Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Blind Item #12

This very very wealthy foreign born reality star from multiple shows who also has celebrity offspring was all set to cheat on his girlfriend again when he noticed paps swarming the place he was going to meet thew newest mistress. He took off in his car leaving her behind.


  1. +1 Tricia, There's like only one guy it could be

  2. Unless it's David Foster heating on McPhee

  3. "Very very wealthy" according to him

  4. Unfortunately this tipster wasn’t as Silent as Those Lambs😷

  5. David Foster.....but McPhee is fiancee, so maybe not.

  6. Those quotes ... if only there was a word to describe them!

  7. Fostet already getting handjobs fron his reality costars allegedly...eating aint cheating and mcphee is obviously ok with it

  8. If it is Foster, Cat McPhee will hang tough. She's an opportunist - she'll marry him, pop out a kid and live well after the divorce. Not a bad plan really.

  9. I dunno, I think this is supposed to be Mo but isn't he nowhere near as rich as he pretends?

  10. Mo.. Is the Prince Valiant a hair hat or just an exceedingly unattractive and odd haircut. Has nobody told this guy that a) Black hair is almost never a flat black.. It has black, very dark brown and some almost dark blue strands, and 2) black hair is incongruous with aged skin, especially skin that has been spit-roasted in the sun for 70+ years.

  11. RobertaJoan-- i think bad haircuts are prerequisites for large bank accounts!
