Monday, February 18, 2019

Blind Item #2 - Mr. X

Which alliterate talk show hostess is going to announce her divorce from her husband next month? She’s also planning on a sit down interview with that mogul/host so she finally address the allegations of her husband physically abusing her.


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    wendy and oprah...

  2. Guess who's hosting her show today?!
    Zolciak and hubbie! OMG...digging in such deep barrels these days. Just shut the show down for the season and begin a new

    1. I’m sorry, what? KZB and Kroy are hosting the Wendy show?!?
      Kim can’t read and Kroy will just sit off camera cheering her on. Just have Jerry host full time!

  3. I guess Oprah, but as a Wendy fan, I think her strength is just talking straight to her audience. I'd rather see her spill it all directly on her own show. I guess, due to the emotional nature of the subject, an interviewer would keep it all on track, but I've just come to dread the glossy, puff-piece, scripted, perfectly edited interviews.

  4. Good for her!! That man will ride off into the sunset with plain jane side chick, blow all of his payout without a career. He deserves it

  5. Put his shit allllllll over the street Wendy. He’s a thug. Take him down girl?

    1. Preach Weekittylass!!

    2. Lol! “Preach”
      Says the she who thought the mogul
      Was Ryan Seacrest. Think for once before posting. Aren’t you always claiming to be in the know because you worked in NY in the industry? Lol Seacrest. Pathetic reply

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Absolutely do not believe this. WW is too fragile and thinks no one will feel sorry for her. Maybe true, but her ego will get in the way.

  7. I grew up on Wendy on the radio and will always have a soft spot for her and she’s a Jersey girl. From her radio days her husband had a bad rep of being abusive to her and the staff. I hope Wendy gets the strength to leave him.

  8. If Wendy is a true Jersey girl like she says, she needs to fuck him back with a bigger dick. That’s how we roll.

    1. Yup. I can’t believe a girl from Asbury Park would take this crap from that tool.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Wendy can sit on Oprah's knee and they can agree that men are bad and that regularly sleeping in the same bed as your female best friend isn't weird.

  11. The irony of the woman who covered for him talking to the woman who buddies up to two of the most disgusting celebrities in the world. I'd rather be vomiting.

  12. Alliterate talk show host HMMM COULD THAT BE ELLEN EDEGENERES?

  13. Maybe she murdered someone and he has evidence. It's usually the simpler things, not wild theories like he'd tell everyone that she's intersex.

  14. I have always liked Wendy. I hope she prevails.

  15. Wendy and Oprah. Smart way to reveal. The financials are probably a mess

  16. Wendy and Oprah.

    Hoping for Wendy to land on her feet.

  17. Mogul/host does describe Seacrest. Is Cohen still wannabe mogul? I hope it isn't him she goes to.
