Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blind Item #12

Some big awards overseas tonight. Apparently this foreign born former B+ list singer who most of you know, spilled most of her coke when a driver hit a bump while was doing a bump. She was not happy. Oh, and the crazy thing is this didn't come from her driver. She was pretty open about sharing the story when she arrived.


  1. Lily Allen 100% already there and oversharing

  2. Def good ole Lily Allen.

  3. Agree with Lily Allen.

  4. Years ago my sister sneezed on a pile that a big group of us pulled together to get. POOF! ...Before we could do any of it.. It wasn't funny then but it makes me laugh now.

  5. She’s a mess. Spent time with/around her at glasto 2009 and yeeeesh, that was enough for me. Just rude and gross. Granted, that was ten years ago.

    1. Horrible piece of shit

    2. Lilly.Not you btw.

    3. @amy You know her? have you met her? maybe you are the horrible piece of shit

  6. Coke is available to them all. They are more likely to be ingesting cocaine then not...I mean, even those who aren't celebrities, it's absolutely everywhere. I have never taken it as I drank too much anyway, I didn't need another problem but it was offered to me by everyone I met, even strangers. If it's that bad in the 'normal' world then can you imagine the celebrity world?

  7. @rosie, @ tinydancer: Halloween party. We were up on the roof and the wind blew & the Coke went everywhere. I just said ‘oops’. Funny thing is that my friends and I were dressed as the Id, the Ego, & the Superego. I was the Id, so what else can u expect?!

  8. Should add a road tax to coke sales.

  9. Today's tongue twister- Likely Lily's Loose Lips Lamenting Lost Lines

  10. Lily Allen is mentally slow, poor thing. She just doesn't get it, that she's a has been, a nobody, no girls emulate her, no men want to fuck her, no woman wants to be her.
    Her ignorant and mouthy opinions don't matter, and are only advertised to serve for comedic purpose. She's a sad pathetic and extremely unintelligent clown.

    1. Ummm...Sh has calling her mentally slow is actually the opposite of what her mind is like lol!!!
      And she is great...and she is very intelligent

  11. Maybe i've never had the good stuff but the only use i've found for coke is to let me drink all day at a festival. I'll be getting some for Download in a few months for the Tool/Pumpkins nite.
