Sunday, February 10, 2019

Blind Item #6

This celebrity offspring/sibling who owes any kind of fame to the limited amount her mom received is on drugs. It is bad. To distract, she is bringing up all that disease stuff that everyone already knows is crap. Why do magazines keep printing it??


  1. Replies
    1. And her thyroid problem?

    2. Hypothyroidism is so common. Big deal

    3. It runs in my family-it is very common. The endocrine system dictates our entire bodies... so in a way, if she does have it I feel bad b/c it explains the weight loss. Otherwise I guess it’s just the drugs (I don’t know b/c don’t know her or her BF)

    4. Hypo - underactive thyroud/you gain weight, hyper - overactive thyroid/you lose weight. I was diagnosed 18 months ago after having my heart tested, gaining weight with a normal diet. Thyroid issues don’t run in my family, heart issues do, so I was shocked. I have had my synthroid adjusted twice and just did my latest thyroid panel as my heart started racing again. I used to call thyroid issues an excuse for fat people, and karma wasn’t cool. I also thought it made your eyes bulge a bit, it doesn’t. It didn’t make me fat, but my hormones are certainly wacky now.

    5. Have hyperthyroidism and it's made life miserable to be honest. Lost weight but the fatigue and racing heart is medication takes 6 weeks to kick in apparently. Been just 3 weeks. Waiting for the day I don't feel 70 years old! It's horrible.

  2. Gigi/ Hashimoto’s

  3. Sd Auntie....true and easily managed with synthetic thyroid hormone. Can be annoying whilst trying to figure out the best amount to take but a few blood tests/doctor visits do the trick.

    1. IKR. I have had it since 2001. Just have to take medication as early as possible and not eat breakfast until 4 hours later. Grave is a different story.


  4. Here's a sentence for Gigi to try:
    "I have an addictive personality, a dangerous boy friend, and I need help for my drug abuse."
    But no. They have to LIE, constantly, about eeeeverythhhing.

  5. Well if she gets desperate enough she can always dip into the Lyme disease bullshit like her whacked out whore of a mom. Lyme disease is cured in a couple weeks with antibiotics. The chronic symptoms are baseless in medical science and used to scam sympathy and disability...

    Somebody please put these dogs down. They are just too pathetic! Scariest part is they still have the ability to breed 😱

  6. Well if Hashimoto’s is eay to control, why did it put a girlfriend in the hospital this past wk? Married, college professor, 30’s, doesn’t do drugs...Not all 2 cases are alike. I never knew about the thyroid issue, but I did see an article about one of the sisters and the “shared” Lyme’s Disease. How can 3 family wind up w/this same condition?!? That is the one that baffles me.

  7. Amazing how JF and our pal Brayson87 are starting to sound so much alike isn't it?

  8. I have an under active thyroid (runs in the family) fortunately one little pill a day keeps it regular and apart from cold feet, occasional fatigue and having to keep an eye on the scales so the weight stays steady I count my self luck as I have no other health problems at all.

    Some people have a great deal of trouble getting their dosage right @ Pink-Palace if you find that your medication isn't doing the right thing by you read up on T3 versus T4 medications unless you doctor is right up to speed on modern studies he/she might poo poo it so do your research and insist on a trial of T3 meds if you are still having major problems on the normally proscribed thyroxines. They are both synthetic but T4 has to be processed by the liver into T3, while the T3 medications go straight into the system. However it is harder to find the exact dose for the individual on T3.

    Re the Lyme Disease, its not uncommon for several family members to get it, for instance if they were together on holiday in an area which had infected ticks and several people were bitten.

    @JF..... you are ill informed, Lyme disease is real, the baceria causeing the disease has been recognised and named and lab testing on rats and pigs has proven the side effects to be genuine. Some people can avoid the worst effects if it is recognised right away and antibiotics given within a few days. How ever many people aren't diagnosed for months after the tic bite and don't respond to the antibiotics suffering long term effects. Around 600,000 people a year are diagnosed with it and a vaccine is in the testing stage at the moment to immunise people who live/work/travel in areas known to be affected. Quite a large % of the population is believed to be natuarally immune to the bacteria.

