Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 13, 2019

For the first time I can remember, this A/A- list mostly movie actress who is not the highest on the list in her family missed the NYFW how of this designer. She never misses it. It has been over a month since has been spotted out in public or posted to social media. Interesting. Trouble in paradise?

Blake Lively/Michael Kors


  1. She was papped in Westchester and she clearly isnt pregnant. Odd she hasnt been active at all on socials, she hasnt even remembered Karl Lagerfeld, and he did a lot to help her becoming a 'fashion icon' along with Kors.
    Wondering what's up.

  2. ha ha, please crash and burn.

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Blasic Lively. I don't know why but I just can't stand her.

  4. Maybe the staff member who handled all her postings quit and she hasn't yet hired a replacement.

  5. I disappeared from social media also. I'm not a celebrity but even if you are, that shit is tiring and taxing. Shes either going through something or she's probably just tired of social media.

  6. " she's probably just tired of social media.2

    now THIS i cannot believe it, people like her NEEDS social media

  7. Maybe she wants people to start missing her, if something like that is even possible.

    1. I like this @sandy

      Remember when she deleted her Instagram account before her shark movie came out.

  8. Never understood why she was a "thing". She reminds me of a rodent. She is pretty though, but so are millions of others.

  9. Blake not-so-Lively

  10. Look at her face and imagine it without all that hair. She isn’t pretty or talented, and I don’t get Ryan Reynolds at all.

  11. @Astra

    I think she is pretty now, but she was just an above average teen in ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.’ I liked her quite a bit back then. She also had her original Roman nose and baby-sized teeth, but her smile lit up the screen and was very endearing. I haven’t seen any of her work since Gossip Girl, save five minutes of the movie she did with Ben Affleck.

    Funny thing is I never see her older half-sister, Robyn, in anything these days, but she was on Monday night’s episode of ‘The Good Doctor.’

  12. I think she got a lot of her roles thanks to Weinstein and he was responsible for her career being where it is now. She wore Marchesa a LOT (her wedding gown was Marchesa even)and they seemed really buddy buddy. Now that Harvey isn't such a power player, I wonder if her appeal is the same for Ryan? He's always been with women higher on the popularity scale (or at least someone who would help his career). He's like Timberlake in that way where he used the exposure to his benefit until he got where he wanted.

  13. @SherryDahling

    Agreed. I was laughing so hard when the Weinstein case exploded and Blake's fans were pointing out she never had anything to do with Harvey! She was a regularar Marchesa fashion show, she wore Marchesa a lot and she was harvey's friend/protegè, it is pretty known, I mean there are many pics of them acting friendly on official events, last one being The 100Time Gala in 2017 I think.

  14. Yep. And she was even on a panel w/ Weinstein in DC for a Michelle Obama project. If you read her interviews about the #MeToo situation w/ him, she totally dodges it & says people shouldn't focus on just one case. Puhleez.

  15. Exactly! And to those who say she may be bored of socials, I dont think that's the reason, socials are a new PR strategy for celeb nowadays, and she loves posting about her outfits, bling blings, dresses, shoes and so on. Let's not forget she tried to be Goop 2 with her blog and she even announced her first pregnancy trough it, so she knows how powerful media and socials are, I dont really think she'll ever get tired of the social game.

  16. Hey at least she hasn't hired two of her friends to enact a white-girl beatdown.

  17. Ashleigh Longshore ate her.

  18. Sure is trouble in paradise
    Have you seen the quality of his purses?
    Loose stitches, frayed thread, yuck!
    On my worst day my wallets/messenger bags are 100% better quality than his crap.

  19. More plastic surgery, gone bad would be my guess.

  20. @Pink: I actually thought she was good in the movie with Affleck.

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  23. The first time I really noticed Blake was when she started dating DiCaprio back in 2011. People were fawning over how hot and gorgeous she was and I just didn't get it at all. I found her absolutely plain bordering on horsy.

    Now I sort of get it. I still don't think she's a beauty, but there's something about her that makes her the center of attention in every picture, even when standing next to a facially more beautiful woman. Idk if it's just her skin, hair and style or something that comes from within, but she has sort of a 'glow' about her. Like she's healthier and happier than everyone else in the room. I'm not impressed with that 'happy go lucky' vibe, but lots of people seem to find it irresistible.

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  24. We need a fucking edit button here!!

  25. She probably had another plastic surgery to her face and doesn't want to be seen until the swelling goes down.
