Monday, February 25, 2019

Blind Item #28 - Oscars

Speaking of arranged marriages, this very recent one was in stark contrast to people mentioned in #27. The couple in this item did not do much PDA, but you can tell they really do like, if not love each other, just that there won't ever be any consummation of the marriage. 


  1. Aww it's like a lavender fairy tale.

  2. unless she's gay and this bearding helps her too, I could never live a lie like that. talk about wasting your years to help preserve somebodys fake hetero status and marketability

    1. Wouldn’t do it myself, but to be fair, many women (and men) waste many dating years to help a company/business/organisation/their career’s status and marketability.

      Bearding is not my career of choice, but a job’s a job.

  3. hum...not sure about this, but may be...they are both trash, so, possible

  4. Enty, again, i REALLY doubt your " source" for the blinds about these two.

  5. Yeah this seems like quite loss compared to all the worthless marriages out there. All the miserable years they'll miss out on, oh how will they go on? Sh!t, marry a gay dude, never have to touch him, get all the sidepieces and financial compensation you could ask for, sounds like a real tragedy, where do I sign up? 🤔

  6. It's too bad people just can't be who they really are.

  7. Maybe this is who they are. Marriage used to be mainly about access to sex, but not anymore.
