Sunday, February 03, 2019

Blind Item #5

Apparently all of the attention headed his way has not stopped the disgraced director from using his errand boy actor who starred on his last film to round up young men and bring them to the director for parties. He was at it at a West Hollywood club Friday night. Apparently the alliterate actor/singer who used to do that kind of thing is trying to pretend he doesn't even know the director, which will be seen as a sign of betrayal by the mogul. So, look for bad things to happen to the alliterate one.


  1. Ben Hardy and Singer

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. An Asshole for the actor/singer=PIMP!

  4. Replies
    1. He was a part of the Singer/Murphy network.

  5. The gays appear to be as vindictive as women.

  6. At this point, Weinstein will get off scott free, Spacey will eventually come back from whatever shit hole he's hiding in, Geffen will continue to roll around naked in his money, sex/human/satanic offerings will continue at an all-time high, and Singer will continue to rape young men and sip mai tais. Just another day in Hollywood. Oh yes, almost forgot...continued child molestations at Disney and Nick and every remote island on this planet.

    It won't stop until someone kills them all with a machine gun.

    1. It’d be funner to stalk them and slit their throats.

  7. @BlissBoo: Ditto.

  8. Singer for director
    Rami for actor
    MMorrison for alliterate who now pretends he doesn’t know him

  9. Sadly, @Bliss, you are correct.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Why is the mogul so protective of Singer?

  12. @Elle is the secrets that they share. Lots of nastiness there.

  13. Sadly enough, people get into more trouble from something like dressing in a politically incorrect costume a few decades ago when it wasn't politically incorrect, than they do for abusing a child. Makes me sick how pedos are protected yet anything else that it's possible to dredge up can ruin a persons life.

    1. A-FUCKING-MEN. I’m not a Democrat, but this shit they’re doing to the VA gov is idiotic. Judging him by today’s standards is dumb. People did shit like that back then. Didn’t make it right but it was more accepted. If he was doing it now, then go after him. But he isn’t, so let it go all damn ready. Who wants to live in a society like this? Where “racism” is the worst thing ever but child molesting is ok? Wtf is wrong with this world?

  14. I thought his errand boy actor was Nick Hoult?

  15. I knew a guy who hooked up with Geffen and he was in his mid 20s. This would've been when Geffen was 50 or so. My impression is pedos are very loyal to their type, so I'm not buying the Geffen rumors.

  16. Please someone make this Ashley Tisdale video go away. These ads are bullshit.

  17. Rami clashed with Singer on set and has vaguely spoke out about him, this has to be Ben Hardy.

  18. If I had the money, I'd hire the machine guns. Or just machetes. Chop chop, snip snip. End of story.

  19. Mr. T Halloween costumes c.1980s all the rage. Our track coach prolly shitting his pants hoping pic of him is in back pages way forgotten. I was Cher with lotsa bronzer so that doesn't count.

  20. I highly doubt Rami Malek would be seen rounding up twinks so close to Oscar time.

  21. Blackface was not "acceptable" in the fucking 80's you cretinous pieces of shit.

  22. When was The Man Show, 90s/early 00s? It was totally acceptable then, because Jimmy Kimmel isnt being asked to step down from his show. Howard Stern, Jimmy Fallon and RDJ have all done blackface since the 80s.

    Also, 1980s VA was basically 1880s VA with cars & electricity. To say that somehow only the Gov found it acceptable must mean that the yearbook staff, classmates and medical school were some how unaware the photo appeared in the yearbook.

  23. Yeah thats why in 1993 everyone was so accepting of Ted Danson's blackface. Idiot.

  24. Explain how the photo was in the yearbook then, you stupid fuck.

  25. Because someone has really poor judgement maybe? Even a simpleton like you should be able to figure that one out...

  26. One person is responsible and let it through? Thanks for showing you are to stupid to be in this conversation. Good day.

  27. Danson's blackface(original Al Jolson old time showbiz stereotype "black face" makeup, with exaggerated lips & eyes, and complete with him using the "Mammy" accent used to make fun of blacks) was the original "blackface" and has been considered Racist-racist by just about all of American society both black and white for a very long time now.
    Wearing black or brown facepaint when dressing up as a famous black pop culture figure like Michael Jackson or Mr T has only become verboten and "OFFICIALLY EXTREMELY RACIST BLACKFACE" hatewear in recent years and is still not considered Racist-racist in all walks of society
