Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Blind Item #2

Last year I wrote about this pint sized former A list rapper who is in desperate need of money. She couldn't bring herself to play smaller venues to earn money but she has no problems wastefully spending loans and money she was given by other rappers and producers.


  1. +1 Tricia
    Has anyone seen the weird Michael Bolton "glitch" video? Did he fall asleep? He seemed a tad out of it.

    1. No I haven’t, but that’s not a name you hear everyday lol(off to google it)

    2. Omg that was bizarre! Wrong time/place to mediate or take a vow of silence lol

  2. Lil Kim is crazy some money is better than no money

  3. Lil “I love to be the underdog sometimes” Kim.

  4. Lil “Plastic Surgery Goblin” Kim. She was so pretty when she first came out, why oh why did she do that to herself????

  5. Yeah, can't expect her to go without gaudy trash bling.

  6. +1 Astra
    Lil Kim was stunning at first and she just destroyed herself.

  7. Tricia13 Michael Bolton said he was checking twitter. And then it froze, but the background and his throat is moving as he breathes. It looks like he's nodding off. I don't know how to reply with this browser. I apologise for you having to hunt/possibly miss my response. Another off-topic digression I loved your podcast episode!
    And the blind you had the other day. You could tell how exciting it was by your writing.

    1. Thank you very much on both accounts James! Enty is a good time-hopefully we can do it again sometime:)

      As for Bolton- man-he looked really off. I think I preferred him in his rat tail heyday . Older Bolton is creepier

  8. Whoa.... when was the last time you saw Bolton's name here?
