Friday, February 01, 2019

Blind Item #4

This former A/A- list mostly television actress from two separate hits spends her days sleeping before doing coke all night long. She is back to her wild ways of threesomes and partying and apparently has had one abortion in the past couple of months because she didn't know who the father would have been.


MDAnderson said...

Hayden P

Tricia13 said...

Amanda Bynes?

Simon said...

@tricia, i hope it’s not her

Astra Worthington said...

Wow both of those (Hayden or Amanda B) are great guesses. Whoever it is, that’s just sad.

Tricia13 said...

I do t think it is... it’s likely HP as Enty always describes her the exact same way.
That said I’m relieved too because I really pull for her and think she’s come out on the other side finally🙏

J said...

Lost cause.

Guesser said...

Wouldn't Enty mention a child if this was Hayden?

hothotheat said...

Hayden P. What two TV 'hit' shows has Amanda been on?

Huckleberry said...

How do I bump into this girl?

LooksLikeCRicci said...

I think it's Hayden P., too.

Amanda was on "What I Like About You" and "All That," which were big hits for the network they aired on... but given Enty's affinity for Amanda, I don't think he'd word it this way if it were her.

Count Jerkula said...

Isn't H-Pants still married to the Ukie giant?

If not, someone give her my contact info and let her know I have about 1/4oz of blow.

Missy Bigbritches said...

Please don't use abortion to shame anyone.

Astra Worthington said...

I don’t see how he was shaming anyone. Just stating an occurrence.

Tiredallthetime said...

Doesn't vladmir have full custody or did I dream that?

Nor Cal said...

I think it is Hayden P. There was a photo of her after a night of partying with her new boyfriend in the DM today.

Freckles said...

Jeez this is a gossip site, he was not shaming anyone

orangesoda said...

Oh missy, relax. If someone is nasty enough to get knocked up during a threesome and not know who the baby daddy is, maybe the issue is with them and not the people calling them out on their disgusting lifestyle.

Jeweled Skye said...

Chelsea Handler

TheBPlot said...

@huckleberry - so funny!

DarthRaider said...

If you find her, let me know

Hayley said...

@orangesoda fuck off with your judgement.

Astra Worthington said...

People are allowed to judge and have opinions. I doubt that all of your opinions are universal. Who made you the opinion and judgment police?

Good lord if you don’t like someone’s opinion, so what? Wtf is with this mentality that only people that have the opinions you approve of, can express them?

This shit is getting ridiculous 🙄

Hayley said...

Yeah they have a right to their opinions, but if people are spewing venom and calling someone else’s lifestyle - that is none of their business- disgusting, I have a right to call them out. I never said I was the judgement police but it looks like you’re quite the hypocrite who’s trying to police what I say. And I only said one thing, you can ignore my comment but you decided to jump in to this and blab your unneeded opinion. So what I’m trying to say is, fuck off

Krissie said...

Amanda has been on three tv shows, you're forgetting the Amanda Show. So Hayden probably.

Renee 123 said...

Abortions should be shamed. Especially if people are using them as a form of birth control. Like has no one heard of condoms, the pill & all the other options out there?

Krissie said...

What's more shameful is popping out babies because your religion "prevents" you from using birth control. And then living off government paychecks because surprise, you can't afford them.


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