Monday, January 07, 2019

Your Turn

What is your bedtime during the week?


  1. Lots of new faces at my plastic surgery support group

  2. I try to get to bed by 8:30 or 9 but usually also read until 930 or so.

  3. Whenever I decide to fall asleep. Try for between 10 and 11 don't always get there.

  4. Bedtime? Jeez Enty wtf is your demographic? I go to bed when I'm tired. ;)

  5. Between midnight and never, depending if i have work to do and meth

  6. I only sleep when I take lorazepam.

  7. 8:30. Get up at 430-5.
    Count Jerkula is back!

  8. I try to stay up late but my parents make me sleep early! Its not fair!

  9. That's my schedule, too, Tuesdi! Sucks, don't it? By Friday I'm so exhausted. If I have a social event on a Friday, it better be a good damn reason. None of this 33rd or 38th bday shit. Gotta be a 30 or 40 before I'm going out on a Friday. Those are my Netflix and scotch nights. ;)

  10. I try to go to bed between 9:00 - 10:00 pm.

  11. Usually around midnight but only because I have to get up at a certain time. I’m really a night owl & can easily stay up until 4, even if I’m just reading a book. Love the feeling of quiet during those hours.

  12. I am usually in bed by 8-8:30 during the week and up by 4:30-5.

  13. @Tuesdi and Smalls, Good golly that's awful! I think my toes would be reaching for the trigger after a few weeks on that schedule.

    @Aquagirl, It's really fun to stay up all night and freak out the morning people, like why did they sleep so late? Some can't wrap their heads around it lol

  14. I take a melatonin and play a stupid game on my phone until I conk out, usually between 10 - 11pm, up at 6am.

  15. 11:00-12:00 night night time

  16. Gotta be up for work @ 6.30am so 11-ish.

  17. Insomnia.. can be something between 12 and 2 am.

  18. @Aquagirl That's my schedule too and I find the quiet during those hours allows for creativity and learning. Whose bright idea was it to make "business hours" start so damn early?

  19. Usually right after the wife wakes me from my TV watching slumber and tells me to, 'Go to bed.'

    9:30-ish probably.

    That's when I get up and do the slow walk to the bedroom.

    She says I'm asleep by 'the time my head hits the pillow!'


  20. Insomniac here. I sleep whenever I can. Average btwn 30-40 hr a week.

  21. 8:30 PM. Up at 4:30 AM for court.

  22. Anonymous11:27 AM


  23. @AnitaKnapp: the best job that I ever had schedule wise was my summer job during college. My hours were 1pm-9pm and I usually went out every night. I could sleep in every day because the office was only a mile away. I agree with you about creativity & learning during those hours.

    @Brayson: I usually sleep until noon on the weekends & people think I’m crazy. It just suits me. What I question is the people who complain that they can’t sleep beyond 6am even on the weekends & they don’t even have curtains or blinds in their bedrooms. I’m all about black out curtains, an eye mask, and ear plugs. A modern day Holly GoLightly except I don’t accept $ to go to the ‘powder room’ when I’m on a date. And I’ve never been to Sing Sing.

  24. Used to fall asleep easily but now its 10:00pm or 11:00pm. Have to get up at 6.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @Aquagirl, noon isn't bad at all, especially if you've been up late the night before. Sleeping late does suck a bit in the winter when the sun is playing hide and seek.

  27. I am a bat, and my preferred sleep time is between 3 am and 4 am.

  28. 9:30-10:30 but thanks to edibles I sleep through the night now. It’s been a real treat.

  29. OFF the computer by 8pm, and I panic if I'm not in bed by 9.

  30. Between 10:30-11:30. Up by 4-5. Al Catta demands it. Otherwise a catwa is issued and holy feline jihad is unleashed. Cats are terrorists and assholes.

  31. @Aquagirl, I'm a night owl too, and my best job was night shift and late shift. I lived 15 minutes walk away from my workplace and it was lovely walking home at 6 a.m when the only noise was the birds singing.
    My best friend is a morning person and her idea of a long lie-in is 8 a.m, ugh.

    @Weekittylass - I hear ya! One of my cats (huge and weighed 18lbs and bossy, lol) used to lay on my chest purring loudly early in the morning while I was still waking up, and he would lick my closed eyelids to tell me it was kitty breakfast-time!

  32. After the late night shows like 12:30am -- am I the only night owl here. Use a NASA developed app to fall asleep - quality over quantity.

  33. Anonymous5:20 PM

    9-9:30 PST

  34. I go to bed between 11 and midnight, but that's seven days a week. Basically whenever I'm passing out in front of the TV.

  35. 3 a.m. I am retired

  36. I aim for around 10 or 11, but I’m definitely a night owl and could stay up till 2 no problem.
    @aquagirl I’ve always slept in until 11 no problem, so I’m with ya!

  37. hard core insomnia from menopause kicking in. 4am to 5am.

  38. @Brayson: where I live it’s been pouring down rain every weekend so honestly there’s been no difference between day & nite on the weekend. And the pitter patter of rain drops is one of the best, soothing sounds IMHO.

    Unfortunately, due to the frequent rain, clouds, and early darkness, I feel as though I’m living in Denmark. I’ve traveled there in the winter when it gets dark at 3pm. And I’ve been there during the Christmas season where you are freezing cold, warming your hands over a coal fire, and drinking glogg, which honestly, is so damn strong that if we had it here, I’d probably be asleep by 7 pm. Every night. Seriously.

    To all my fellow night owls: all I can say is congrats, & hopefully you can find a way to make it work for you! And if I manage to get the recipe for glogg, I’ll be sure to pass it on!

  39. I work 6 pm to 6 am for an airline. Generally I go to bed between 8-9 am. However the manager decided we should cross train with the opposite shift so this month I work days and it is very disorienting. By the time I get home I am in bed by 8 pm.