  9. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Pink Palace, three of my family members had Lyme's Disease within about a month's period, two kids and my hubby. We lived in NJ at the time, with a forest full of deer on two sides of our house. Unfortunately, it's not that unusual for more than one person in a family to be hit at the same time when you've all been in the same place, and deer ticks are rife.

  10. Hypothyroidism runs in my family and they are all overweight even with medication. Hyperthyroidism has an opposite effect and is life threatening if not treated. But we all know girl's problem is likely heroin.

  11. Aww I hope all y’all with thyroid issues, get them sorted and can have your best life. I knew a lady that had them, she was ok after getting the right meds, but it was awful before that.

    But I don’t believe that Gigi or any of the Hadids are suffering from anything other than drugs and bullshit. Oh and the disease of attention seeking.

  12. Fairylights, how did it turn out for them? What were their symptoms and did they get the antibiotics right away? Do they have lingering issues? Hope you don’t mind the questions, I have not known anyone with it but I was always terrified of getting it and not knowing. They say it isn’t here but I don’t see how that’s even possible.

  13. J F, easy for you to say Lyme doesn't 3exist in chronic form since you don't have it. A lot of people suffer from it and the CDC is constantly backtracking regarding its existence.

  14. I also have hypothyroidism and it's annoying because the thyroid affects all other hormones and usually hypothyroid is just a symptom of many hormonal problems. So people have issues even with medication, like me. I gain weight easily and it's really frustrating.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Lurker here. Diagnosed Hashimoto's about 2-3 years ago. Eventually eliminated all wheat and my thyroid #s all improved, went off of NDT and feel fine. No other issues like celiac or anything. Should have clued myself years ago, eating most wheat products causes me to sneeze within 30 minutes.

    1. +1000000 joedokes. Same here. No caffeine till 2 hours after RX. Still eat bread but get sick afterwards.

  17. Lyme disease is native to ticks in the NE like New Jersey, not California where the Hadids live.

  18. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Hunter: I was going to say the same thing--anyone I know who has had Lyme disease was from NJ or maybe CT.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Not true re: Lyme not in California:

  21. Gigi is a junkie. That’s all.

  22. @emeraldcity

    Thank you for sharing!! My doctor thought it was a temporary issue due to extreme stress from a failed IVF, multiple miscarriages and a failed adoption. I didn’t want to have a thyroid issue so when I started losing weight and my symptoms stopped, I went cold turkey off the meds. I then had a random blood test 8 months later, and I had to go back on the meds, but at a lower dose. I wish I had this info on Friday, so that I could ask my doctor questions. One of the worst things is the muscle spasms, oh my gosh, they start in my hips and go down to my toes and they curl under. Luckily it isn’t noticeable, like Parkinsons!

    Thanks to all who shared and sorry for the hijack.

    I have no horses in this race, but if I were to pick a sibling that had coke issues, I would pick the sister.

    Also interesting that multiple family members can get Lymes Disease. I just thought it was the odd tick like the odd mosquito that carries viruses. Learn something new every day.

  23. Low magnesium is also prevalent in the US because of our food supply....have also had muscle spasms ...mine can be stopped instantly by taking a couple of tablespoons of organic Braggs vinegar.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. An acquaintance has had migraines off and on for years. Not the ones that lay you up in a dark room for days but bad enough to make her call off work a time or two a month. She now swears by magnesium supplements.

