Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Blind Item #1

Apparently the boyfriend of the singer/actress must have discovered that he was being cheated on and that the actress/singer needs rehab. 


  1. Replies
    1. Which I find it interesting that she and Bradley seem so close and he is long time sober/in recovery. I would imagine he maybe tried to intervene a bit

    2. She's an emotional vampire type. When she focuses, you are the center of her moment, then they drain you and release you. I bet their lovey dovey phase is short lived. He's a narcissist, so he'll turn quickly to hate.

    3. That’s probably dead on ..... two narcissists in love with someone else’s reflection (for a moment in time). In the end they just were adoring each other /themselves for ASIB. , though I hoped it was deeper. He’s not capable,from what I hear.

  2. wouldn’t it say fiancé since Gaga is engaged?

  3. Which singer/actresses currently have boyfriends?

  4. @Unknown +1

    @Count - i agree. something is definitely wrong with Celine. she looks hideous. she thinks she looks chic and fashionable. she looks like a walking dead person.

  5. Celine's partner is a woman.

  6. The blind is probably supposed to be about Gaga


  7. I'd imagine a lifetime married to Lady Gaga would be a dream come true for most hetero guys.

    1. No. You're wrong there. I for one wouldn't want a Madonna knockoff.

  8. I just always assumed she'd be someone's beard, seems very asexual to me.

  9. I must be the only person who doesn't see what makes Gaga so awful. I don't stan her by any means. I just don't really care either way. I don't get a "drugged out" vibe from her though, or sense that she has substance abuse issues. If anything, I just think she's a super entitled diva-type who treats people like crap. But in interviews she sounds sober and healthy.

    1. I actually applaud you for having a differing opinion without attacking so thanks.

      I dislike Gaga so much. I’ve dealt with unstable narcissistic people my whole life and I definitely get that vibe from her. The kind that throws a fit when she doesn’t get her way and cries chauvinism when critiqued. Maybe I’m wrong but....

  10. i have seen Gaga's performance on D listed and while the voice was mostly okay-ish ( but Brbra she is not ), he behaviour was baffling, she really looked weird on stage...and off stage

    first time listened to the song Shallow, too, and i cannot believe has had all that success...no, wait, i can

  11. @SarahE, "I must be the only person who doesn't see what makes Gaga so awful...I just think she's a super entitled diva-type who treats people like crap."

    I am very concerned about what your friends may be like, you don't have to tolerate toxic people. ;)

  12. She right up at the top there with all the self absorbed
    celebrity social media preachy preachers,
    and there’s a lot of them.

  13. @SarahElizabeth

    She definitely hasn't abused drugs her whole career. It's really in the last 5 yrs or so. ever since the fibro diagnosis. Once those pills get their hooks in you, it's a rough road. See: Gaga, Nikki, etc.

  14. so is this implying Gaga's fiance left her and she is cheating with Coop ro someonelse?

  15. @dummypants HAHAHAHAHAH umm yeah. If you YouTube some of Gaga’s early, brunette New York piano sets, she is lit the fuck up. Eyes like saucers. Homegirls been abusing cocaine for YEARS!
