Saturday, February 02, 2019

Blind Item #8

She is in town and performing and also dropping hints that she still might show up at halftime. She, being an A list rapper who is having a tough time saying no to the attention.


  1. bad move. she'll get slammed for it.

    let maroon 5 do their bland thing, cardi - stay away and dont get involved in the inevitable mess!

    1. Screw you! Cardi B ruins their awesome song! We don’t need her rap $hit or the disrespectful kneeling crap supporters in the USA!!!!!

  2. Trisha - I am really glad that you post. You have a talent in connecting the dots, and starting the comments with a great foundation. And honestly, I do not know 3/4 of these celebrities. I like the stories, and really enjoy the comedy contained in the comments.

    You are really appreciated by me.

    1. Thank you shawn.... I appreciate you taking the time to say that and back at ya!

      Have an awesome weekend...//

  3. Why will cardi b get slammed for working the 1/2 time show?

    1. Kaepernick controversy I think

    2. 2nd rate qb tries to get cut after refusing to renegoiate his deal to facilitate a trade and years later people are still stupid enough to think he is a crusader of some sort. And this broad should pass up a pay day for it, when 1000s of blacks are not passing up paychecks from the NFL? People are so fucking stupid it is sad.

    3. Count, it’s so retarded. Why do “all black people” have to think, act, vote, dress, behave, the same way? It’s so messed up. Let people do what they think is best. Why would any sane person pass up a paycheck for Krapernick? Is that fool going to pay their bills?

    4. They are not paid to appear at halftime, the big screen with
      millions watching can’t be bought. Millions watch the halftime show.
      Cardi B is a dumb person but she loves to be seen. She can’t rap
      or sing. I still stuck on old music, can’t handle the new singers, I
      meant auto tune singers.

    5. She can sure as fuck rap! Don’t make me call up Cardi & have her come claw you to pieces with her talons!

    6. Or throw a shoe at you. 🚶🏽‍♂️- - - 👠💨

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love Cardi! I hope she doesn’t perform at this shit show.

  5. @shawn

    thats a sweet compliment. yes, we all love tricia here <3 she's legit and kind


    I agree, she's kind of bizarrely charming, and has a wit about her in the way she phrases things (like 'Ill dog walk you' w/that toni troll, lol). hope she stays away!

    1. I love that she’s in on the joke. ☺️

  6. she has already said no what's your deal enty?

  7. Cardi B. I think she’s will join maroon 5 with that song she rapped on with the lead singer.

    1. I fucking HATE that song. Whyyyy did she record a song with that weenie boy? 😩

  8. Count its JayZ applying weight to keep the top performers off the NFL halftime show to show support for CK who they believe has been blackballed by the NFL owners. So that's why they have this crapfest of a halftime show, mainly because the Atlanta hip hop community, except for Big Boi, refused to do this show.

  9. Kap wasnt blackballed by anyone. He isnt good enough for a team to anoint him as their starter, changing scheme and personnel to suit his strengths. He was about to be offered a contract from the Ravens when Flacco got hurt 2 yrs ago, when his gf nuked it by tweeting a pic of Ray Lewis and Steve Biscotti photoshopped into the pic of Sam Jackson clutching Leo from Django Unchained. That contract offer would have nuked the planned lawsuit, so they couldnt let it happen. The fact that so many people are too stupid to figure out the reality of the situation is a pretty good display of why the masses are so easy to exploit. The fact that Goodell allowed this to become such a pr disaster shows how inept he is as commissioner. Any moron in a suit can expand the NFL's revenue.

  10. Well I agree with you mostly up above, but there are some really horrendous qbs in the NFL right now, that were chosen over him (look at what Washington and SF have in particular), so there is a bit of argument on that side he's been treated unfairly. How to end it, invite him to training camp and cut him, the way they did Tebow. He's blackballed too, in a way because of his beliefs, even though he was a good guy and teammate and leader.

    1. Redskins and 49ers both had their qbs injured. Kap wouldnt take a back up job.

      T-bo blackballed because of his beliefs? Just stop talking about football. Dude cannot throw the football and has stone hands, so they couldnt make him a TE, if he was willing to change positions. College game rarely transfers to NFL. Look at all the Heisman qbs who were garbage or didnt get a sniff in the pros, where just being the best athlete on the field is not enough.

