Friday, February 08, 2019

Blind Item #1

This B/ list mostly television actor stars on two separate television shows. He is barely legal but already a predator. He finds younger girls at classes taught by his acting coach/manager, who is also his mom's roommate. Dozens of complaints and they do NOTHING.


  1. @tricia

    he's only on modern family tho, not another show. looked at his filmography, just appearances on other stuff

  2. @tricia

    also, Good Morning!! :) :) well, from here in CA - dont know if its morning where you are, but lovely to see you :)

    1. Hey there! Good to see you too... 11.15 am here(almost lunch time and I’m starved lol).
      Ah ok-thought he did a V/O on another show:((

  3. Jace Norman? Another possible Dan Schneider connection?

  4. This entire town is "dozens of complaints and they do nothing". Why should this instance be any different?

  5. It must be someone with shows on a network with a kid/tween base...

  6. +1 Patrick Jace Norman fits.

  7. @sandybrook I interpreted "barely legal" as meaning 18. And Norman is on two shows, too. All the other actors I saw on a list of people born in 2000 seemed obscure.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Are people just saying Jace Norman because he has dead eyes and rape face, plus that shark grin?

  10. Get that poontang, brutha.

  11. Preying on someone younger.. Did someone do that to him?

  12. "Rico Rodriquez" maybe he had a just cause?

  13. Complaints of what and to who? Him flirting
    With teen girls, him touching little girls, rape? Who do we tell his mom, his manager? Go to the police if dozens of parents make a report they will have to do something. Problem with the majority of these cases criminal complaints aren't made. Its all hush hush and give me a check. And the abusers keep going.

  14. Just googled Jace Norman and yikes! He DOES have dead eyes. He looks like the kind of kid who charmed the female guidance counselors the whole time he was torturing the fat kid in gym class.
