of a pot farm.

Drew Barrymore


  1. Enty you and Hedge should invest in a pot farm. You'll need to make up for your short losses on Netflix and Tesla and pot farms are a booming business, recreational and pharmecutical.

  2. Just because she owns the winery and the pot farm doesn't mean she's using the product. It may just be the sign of a good business endeavor....

    I almost said it with a straight face. I still love Drew, though.

  3. Eh her addiction issues were so much more severe when she was a child. Yes, in theory her not ingesting any substances would indicate 100% sobriety but compared to what she started consuming at a young age, a proclivity for wine and weed is hardly an issue.

  4. She doesn't do a lot of preaching. And we already knew she used.

  5. We love you Drew!!! :)

  6. Marijuana is now legal everywhere on the West Coast. So what if she does?

  7. The truth is that some people are drug addicts for life, while some people are users and self-medicators. You never really know until they try to quit. I've known people that quit heroin and coke like it was just coffee, I've known people that never stopped until it killed them. Weed is also in a whole other ballpark than most drugs.

  8. Comparing a coke addiction to pot use shows how clueless the author is.

  9. Happy life... pot and wine, you go girl. I wonder how the wine tastes like, I only drink french wine once in a blue moon

  10. Two of the most benign things you can do.

  11. Wine & pot weren't what gave her addiction issues. Yawn.

    Holier than thou is so unattractive, enty.

    Get some better filler material.

  12. Drew is super open about what she consumes these days. She has freely admitted her addictions were not with booze or pot and she no longer wants to or has the desire to do coke even though she has been around it.
    Remember she was in deep 30 years ago, things change, people change, not everyone is like the O'Neil family.

    And for the record my best friend was a heroin and crack addict for over a decade, she could be around pot and booze and never touch it. To this day she still does not touch it. Or the hard stuff either. If you took her to a bar she would be totally fine. Lots of addicts are not addicted across the board.

  13. Sryly, everyone in CA tokes up, and don't consider it a real drug. Not surprising. I work with middle aged mommy's, they all think wine is a god send.

  14. I want Drew to be my best friend

  15. Interesting but not surprising.

  16. Pot addiction is way less destructive than celebrity addiction

  17. I've seen her drink wine by the bottles. She's not sober.

  18. Please, where can I get some pot? Asking for a friend.

  19. Wine and pot are far from drugs. No chemical lab, no coffee pot and no Sudafed or baby formula. I'd hang with her

  20. Is it really interesting though? Seems rather mundane to me. Drew Barrymore is very open about what she does and used to do. This is hardly salacious gossip.