  26. JF and Hunter: Your smug, ignorant comments about Lyme Disease make me so sick and angry. I would love for you to witness what I have been going through for the last 40 years. I would not wish for y'all to you have to suffer this disease because I would never wish that for anyone.I contracted Lyme Disease when I was 8 years old,hiking in the Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee. It's caused my life to turn into a living hell. I will suffer for about five years, then it will go into remission thankfully for about 8-10 years. I am currently recovering from a recent horrible situation, I've had to relearn how to read, write, walk etc. People who claim to know everything about which they know nothing need to shut the F up. I have had to deal with doctors who make your same claims because they don't know what they're talking about. Meet with someone who has suffered through this and learn about this disease and get some GD compassion! And I am rooting for Lindsey; I love an underdog who conquerors addiction and makes it through to be better than ever.

  27. Thanks to those who have written about the reality of Lyme Disease. It is true that things will not be so bad if caught early and treated. Since I contracted it before anyone knew about this disease, I was misdiagnosed and it took so many years to finally be diagnosed and treated. I have had off and on IV antibiotics for a total of about 6 years. And those damn lime sells are still in most areas of my body, including my brain. Just please educate yourself before you make can imagine what it is like to be suffering through this Andre comments like that. It is kind of heartbreaking.

  28. 100%, SuzyQ! There seem to be A LOT of misconceptions about Lyme Disease here (and unfortunately I think a lot of it has to do with these 'celebrities' like Yolanda making a mockery of it, saying her entire family has contracted it and making baseless claims). Lyme can be DEVASTATING, especially if not caught early. It ruined a portion of my sister's life. She's a police officer in a town in the White Mountains in New Hampshire- outside a lot. She had been feeling ill for a few months, doctor couldn't find anything. Long story short she got so sick on the job one day she was transported to hospital. Spent a week there where it was tested and confirmed she 100% had Lyme. She had found ticks on her often, but never saw the bullseye rash.

    Because it wasn't caught early, it did so much damage. This is a tough as nails woman who never complains, was never previously sick, etc. She had to have a port installed and it took two years to become somewhat better. She was seeing one of the best specialists in the country. She had a miscarriage which her OBGYN said was because of Lyme. People should keep in mind if not caught early, Lyme can cause brain damage, heart issues, debilitating nerve problems and even affect the spinal cord. It's a super, super serious disease and thankfully with modern medicine it can be treated with great success *IF* it is caught early, as it is in most cases. But oh man, can it be hell for some people. As Suzy said it has a high rate of misdiagnosis (which my sister experienced- I often think how different her life would have been if her primary care doctor tested for it the first few times she came in with problems).

  29. Wow! Here's a post that ticks all my boxes. My mother nearly died from a strain of Lyme called ehrlichosis. She was hospitalized for a week.
    Lyme disease killed my beloved dog last August. He had it for 16 months and was treated with antibiotics until he got really sick suddenly.
    I have hypothryoidism and have had it since 1994. As detailed above, hypo- is easily treated, while hyper- is tougher.
    And as for Gigi's alleged real problem, well...yeah. That's in the rearview mirror, though.

  30. @Pink
    I have (had) Graves disease, was diagnosed in 1992. My understanding, many years later is that most thyroid issues are Auto Immune diseases. Once you get one AI, more follow. I am now up to my 4th Auto Immune disease.
    My mother had low thyroid as a child. Neither of my sisters has thyroid issues, but every member of my family, has multiple Auto Immune diseases now.

  31. @SillyWhabbit my hubby got the results today and my panels (2 different tests) were all within normal range. I take the lowest dosage of synthroid, so is that why, or is it something I just have on occasion? Calling for answers tomorrow. I added extra magnesium too - thanks to posters comments. Now hopefully the spasms are done for the day and I can sleep. ;-)

    I am willing to bet that the mom DOES have Lyme’s Disease. She also quit the show after a short period of time. She looks exhausted @ times, but I don’t know her, just my opinion...

  32. Except @emeraldcity these fucking losers claimed to get Lyme from a fly not a tick and in Malibu. Just a family of liars.

  33. I'm sure they have ticks in Malibu but flies don't even bite...



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