Monday, February 25, 2019

Blind Item #20 - Oscars

This long time collaborator with the disgraced director was a winner/nominee last night and doesn't believe the director did anything wrong. 


  1. JOHN OTTOMAN, win for editing bohemian rhapsody. been editing for bryan singer since 1989 basically every project of his edited by ottoman

  2. Wasn't there a previous blind about this guy?

  3. @notthisagain

    Does Ottoman edit Singer's private films too?

  4. Ottoman. his victory is a joke .

  5. Granted Singer wasn't running a Neverland Ranch but what was this collaborator's logic?

  6. Wasnt there a blind that Singer was in the editing room the entire time and practically edited it!?!?

  7. No one cares about this and they still rewarded him. Oh well. Hollywood isn't and shouldn't be the moral compass for society.

  8. John Ottman, not John Ottoman. Composed some scores for Singer too.

  9. Singer did a lot of the editing with Ottman. Hollywood just loves to reward this behavior. BoRap was an Ok movie, i don't get all the hype. Also sound editing? come the fuck on!

  10. Syncing all that lip syncing must have been a difficult job after all.

  11. @filmfanb

    Actually, it was totally Bryan Singer's right to be there to supervise the editing, just like any other director, due to a DGA ruling that applies to every major production. Which doesn't mean that he did the editing. The editor did.

    "If you direct at least 90% of scheduled principal photography, you are entitled to all post-production creative rights, unless you were primarily responsible for the motion picture going over budget or your replacement directs more than 10% of all principal photography, no part of which was shot to defeat your rights."

    Singer left the set after 90% of the photography was in the can, so Fox had no option. The ruling was written to protect directors who get sick during production, not Singer, but he took advantage of it. Fox just tried to keep his involvement as secret as possible.


  12. back in 94 the usual suspects was shut down for a few days after Spacey assaulted someone

  13. Ottman directed Urban Legend 2. I know, I worked with him on it.



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