Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Blind Item #13

This is the first time this person has ever been a blind item. A network reality star from a long running show that is seemingly on every night. He is cheating on his wife.


  1. Not married. How's about Bergeron?

  2. HGTV is not a network star. Would it kill you to read the blind properly before guessing? You spend enough time here to know what a network reality star is.

    1. How would you know how much time she spends here? Hmmmmm? Unless of course you’re here at the same time she is.....don’t hate it’s mot a could look

    2. For fuck sake. Appreciate that Tricia hasn’t left? You all must lead sad, pathetic lives if that is what you appreciate. This is not a site that is going to help you with your life and Tricia is not an intelligent person offering life changing inspirations.

      Come on people get a grip on life go volunteer somewhere and appreciate meaningful things

    3. Yes it would. You know she has to be the first to reply no matter what. It’s a sickness.

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    alex trebek lol

  4. Howie Mandel, repeats and now new episodes on CNBC I believe

  5. Anonymous11:52 AM

    jk hes foreign born and also probably not cheating on his wife

  6. My fav are the blinds that say "blahblahblah is cheating and Jane Doe is not the answer"

    Trica: "JANE DOE!"

    Shes done that like 5 times with no shame...

  7. Anonymous11:53 AM

    howie is also foreign born but i like that guess because he hangs out around the vlog squad alot so hes around a lot of models

  8. I thought of Howie but he’s Canadian.

  9. Pay Sajack? Or would the blind say “game show”

  10. Howie is a germophobe so he's probably not touching a random person who he hasn't personally purifyed

  11. Anonymous12:02 PM

    pat sajacks twitter is really funny.

  12. DWTS fits this description

  13. I'm new here, been lurking for about a month and a half.. Gordon Ramsey?

  14. Sajak doesn’t tweet often, but they are gold when he does.

  15. Long running and seemingly on every night, not foreign born, sounds like a game show host. Dammit Canadian Trebek, someday we'll get blinds about you 😅

  16. Wheel of Fortune fits this more actually

  17. I'm not sure where everyone is getting the not foreign born piece, nothing in the blind states that?

  18. The thought/post police has turned up.

  19. @biblio, Enty almost always puts foreign born in the description if they are, so its absence usually indicates someone US born.

  20. You mot a could look before hitting publish. Ramsay has been in blinds before. No idea.

  21. Todd Christley? Has he had a blind? That damn show of his is always on every time I turn on the TV and on multiple channels.

  22. Funny thing DayJob - I've been coming here for years and never kept track of people's wrong answers.

    1. But obviously have notice she had to be first to reply even if she is not sure of the answer or spelling. It’s very noticeable. But you been hear for years so you must be immune to it. Just bypass her posts because they are wrong guesses

  23. It's the usual gag, whining about Tricia's answers without much variation, or accusing her of a being a bad mom. It's almost robotic really, doesn't seem very real or sincere. Like somebody's impression of someone who doesn't like Tricia.

    1. @Bray -Well , there are people that need some help in help, that’s for sure. Hope they get it.
      My kids are full time in school and I fortunate to have time to do what I wish. .. never understood why that would confound someone? I never question what people do or why they are here- contrarily- I’m happy to see them(most😉). That said... Irie Life🤟
      We are here here for a good time ,not a long time 💫

  24. Steve Harvey? Not a fan, but he seems to be on the tv 24/7.

  25. I like Sandybrook’s guess! Howie: I’m going to need you to steam your vagina first, and we can fist bump post coitus.

  26. The power of anonymity--ability to trash commenters behind a screen name and completely derail threads. How pathetic

    Those of us who have been here for years appreciate the fact that Tricia has stuck it out here regardless when so many great commenters (including the Himmmm(s)) have been driven away by miserable aholes. You go girl!

  27. How about Kaynye? Kardashians are on constantly, their show has been on a long time. He's the only married dude on the show. I guess it could be Ken from RHOBH, but I don't see that show constantly playing like I do the Kard's.

  28. As long as its never fucking Pete Nelson/Treehouse Master, because I can handle every disappointment Hollywood hurls, but I couldn't deal with that.

  29. one of the married Bachelor guys or one of the pros from Dancing with the Stars.

  30. Gordon Ramsey is foreign born and has been a blind before I'm pretty sure. Great guess though, and welcome Lexy1984!

  31. TruRes- Id feel the same way about Bergeron!

    Most game shows (except Price is Right) are syndicated, no? Are the nighttime talk shows considered reality?

    Tricia- you really do handle an undeserved situation with grace, it doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated.

  32. I wish it was Steve Harvey. I can't stand him

  33. I think it’s Todd Christley


  34. For fuck sake. Appreciate that Tricia hasn’t left? You all must lead sad, pathetic lives if that is what you appreciate. This is not a site that is going to help you with your life and Tricia is not an intelligent person offering life changing inspirations.

    Come on people get a grip on life go volunteer somewhere and appreciate meaningful things

  35. Chica-- I was using the term in context of a particular situation. I have quite a solid handle on the what's meaningful in my life, thank you, that's why I'm completely unphased by whose guess is first or how it is spelled (unless autocorrect goes rogue and gives us all a laugh). THAT is the stuff that needs to roll off one's back, as it can be ignored and simply just doesn't matter, other than within the context of a piffle of a blind item about gossip.

    I HAVE lurked on here for years, skimming, scanning, laughing when I've had the time. I dont recall seeing your name until recently, perhaps we're both new to this commenting game and could remind ourselves that it is just that... An entertaining game or pastime. I look forward to reading your contributions on other subjects.
