Monday, February 25, 2019

Blind Item #7 - Oscars

AP got into a conversation with this A list model. The model has recently been seen with a very wealthy internet maven all of you know. Without really asking or anything, the model says her rate is $200K per month, and she is waiting to see if he wants to go for another month. 


  1. All of them lol
    Jordan Peele? Dunno

    1. Jordan Dunn,I meant. One of the Jenner girl squad chicks lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jack Dorsey and Raven Lyn Corneil

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. jordan dunn and raven lyn corneil aren't A list models tho

  6. Good guess Dena

  7. +1 to Jack Dorsey and his 23 year old model raven

  8. @sdaly

    lol YES

    still dont get the rating tho, she's not an A list model. isnt she a random instamodel?

  9. This baffles me,surely with all his wealth plenty of women are throwing themselves at him for free!whats the benefit for him in this scenario?

  10. Better than studying engineering and getting a job. YUCK

  11. O/T

    guys, i finally watched A Star is Born yesterday (rented it on Xfinity) and watched it 4 times in my 48 hour rental period.

    honestly? i freaking loved it. i honestly don't get how Bradley Cooper was shunned out of ANY awards - i mean Rami what's-his-face lip synced through the entire movie. Bradley Cooper spent a year learning to sing and play the guitar.

    there were some weird acting moments with Lady Gaga but over-all i thought this movie was great.

    the fact that they also wrote most of the soundtrack is amazing too.

    i'm not saying she necessarily was the best actress - but what he put into this movie writing, directing, acting, singing and playing music is much more than any other actor up for Best Actor.

    okay. off my soap box now.

    carry on.

    1. Same here. Watched it Friday night and was floored by how moving it was and how poignant their performances

    2. Liked it too and Gaga was awesome. Cooper not so much. Great chemistry!

  12. Dorsey pays a high price escort/hooker

  13. Maybe it's more of a payment to maintain her lifestyle and keep her available and not traveling. Whatever the relationship/arrangement he definitely seems attached to her.

  14. He is worth Billions,couple million is pocket change. Probably the Instagram model,a real A list model keeps her yap shut and wants better modeling or acting jobs as part of the deal. Also,cheaper than,say, a wife for same period. Is she a beard or high end hooker? And why would someone care if the guy who runs Twitter is gay?

  15. @raven - I agree about BCoop...he deserved something for sure (Best Actor in my opinion) - he really made the role believable and embodied the character. Rami lip-synched, mimicked, and emoted through his movie and although he did a great job portraying a larger-than-life person, it was kind of extra. I would say the same about Gaga - you could tell that acting was a bit of an effort as opposed to someone like Yalitza Aparicio who came across as wholly authentic and it didn't seem like she was performing at all.

  16. @raven & @Tricia

    I LOVED A Star is Born! I didn't LOVE GaGa's whole performance, but Bradley Cooper deserved every award.

  17. Dorsey with an off white whore, to show how woke he is. What a douchebag.

  18. Tricia13, Dena, HkyMom


    i'm listening to the soundtrack now on my Pandora. i would have watched it more if i had the time. definitely on the purchase list. i liked BC as an actor in some movies, but i fell in love with him in this.

  19. Sd Auntie,

    i thought she was great too. she is VERY talented in song writing and singing.

  20. He could’ve gotten an attractive one, for the same price.

  21. Sorry, SDaly, she might be getting a ton of money for it, but she still renting out that pussy, so she a whore.

  22. Who is AP? Is he or she a contributor here?


    I have not seen the film but from what I hear you are in good company. I have no opinion of Bradley Cooper but I do feel sorry for him.

    As for whether or not Rami Melek deserved to win, I cannot speak on that.

    Every year, someone who deserves to win does not get nominated.

    Every year, someone who deserves to win loses out.

    That is life.

    1. @TW,AP is one of ENTY's spies, supposedly actress Amanda Peete.

  23. Jordan Dunn is Alist she's considered a top tier model



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