Saturday, February 02, 2019

Blind Item #2

That former kid wannabe rapper/actor turned whiny entitled adult tried to stiff a hooker because he doesn't have that kind of money any longer. He likes to pretend he does.


  1. Shad Moss/Lil Bow wow?

  2. Arrested after a fight with a woman. Ugh. WTF.

    1. Was he? Figured it could only be him or Lil Romeo

    2. Bow Wow has some issues with women.

    3. Erica Mena ruined him.

  3. Some worthless shitehawk with 'lil' in front of his name.

  4. Tbh Lil Wayne is the only rapper who has talent, other rappers named with "lil" are trash

  5. Name recognition and can't get laid without paying for it?

    I think that's about the worst thing I've ever heard. How marvelous!

  6. Bud 'Grandmaster B' Bundy

  7. Whore didn't get paid up front? She gonna have to shine her pimp's gators after he gets done beating her with one. Always get paid up front.

  8. If I were semi famous then I'd pay upfront if only to stop the shore squealing about my <tiny....I mean, humongous sized Hampton.

  9. Whore not shore. My autocorrect abides in the 18th century.

    One of us is not going to survive the evening.

  10. Lol Lil Bow Wow!

    I worked with a guy who owned a limo. He told me once that he drove it to the ghetto area of his town and when everyone came out to look, he told them Lil Bow Wow was in the back. And he said the mothers all started yelling “You ain’t got Lil Bow Wow in there!” And he laughed and peeled out. Hahahaha obviously this was back when Lil Bow Wow was a thing.

    We went to lunch in it once. To Wendy’s. It was hilarious. All these people stopping and looking as he opened the door for me, to get out and go into Wendy’s.

  11. Shady bow wow hope he gets his shit together.
    Stop trying to be something you’re not. The public know u don’t
    have money like u use to have. Get a job and move alone
    We all have to deal with the problems we did to get where we’re at in life.
    Stop bragging because it’s not a good thing to do

  12. Flashy Vic-- your battles with autocorrect are almost as funny as your messages that it constantly tries to sabotage. Keep fighting the good fight!

  13. Hope her pimp beat his ass.

  14. Count- you reminded me of Will Ferrell in Get Hard, he's a reformed pimp named Gator (and speaks in third person). One of his best characters.

    1. Hushhush - i can only stand Ferrell in Elf. Have a hard time sitting through anything else he is in.

  15. These lil' rappers and bow wows all look the same to me. You could put one of them in front of me and some black kid from projects and I wouldn't know the difference.



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