Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Blind Item #4

This celebrity offspring who does have her own show she hosts, at least for a season is pitching a show starring her significant other. The thing is though, he wants nothing to do with it, so it is going to be interesting if she sells it based on him and he is never in it.


  1. Replies
    1. Baldwin Bieber lol
      Great monogram:(

  2. He needs to werk her. Refuse to be on the show until she is desperate and begging, the demand a 3sum for each appearance he makes.

    1. She is trying to pimp him out to tv execs. What is romantic about that?

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    hailey seems crazy lol

  4. This is the Bieber blind we're getting? Nothing about him checking into a center to get help for depression?

  5. She tried so hard to get money and fame by using her husband, they deserve each other, good for them

  6. I agree with Count. Gotta use that thirstiness to your advantage.

  7. Does Enty have a particular aversion to punctuation? Sometimes I have to read through items several times to get the gist. Geez guys!

    1. YES... He was severely abused as a child by his 2nd grade grammar teacher.

      He hasn't been able to use a comma ever since..... Very tragic story! He doesn't like to talk about it much

  8. No wonder Bieber is depressed, he's a 24 year old married to Hailey Baldwin for no apparent reason. I'd compare it to buying a rental car but that would be an insult to fleet vehicle sales. What he needs to do is put her a$$ back on yachts and try to get some of his money back.

  9. If Beiber is living off residuals, does that count as income they have to split in a divorce?

  10. @Count, depends on where they're married, if CA then yes and she gets one of his balls too.

  11. Beiber just wants to smoke his meth in peace, Hailey. Hasn't he earned that?

  12. In Hailey's worldview, men are only either pimps or johns, and Bieber ain't a pimp in her eyes.

    And can we all please spell it correctly as "Bieber," not "Beiber?" There is nothing worse than having to double check the spelling on this douche just because other people are f*cking it up lol ;)

  13. Honestly... I think Bieber and Usher would make a much happier couple. Plus they could get there creative juices flowing (pun intended) and maybe put out some decent tracks.

  14. Bieber might be a selling point but dude, call it BEING BALDWIN!!!! You have a plethora of family material to draw upon and look at the Wahlbergers clan. You have a crazy dad, wacked Uncle married to an attention whore of a yoga instructor wife and who needs to REHAB his a-hole rep... you have so much material! Re-think the show with that. You can included the tease of the Biebs here and there but your family would pull in an older demographic and you have female celeb friends and cousins etc, don't you??

  15. @kiki, I think you may be a genius! ;)

  16. @kiki.

    "You know what's sucks about being a Baldwin?"
    "No. What?"
    "Aaaaabsolutely nothing!"

    South Park. The Movie.

  17. @kiki, With her yacht track record they'd have to call it Balling Baldwin ;)

  18. Oh come on

    I don't imagine Justin going on reality tv for at least another 5 years

  19. Justin is depressed.
