Friday, February 15, 2019

Blind Item #12

This former A list teen movie star went on another huge spending spree yesterday. Guess he found another "investor."


  1. So at this point we're pretty sure he was a "procurer" of other boys back in the day?

  2. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel today, Enty. Maybe stop @ 10 blinds.

  3. Doesn't seem fair that people who didn't sell their friends' asses back in the day don't get to go on spending sprees now.🤔

  4. Beats the 'bending' sprees he used to go on I guess.

  5. I hate to say this, but is he on the death watch 2019 list now?!

  6. Even I got this one.

  7. How much does he have to get before he says Geffen and Speilberg? Or is it more about the amount of coke he has do it slips?🤔

  8. @ Aquagirl

    He had almost no choice. The BI he had put together on Meghan Markle had fallen apart, Lindsay Lohan hadn't posted anything on Instagram that could inspire a compelling BI about her being a prostitute. And the Daily Mail from today was all about Brexit and Bubbles tried to commit suicide after hearing that Jacko was dead.

    So it was either a Feldman story or a blind item about Harvey Weinstein's black ops guys sabotaging with the help of the French government the plane that killed the Argentinian soccer player because Emiliano Sala had dirt on the conspiracy against Assange and Pamela Anderson. Fortunately, he picked the Feldman one, and he even managed not to write about Marty Feldman. Cheers...



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