Thursday, February 21, 2019

Blind Item #7

Our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/actress hooked up with this former A- list mostly television actor who really does not do as much on camera stuff together. I'm shocked that with as many people as each has been with that this was the first time they had hooked up. I do know that his singing ex is not the biggest fan of the foreign born singer/actress.


  1. Agree that it's Rita Ora. Wilmer and Demi make sense for the second part... it could also be Wilmer and Mandy, perhaps?

    1. Could be../ but I feel like I remember something about Demi/Rita-(just whonknows maybe they hooked up and had a falling out -anything possible!)

  2. I also think Enty would have something more to say than "singing ex" if it were Mandy, so you're probably right! :)

  3. Celine Dion/Rainne Wilson

  4. Not the biggest fan of?
    I mean- does Demi even like anyone anyway?

    1. She actually does. But why would she like Rita (or any girl) if they hooked up with HER boyfriend? I know I wouldn't be happy about it.

  5. I doubt any female singer/actress is thinking positive thoughts about Rita Whora

  6. He might have hooked up with her, but Rita is to old for Wilmer.

  7. Speaking of Celine, does anyone know who her mystery lover is? The woman who lives in Florida near her? Is it a Golfing dyke? I chuckle, because I had St. Celine's number ages ago. It's a gift.

  8. Heavenly days, we've earned a visit from Amazing Quotes!

    Tink-- it does sound like Wilmer, but she is WAY out of his desired demo!

    Mandy not foreign born, and given the clues, it's got to be Rita

  9. Plus Wilmer has been a regular on NCIS for 3 years now so it's not like he's not been working

  10. Arbfuldodger-- youre right...not wilmer, so rita and...?
