Saturday, February 02, 2019

Blind Item #6 - Mr. X

Speaking of the disgraced director, I've heard rumors that there are more victims that are going to be coming forward in the next month or so. 


  1. Replies
    1. I mean what is it going to take to bring this sick twisted bastard down? More victims,sadly not.
      I’m thinking old school mafia style.

  2. Good!

    Pedophiles need to be removed from society!

  3. Finally. And hope the mainstream media covers it extensively and compare him to Catholic Priests.

  4. One thing that bothers me that all his enablers over the years at Fox, the people that continued to hire him, continued to look the other way - even the editor that knew what was going on (john ottoman, I think) for YEARS and always filled in for Singer when he went on a bender - that guy one an editing award last night and he's up for an oscar which he will likely win.

    I love Singer going down...but I think of all the people that LET him be hired/working for so long, you know?

    Like I still cant get over that ben hardy was looking for underage boys to take back to Singer's place in London while they were filming Bohemian Rhapsody. like, actual predator shit going down while this 'oscar nominated' movie is being filmed.

    ugh. I am happy this could be the end of Singer...though he BELONGS in jail...and so does Geffen...

    I cant help but think of all the people that let Singer get away with it for so long, that will remain in the industry.

    Ill take what successes we can get, tho.

    1. People don’t care about child abuse. It’s disgusting but so many would rather support them as long as they’re making media garbage for them. James Gunn, Singer, the list goes on and on. Maybe people should just stop pretending like they give a shit and just own the fact that media matters more to them than children. All this lip service to the contrary is infuriating.

      I wish it would change but I don’t know how to get those shit heads to magically transform into decent people. Maybe an act of God.

  5. Great timing...AFTER the Oscars. 🙄

  6. @Freebird

    perfect point, Freebird.

  7. Will Geffen ever get taken down?

  8. Are these like the rumors that a politicians ex whore wife was going to release the pix that have been in a safe for 40yrs which will result in the Eagles dude being locked up?

  9. tonight I'm gonna get drunk and watch movies

    life is too short

  10. The abusers all needs to have their nuts cut off with any pain meds.
    That’s the only way, they will not hurt another teenager. Oh I know a
    rapist can use anything to rape someone with. Pain and agony suffering
    is all the deserve.

    1. I think they need to be executed in high profile public executions. Then have their bodies strung up as a warning to anyone else thinking of doing the same.

      If I was an abuse victim, I think the only peace I could find would be knowing the person that hurt me, was dead. I am not one, so if I am being presumptuous, I apologize. But it makes sense. They can’t hurt you or anyone else ever again. And what does society gain from keeping these people alive? NOTHING. It’s like keeping a rabid dog as a pet. It cannot help itself and is dangerous so it should be killed.

    2. @astra But if your abuser was a relative, then that convolutes things all the more in your mind. You’re supposed to love that person, right? Not want them dead! But they ruined your life, so you hate them for it. And nobody would believe you, anyways. You tried telling people but got excuses for his behavior. So you suffer in silence, all the while leading a completely fucked up life, having no decent relationships with men. 😬 #lifeisbutadream

    3. is definitely complicated and I wish that somehow, it could be made better for all victims.

  11. bryan singer is in west hollywood and doesnt seem to be hiding at all, hmmmmmm....

    this girl tweeted she was sitting eating breakfast and he was sitting behind her - in WeHo - this morning

  12. Suppose we should be thankful it was a girl......if it had been an uncerage boy there would have been cocopops flying all over the place...

  13. Is losing his lucrative career what we consider "going down" these days? Because that's about all a published expose can accomplish. It's a great start... don't get me wrong. But it doesn't accomplish the criminal investigation, prosecution and incarceration each of these pigs should have to face, but probably never will.

  14. nobody is paying attention to the atlantic article and it's baffling to me why not. this guy is disgusting and someone needs to stop him because he won't stop until then.

  15. Everybody in the film industry knew of this guy 20 years ago. And they protected him all along.

  16. Wonder if Singer and crowd are nervous about being offed. I would be.

  17. A LOT of abuse doesn't necessarily ruin your life in any tangible way but fucks you up slowly from the inside where you don't even realize that is the cause.

    so Astra - sometimes it is a family friend or an older cousin or a boy you have a crush on - not everyone who abuses or molests a child ruins their life and deserves to die, child molestation comes in many forms and sometimes those forms are other (older) children

    Just saying you are making a lot of assumptions in your effort not to make assumptions.

  18. WE GET IT. BRYAN SINGER IS A SHITTY RAPIST! 5 stories about him EVERY day is getting so damn boring.

  19. Quote/ "I think they need to be executed in high profile public executions. Then have their bodies strung up as a warning to anyone else thinking of doing the same." /end quote @astra worthington

    It was done successfully once. Problem is the folks who controlled the printing presses could rewrite the testimony to remove "offending" language. It was the Puritan way back then.

    That said, this time we have "off line" storage that can be protected from electro magnetic pulse.

    Sure, rewriting history is a hella harder today, but far from impossible.



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