Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Blind Item #4

The producer/rapper who has an unhealthy attraction to underage females and got at least one who was not old enough to drive, pregnant, says he has the expunged records of this A list talk show host/guest which show her prostitution arrest when she was about the same ideal age as his rape victim.


  1. Tomi Lahren for the host

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Yeah it’s Tomi

  4. I agree with Game/TL, but would a child not old enough to drive have had a prostitution arrest? Wouldn't they have instead legally been a molestation victim?

  5. The Game and Eve on The View...

  6. If something is expunged, then it’s off your record, right? So, how would someone have proof of something that’s off your record? BTW- I’m not “asking for a friend”- I’m just curious.

  7. I thought any sort of juvenile record was sealed? And yeah how can an underage person be charged with prostitution when it would be rape?

    1. I’ve found that underage to Enty means under 21

  8. @Notagoodscreenname he has a copy of the records he didn't expunge them, Maybe she was arrested for solicitation in a police sting or in a state where the age of consent is 16/17.
    Maybe she had a judge like the one who accused a 13 and 14 year old of being the aggressor after being abused by a 67 year old man because they took money.

  9. Some records, such as juvenile and often family courts, are sealed automatically by law. Otherwise records can only be sealed or expunged by the court but that is only in effect from the date of the order. Anyone could have made copies of the record prior to the court order. Often people become famous years after their arrests. If they are smart and pro-active they should apply to seal or expunge those records before anyone starts snooping around. However it is easy to overlook until it is too late and someone has a copy

  10. This is one of the more bizarre ones. I never thought the game and Tomi Lahren would ever be within 3 blinds of one another.

  11. Anonymous8:19 AM

    fuckin tami lasagna

  12. Movies TV Music Media Politics
    they all roll around like pigs rapping young teenagers. They think it’s common and okay.
    So say old reports “some stars kids are used
    in the rapping. Just disgusting

  13. While I'm sure that he said this...
    doesn't mean it happened
    no way Tomi Lauren was arrested for prostitution - ever, ntm when under 16

    didn't happen

  14. Can’t wait for all the trolls to come defend their Aryan Princess Tami Lasagna

  15. I wold love this to be Tomi Lahern.

  16. I just looked Tomi Lahren up, she doesn’t seem to be any worse than anyone else. So why all the hate?

    1. Your conceited arrogance backed up by your ignorance is probably why you rub people the wrong way. If you're underage, as you sound, sorry....

    2. Oh look, you didn’t answer the question! What a shock. If I gave you the impression that I give a fuck about how people feel about me, my mistake. Because I don’t. So you are free to join the “scroll on by” brigade and don’t read my comments. Not that I’ve ever seen you before, nor do I expect to, again. Bye byeeee 🖕🏻

  17. @astra, really? She is a fucking ASSHOLE beyond words!

  18. I hate to stir the pot, but maybe, just maybe its a made up blind? I mean Enty has been known to make up blinds out of thin air in the past, and he has also flat out lied in some of his/her blinds?

  19. But how so? What has she done? The worst thing I can see that she’s done is criticize black people, not like Kaepernick, and compare BLM to the KKK. This is on Wikipedia so idk anything beyond that. Does not liking Kaepernick, and not supporting BLM, make you a horrible person? Or criticizing certain aspects of the black community? Can only black people do that? Guess not even they can because when Bill Cosby did it he was attacked too (yeah he’s a rapist but nobody really knew that then). So, is that it?

    1. You are such a garbage person. I cringe everytime I read the comments and see your name. You wouldn’t understand the dislike for atomic bc you’re both cut from the same cloth.

    2. Waaah waaaah, nobody cares. Keep on cringing, Latrina Craps 🖕🏻

    3. @astra. Why are you here? This is not the place for you obviously because you like to argue & hate. Most of us want to get along & have adult conversations. I like most here as they have common sense, rational & cognitive thought along with maturity. Very few of your post have any of that. They are just hateful & incendiary.

      For the record - any woman worth her weight in the bedroom does not advertise it to those who she is not sleeping with. Only whores & children do that.