  11. Cardi B already said no numerous times, I personally, would love to see someone from ATL —DA BRAT where u at?!?

  12. Cardigan Beeeeee

  13. Kap isn't good enough to overcome his baggage. If he was, he'd be on a team

  14. Kap wasn't offered a backup job. Baltimore didn't consider him after Flacco got hurt and Daniel Snyder wouldn't ever consider him. Lamar Jackson and Baltimore play an offense he would have fit as a backup they decided RG III was better and hes awful. Tebow made the Eagles on the final cut when Chip Kelly was coach as a QB, he had done the best job of all of them. He wasn't expected to do anything, but somehow he did. The next day he was cut and they traded for this guy from Washington to be 3rd string qb. He's still there I think, but don't think he's ever played a down. Rex Ryan refused to play Tebow as a Jet and all he had was Mark Sanchez, who also ended up as Washington's QB this year and is god awful. So yeah he's gone and playing baseball as a 32 yr. old, but you're probably right that if he became a running back, not a TE, maybe even a FB, he might still be playing.

  15. Kap has had plenty of opportunities to sign. Seahawks brought him in but he only wants to be a starter and get starter pay.

    Ray Lewis said Kap was gonna sign until the gf tweet:

    1. 49ers had a deal worked out with the Broncos for Kap, and Kap refused to renegotiate the stupid contract the 49ers got him to sign. Then he started kneeling, hoping he could get cut, because he thought there would be a $100mill deal out there for him. He was wrong.

      Whoever his agent is sucks, too, because that 49ers deal was completely stupid.

  16. Baltimore was going offer him a contract last year, when Flacco got hurt, and then the gf tweeted the Lewis/Biscotti photoshop. After Kap filed suit, no team with a functioning adult would talk to him, because anything they say to him could be evidence. Shows ya how stupid the players are, complaining Kap wasnt in the room when they were having meetings w/ the NFL.

    T-bo was the drizzling shits and not an NFL caliber QB. He had success on the Denver team that McDaniels destroyed ( only played that year because Cutler was alienated and traded, then Orton was Orton and McDaniels desperate to save his job) because of the thin air tiring out visiting defenses. No one was going to head into a season w/ T-bo as their plan for qb. Jets signed him because Woody Johnson is a fool who was trying to create buzz and get on the backpage of the Daily News. Fuckin guy runs his football team like he raised his family. "Oh, things aint goin how I want....see ya." Thats how you get a junkie daughter engaged to Tila Tequila.

    T-Bo never had the skills or speed to be a RB. Maybe in 1950, but not in the modern NFL. If he had hands, he could have been a TE at 6'2, 230.

    The only reason T-bo is a Met is because the Coupons are pathetic, so they signed him to suck his agent's cock, because he also repped DeGrom & Thor, and who they just made their GM. Otherwise T-bo would have 12 months in the year to sit at home and slam his dick in the bible while praying "please jesus, make me like girls."

  17. Oh please cardi b just go away...the "talent" of the year 2019 is depressing

  18. Count, brilliant. I might have to cut & paste your post. I live in the Bay Area, am a 49er faithful, go to Levi's to watch their games, and am sick of the political/SJW stuff that's put a smothering blanket on football. We pay to watch games, not political grandstanding. Take that shit OUT of the game and OUT of the stadium! Do it on your own time/dime. I'll listen and potentially support your cause, but not when you're force feeding it down my throat! If anything, that will turn me off your cause, warranted or not.

    Funny how JayZ, a racist ex-pimp/drug dealer/money launderer/murderer (either by himself or directing others) has the gall to be the poster boy of righteous social justice. I'd laugh if it wasn't so fucking scary. Same with CK's GF. A racist fighting racism. The perfect recipe for disaster. All these people make me sick.

  19. I hear ya, bliss. If i didnt listen to Hulk Hogan's 2 Demandments (train, say yer prayers and eat yer vitamins, duuuuuuude) then i aint payin attention to what dispoable meat bags in jerseys have to say about anything. 3/4 of em never cracked a book since high school, MeBron James probably not since 7th grade, so it aint like their opinions have any value.

  20. Well HOLLLeeeeeeeYYYYYYY SHIT look at the Count and Sandy discuss the pigskin!!

    Jesus you guys are celeb gossip level informed and certified Man Card carriers.

    I find it very funny to see here, I know very little about SportsBall but enjoyed (and followed) both your commentary. :)

  21. I do not like Kap. He's a crappy qb. Statistically his numbers suck. He had 2decent season s and that was because of the team he had around him. he will win his collusion case because he is better than some of the qb out there.
    I do not understand why the supporters of his do not get that he is actually a hypocrite. Kap did this for attention, the day after he started the kneeling protest he was wearing a support Fidel Castro t-shirt. Support rectification for all social injustices, don't just pick and choose.

  22. Oh that being said, I am sick of the people slamming people for performing. Why don't people get mad at 2/3s of the people who play t h e actual game?



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