Friday, February 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 24, 2019

PDA is super rare with this dual threat A- list actor who is having a very good award season. What better way to distract from the lies he told yesterday and will continue to tell for the next month every time he is asked about the disgraced director.

Rami Malek/Lucy Boynton


  1. fake relationship. lies about Bryan Singer.

    and he’s going to get away with it. he’s going to win the oscar.


  2. People will do all sorts of things for that little statue.

  3. Usually beards are beards to become famous and better themselves, see LeoD and the models. But Rami is in no position to help her career because even with that movie and even if he wins the Oscar, his career is going nowhere right now.

  4. @Sandy.

    He's just hanging on for those inevitable Marty Feldman or Peter Lorre biopic blockbusters.

    To be honest, I'd be up for the Feldman one.

  5. I'm a Mr. Robot fan. Bohemian Rhapsody was a snooze. Who is Lindsey Buckingham's beard? I hate Fleetwood Mac except for the songs Stevie Nicks sings lead on.

  6. I know a hardcore queen fan that has been to see this movie four times despite knowing the full details of singer's involvement. People just don't give a shit. You all saw Brian May attacking a fan on insta. Malek probably will get his oscar, unfortunately.

  7. I'm not sure his eyes match Marty's eyes to play him, plus I remember Marty to be paler than a ghost.

  8. But the pool of recently known actors with thyroid problems is vanishingly small. Its Rami or bust.

  9. Deserves the oscar, his performance was superb.

  10. @longtimereader

    Thank you!!! Go see Red Sonja. Gotta get back to drugging and raping...

    -Bryan Singer

  11. Goddamn it! I had Cumsplunkercatch down to play John Cleese!

  12. The stans, just like Rami & Queen & Fox, don’t give a shit about Singer’s victims and refuse to accept (or too stupid to grasp?) that Rami’s win = a win for Singer & his longtime enablers, Fox. That includes you longtimereader. Go fuck yourself.

  13. @astra

    the ultimate irony is that he has 'not a long dating history' and putting him together as a fake couple Fox thought would 'help dispel any gay rumors' ----- ummmmm, no, most people can see it is fake, and if anything, its INCREASED the gay speculation lol good job Fox PR! lol fuckin idiots

  14. Sen. Cory Booker has an Insta-beard, also. Bearding/merkining is so 1950s. Come out, damnit. They can't hold it over you if you confess it.

  15. Wrong thread, Unknown.

    The Booker be bearding thread is 👉

  16. I don't understand why Rami Malek didn't play up the conflicts he had with Singer. If he's going to lie then he could have said he was unaware but looked into rumours when he started to have misgivings. His PR could have claimed he played a part in Singer's departure.

  17. Rami Malek gay rumours been around for a while. I remember one of things gossip blogs tell fans whenever a star has a movie out and he is gay the PR team pair him with a female costar. Rami is Egyptian they are very homophobic a lot of those Arab and North African countries. So I can understand why Rami will not come out.

  18. No doubt. The dude is gay.

  19. He is also of Coptic Christian lineage, they are getting a hard time out in the ME, though I dont know if being Coptic would have any bearing on him coming out as gay, I doubt it.

    On another note, remember that he, as a supposedly straight guy, played possibly the world's most famous flamboyant gay star and there was none of the usual "cultural appropriation" type whining from the loud mouths who usually wail about that stuff.

    I wonder why?

    1. He’s probably safer as a Copt coming out as gay, than a Muslim Egyptian would be. And yes, they are having a horrible time there. I knew a Copt from Egypt, here in the US and he would sometimes talk about the awful things going on there. Heartbreaking stuff. That’s the Religion of Peace for you, though.

  20. Seriously, that Best Actor statue is Christian Bale's to win. If Rami gets it, we know that nothing will be done to Singer in Hollywood and he'll keep getting away with it.

  21. @Astra.

    Theres a few Coptic Egyptians from Alexandria who have settled here in Northern Ireland. I worked with none for a bit, a nice lad who came here as small kid even before 9/11. He had some stories, mostly from his parents, that would grey your hair. And this was while it wasn't as volatile as it is now.

    On a side note, two of his cousins, brothers, became well know leaders of a Loyalist paramilitary group, the UDA, in North Belfast, so they can integrate extremely well with the local populace.

    1. Hahaha wow. I bet those would be some interesting meetings. Is Northern Ireland safe now? I’ll have to do some reading on it. Never have known much about it. Don’t y’all wear orange on St Patrick’s day?

  22. 'one' not 'none'. I've fucking had it with this fucking shiteheap of a machine!

  23. rami is 38 soon.

    does he really think girls are gonna sign up to be beards when he's in his 40s? I mean, he isnt on the level of cooper or dicaprio when it comes to bearding. as enty has said before in blinds, he intends to be a huge movie star and only do movies....a mixture of ego & delusion? I gave him the benefit of the doubt before, but after the lying about Singer, its clear the endearing personality is a show, an act, and doesnt line up with his actions/words.

  24. NO Orangemen. Ever.

  25. No Surrender, Ron.😎

  26. Amazing how Malek is eviscerated here for not howling about Singer, for not coming out as gay, and for playing the Oscars PR game like every other actor in Hollywood.

    He was great in BR, he doesn’t owe us any explanations regarding the rumored behavior of a former colleague, and he sure as fuck doesn’t owe anyone any apologies or explanations for keeping his private life private.

    So go pound sand, you hyper-sensitive PC assholes.

  27. Please no one kill me, but I’ve always really liked Rami Malek since The Pacific. I, of course, cannot support Bohemian Rhapsody because Bryan Singer should be in prison forever and will never get any money from me.
    I was wondering if it’s possible that Rami and the other cast members had to sign an NDA about the whole Singer mess? Ben Hardy posted on Insta a bit ago and it snarked Singer without mentioning him, but he deleted it maybe a day after.
    I guess I’m just super bummed over this. I don’t care if Rami is gay or not (it really should be a nonissue -bearding too), but I really like him and his acting.
    I went through this with Brand New, which used to be one of my favorites, but Jesse Lacey turned out to be a total shitbag and I can’t even listen to it anymore.

  28. I could never accept a major award,
    to get that award.
    It's called ETHICS.
    I guess mommy and daddy skipped that life lesson. Little Rami never learned
    RIGHT from WRONG .
    Take all the money and statues you want...
    still a Loser.

  29. BRAD PITT it's public display of affection.

  30. Mr RM deserves all the awards he has won and deserves the Oscar. He brought Freddie Mercury to life with great insight and dignity. He and the cast/crew of BR are not responsible for choosing the director. By the time the studio chose the director, Mr RM had already spent countless hours and effort training to be perfect for the role. It would have made no sense for him to give up the role based on allegations made about the director that the studio chose. Mr RM has answered questions about the situation in a professional and respectful way.
    If people want to point fingers, they should direct the same criticism against all the other multiple people in the industry who have worked with this director over the years.



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