Thursday, February 21, 2019

Blind Item #5

Interesting that the most recent statement from the alliterate talk show host came from herself and not her husband masquerading as the host. Hopefully she finally realized she needs to dump him. 


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM


  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    +1 thot

  3. Ok. Real question. And I'm Not Judging...
    Is Wendy Williams a biological man?
    I don't care...I'm just extremely curious if this is the very first time the "walks/talks like a duck" that I've always firmly subscribed to, is off.

  4. OT -- Chicago Chief of Police press conference...holy moly! Jussie wrote the bros a check!, He was disgruntled about his salary, tons of other Tea Party level of spillage!

  5. @Rosie-you aren’t the first to ask., for sure...
    @Vita- yeah it’s all over the place.... unreal.

  6. Anonymous7:56 AM

    @vita...its insane, and so unnecessary

  7. Rosie-- my friend always insists the same thing...she always shows her parents, childhood pics, speaks of past miscarriages and of little Kev's birth, so I m going with birth female.😊 She's just a tall gal with cartoony implants that, along with her flat bottom, "make her profile look like a Capital P!"


    Flatten him, Wendy!

  8. What's unnecessary? The check? I agree, he shouldn't feel so bad...
    Hes not the first person to write a check for a Nigerian scam.

  9. Anonymous8:04 AM

    to make up that he got attacked, when he planned it. thats doing the most considering hes a black, openly gay man. like damn, use your voice for something good lol granted, this was the first I ever heard of him.

  10. Thanks vita.. interesting. I guess it's not always accurate then. Hmm

  11. Eff Jussie but Wendy in her radio days looked very feminine. I don’t know if it was the drug use and bad plastic surgery that has made her look manly. The implants and the sudden weight loss hasn’t helped either. Still hope for the best for Wendy.

  12. His lawyers need to make him watch an endless loop of the arrogant, indignant self-righteousness of that Robin Roberts interview (weeks after the event, so plenty of time to regret his actions) and tell him to take whatever they give him. Smdh.

  13. When he called himself the gay Tupac I knew he was lying and doing this for publicity.

  14. Wendy Williams for 500$ Alex

  15. So all the press releases about how the Wendy staff is happy she’s gone is from Kevin’s camp?

  16. The GMA interview is fun watch now that you know he's acting and made it all up.

    The assault video would have been golden too. I picture some low-skill wanna-be WWE knock-off shit. And the two huge-Nigerians have him pinned to the ground, and he makes them fly-off him with if gay-boy super powers.

    People would have been micro-evaluating every frame for years to come. Fuck that guy, he needs to be charged with a hate-crime for denying us that video.

  17. Yeah back when I lived in NYC Wendy and this other hip hop DJ Angie Martinez were rivals and both looked pretty decent.

  18. @thanks sandy for that flashback. Always loved Angie Martinez. They supposedly hated each other but I loved them both.

  19. Dump his rotten ass

  20. Nigerians, Doing the jobs Americans won't do.

  21. They planned the fake beating in front of security camera and he initially told the cops the beating is on video. The camera was faced the other way. Lol lol lol

  22. All the best to Wendy.

    I had forgotten about Angie Martinez.

    Those were the days in NY radio.