    4. I’m here because I want to be. You’re not the comment police and if you don’t like my comments, you can scroll right on by. Frankly, I don’t really care what you think of anything I have to say. Perhaps you’d be better off to just stop commenting to or about me, if it’s so triggering for you. But I can tell you that I’m still going to comment here, and if you don’t like it, oh well.

      Whatever you gotta tell yourself to cope with the fact that you are going to be exposed to opinions and comments that you personally may not like or approve of. 👍🏻

    5. Oh I’ll add that I’ve never once addressed a comment or a reply to you, I have never looked for you or had any interest in anything you’ve ever said. It’s extremely easy for me to ignore you so please feel free to return the favor! Now we can end any sort of interaction from here on out. Have a great day and 👋🏻

  20. Those in criminally prosecutable glass houses should put the stones down and keep their stupid mouths shut and their hands off the keyboards.

  21. Who are you referring to, Do Tell? Maybe be a tad bit less cryptic?

  22. The Game, scroll up and read the other posts.

  23. Honestly, Tomi Lauren is nothing more than the poor man's Lauren Southern, Lauren is far superior to Tomi.

  24. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Wow, if she was about the age of the one he got pregnant, meaning she could barely legally drive, that would mean she was a minor. If it is true, she was a victim, whether you like her or not. For people who are all about calling out abusers, you sure turn on a victim if you don’t like them. If she was an adult, then judge if you like.

  25. Astra - Tomi Lahren is subject to a lot of abuse online because she has historically shown herself to be something of an ignorant twat via her tweets and stupid comments. She is the type of person who will make a tweet that inadvertently contradicts itself or shoots herself in the foot regarding a prior argument by engaging in the same behavior she condemned in someone else.

    So she is kinda a bigoted hypocrite. For example today or yesterday she brutely declared her ancestors discovered America. Well.. while it may be true she comes from a long line of American settlers (many white people do), this doesn't quite mean you should be able to arrive and start throwing people out.

    In short, she's kindof a dumb bitch who likes to troll for the Right and I say this as an Independent.

    1. Thank you Hunter. I am honestly surprised I got any answer at all. Usually it’s a bunch of histrionic screeching and name calling. I appreciate your answer.

  26. I don't understand why y'all coming for Astra jesus can't people ask some questions around here?

    1. Lol I’m guessing I shouldn’t invite them to join my fan club? Awww boooo 😔😆

  27. astra - I've just seen this thread and came on to comment and defend you, but I see Hunter has done so. I honestly don't know why you received that other hostile response; and as for 'hateful and incendiary comments' that you have made, I don't see it. I enjoy your posts.

    1. Those people have it out for me, they like to follow me around here and repeatedly let me know they don’t like me (as if I care). My comments are only incendiary and hateful because they don’t agree with them. Sad, huh?

  28. Yeah Tomi isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Lauren Southern is a much more intelligent and entertaining example of a young female conservative.

  29. Criminal records can be expunged but there is still some type of notation/original paperwork in the DA's/State's Attorney's offices. Found this out when I accompanied a friend who went to meet with an assistant DA about pressing domestic abuse charges against her husband.

  30. Just popped over to see if CDAN is still being run by the lying hacks who infiltrated it over a year ago. I see they are still here, making up lies that the unevolved and those with no discernment lap up like a gutter cat following a dairy truck. Smh... wake up, losers. The REAL enty left the building months ago. He took the offer and left your azzes. And here you all still sit, as misled as a ignoramus can be. It's a shame, and frankly I am embarrassed for you guys smh. Wake tf up! This is a FAKE site now... helloooo! Gawwwwwd… smh. Sad.

    1. Thanks for coming by to lecture the mouth breathing rubes that read and comment here. You’re the very first person EVER to tell us all this! Totally new information, haven’t read it on like literally every single post here! Everyone here totally takes this site as gospel truth too. Nobody is capable of seeing it as fun entertainment and a diversion from reality. Nope! Thank goodness you are here to shine the light of knowledge onto us ignorant morons 🙄

      God don’t you people ever get tired of this same old shit? It’s so boring and repetitive. WE GET IT. Ok?

  31. Rappers. History will not be kind to them.
