Friday, February 08, 2019

Blind Item #3

After being dumped by the Playmate because all he wanted to do was sit inside and chain smoke while watching movies, the A list mostly movie actor somehow convinced the television ex to take another chance on him. She does know she will get cheated on again right?


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  3. Ben & Lindsay Shookus?

  4. affleck & lindsay are talking, again

  5. he needs therapy stat - clearly there's serious depression there he's medicating with alcohol/cigs/thots

  6. Wouldn't Ben Affleck be academy award winner/nominee?

  7. Ben Affleck is the nastiest thing ever and I can’t understand what anyone sees in him. Hate hate HATE him.

  8. Ben Affleck is "A+ list", no?

  9. i liked him because of his speech in Chasing Amy. lol no seriously. it made me cry. Good Will Hunting. Gone Girl. Gone Baby, Gone. Dogma. Forces of Nature. and of course Jay and Silent Bob. i have always liked him, as an actor and director.

    i know people hate him. i don't like things that he's done and have lost respect for him. i'm sad it's come to this. i think he's really talented.

    1. To be fair...Affleck's performance in Chasing Any may have moved you, sure...but those words were poignantly crafted by Kevin Smith.

  10. Add Bounce to that
    And Surving Christmas

  11. @B626


    haven't seen those but i will have to check them out.

  12. Is he hitting her up for help paying his gambling debts? Cuz Shookus is ROUGH looking.

    Even though he's a giant douche, he could easily get hotter tail.

  13. Wait, she dumped him because he wanted to netflix and chill? To hell with her, Ben, there's a whole Tinder world out there for you :)

    1. Or Grndr, Just ask DeCaprio. There is also my personal favorite

  14. Ben needs to find the nanny he shares with Tom Brady and bring her back ASAP.

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    1. Had to re-read this one as the coffee hasn’t kicked in. Agree that it’s Lindsay Shookus and Ben Affleck. But why would anyone want to be with him. He is so gross, and that is coming from me, Troy Dyer, who doesn’t shower

  16. @Raven avoid Surviving Christmas if you still want to love Ben. It's horrible.

  17. @Unknown, It was the 90's, Kevin Smith movie, $250,000 budget. Nobody expects Shakespeare they watch for the laughs.

  18. A recovering alcoholic don’t need to be in a relationship with no one. Ben needs to get his life together.

  19. @unknown.

    Jesus, that girls voice in it!!
    God's teeth, it felt like my ears were getting waterboarded with chipmunk piss.

  20. Chasing Amy is dated now, but was cutting edge at the time.
    Surviving Christmas is hilarious and terrible, which makes is a must-see.

  21. Throw in some vodka and some pot and that sounds like a great afternoon. Call me, whoever you are.

  22. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Definitely Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus. He should be working on his sobriety not worrying about getting laid. Add to it Shookus is fugly. He needs a higher standard than the women he's been dating lately.

  23. @Unknown at least you didn't have to sit through Kevin's other masterpiece Clerks.

    I love edgy, indie cinema, and even when things aren't to my liking I can appreciate their merits, but this was sooooo bad.

    Not funny, not artistic, I have no idea why it was considered so amazing.

  24. No gauloise, no, you're normally so right, where did you go so wrong? ;) Clerks is a masterpiece, Randall has some of the best dialogue ever. Who doesn't love Salsa Shark or any of the other awesome lines?
