Thursday, February 07, 2019

Blind Item #3

This A list mostly movie actor is trying to convince a judge that his B list soon to be ex wife shouldn't get any child or spousal support. It is just a d**k move from the actor who is acting all tough because he doesn't like that she doesn't want to have ex sex any longer.


  1. Replies
    1. Agreed. Don’t get it at all. But I always heard he was a nice guy so this kinda sucks to hear

    2. Agree with both of you.

  2. Just for fun... Brad and Angie? I don't know what Enty rates Angelina Jolie these days but she certainly hasn't had a hit in awhile and her reputation is suffering, I could see her passing for B list.

  3. The Jump street movies were really fun, and he was quite good in the wrestling movie about the Dupont guy.

    He gets type cast cause of his looks, but If he chose the right scripts he could pull a McConaughy in middle age.

    1. I have to agree with you. He was good in all of those. I forgot about that DuPont movie.

  4. Don't think Angie rates anything but permanent A list as her history and even presence despite lack of films in mainstream media etc. Channing and Jenna or to be different BEN and JEN. She has moved on with a new man so maybe she isn't taking him in anymore. Plus blinds about her trying to get preggo via IVF mean she is in a different both body and mind state lately. Still, she'd get support with the kids no matter what.

  5. i really liked him in the movie with Rachel McAdams, The Vow.

    and of course, Magic Mike. *whew*

  6. Channing Tatum looks like he has Down Syndrome. This isn’t an insult to those with Down Syndrome, just an observation.

  7. @astra, right!? lol
    Channing Tatum is disgusting. Looks like your average white trash, red neck, american.

  8. Mr potato head is getting petty now

  9. How the hell is Tatum A list?

  10. Channing Tatum looks like a thumb, however I will agree that I was surprised I liked 21 Jump Street.

  11. Channing Tatum can be funny, still waiting for Comrade Detective Season 2. Not sure why he hates Jenna so much though.

  12. +1 @ Astra, @ Bori Girl

  13. He is fighting for 50/50 custody and has gone to court with a specific plan; she may not get child support.

    If she was smart, she would’ve waited a year to file. She filed after 9 years.

  14. Channing Tatum was brilliant in his small but entertaining part in 'The Hateful 8.'

  15. What about Robert Deniro?

  16. +1000 he had a meltdown outside the courthouse today...

  17. What about Chris Pratt? I love him & don’t want to think he’s like that but he is getting a divorce from Anna Ferris?
    I say him or Channing

  18. It's not DeNiro. The judge praised both parties for good-faith negotiations today. Also, is his ex a B-List actress? (I confess I am not familiar with any of her work.) Plus, I refuse to believe he would stiff his own child that way.

  19. To add: BI says he is "acting all tough" for a particular reason. That doesn't really fit because De Niro acts all tough ALL THE TIME, and wouldn't need an excuse. Not acting tough would be more of a headline.

  20. Anonymous6:52 AM

    It's a divorce, people!
    Did you expect teddy bears? a Hallmark commercial?
    Golden retriever puppies, bearing "I'm Sorry" notes?
    The death of a marriage is ugly. Always.

  21. Tatum can have sex as often and with whomever he wants. I doubt Jenna refusing to have sex with him caused a single ripple in his universe.

    Tatum is charming. He might look like a meat head but he has great instincts as an actor. I see a long career for him in a variety of projects.
