Monday, January 14, 2019

Your Turn

What clubs did you belong to in high school?


  1. Friends, I got the results back from my medical tests, and the doctor seems to think I’m fine to masturbate all I want again.

    Or as he put it, “Candy, you could have a stroke anytime”.

  2. I was on the intramural co-ed volleyball team. We focking rocked it!

  3. None. I didn't get school spirit until the very last few months of my senior year. Then came college and not only no school spirit, I totally detested it. But finished it 1/2 late. So none there either.

  4. @sandybrook, I hated college, too. Just recently finished paying for it, though, 16 years later!

  5. Joseph, fortunately I went to CUNY which didn't cost much at all so I didn't have that to pay off, only good thing about going. I feel bad for everyone that never gets out from underneath that debt. It shouldn't cost tens of thousands of dollars to go.

  6. @sandybrook - it should not cost twns of thousands of dollars to go. At the same time, parents and high school counselors need to do a better job educating kids that going to a $50-60,000/year school is most likely going to result in significant, and possibly lifetime debt. I'm dumbfounded at how people don't realize the hole they are digging for themselves getting degrees from schools they cannot afford to attend.

  7. Anonymous10:30 AM

    GAA (Girls Athletic Assoc) in the days before women were allowed to have funding for intramural sports.

  8. drama club, pep club and was a cheer leader!

  9. Going to instate state unis and or city unis should be cheaper for residents than they are, but they do cost more for people attending from out of state. And the f'n prices for books now are completely outrageous.

  10. We really didn't have clubs, per se, but I was in band, choir, was involved in all the plays/musicals (acting, orchestra, lights, sound, set building) and generally being small and awkward with everyone. Not sure if that's a club, though.

  11. I was in the drama club, chorus, honor society, yearbook and debate.

  12. French Club, Science Club, Speech Club, Debate Team, Journalism, Math Club. I actually played math games. Super geeky shit. Equations, the game was called.

  13. I was in band and German club.

    I loved university. I paid in-state and at that time, Texas universities were mostly subsidized by oil money. You could actually work a part time job and graduate with no debt. Can do that anymore. bummer.

  14. None. I'm not a joiner.

  15. Drama club of course. I supplied it all. After that it was Girl Guides, where it took me months just to get the badge that holds your scarf together. The only badge I managed to sew on was The Entertainers badge. I discovered boys after that and left.

  16. The Young Farmers Club. I loved doing horticulture and beekeeping. Used to get the magazine as well. I was also in the choir.

  17. None. They don't exist here in Belgium. Not that I would have joined any.

  18. Cheerleading, FBLA, yearbook

  19. Pot smokers, all the way! And really nice VW owners group, it was pretty big in 70's Los Angeles.

  20. Anonymous5:36 PM


    It was supposed to be YMCA related but it was the stoner club.

    When I was 15, I went on a Baptist church camping trip with 8 teen boy and our counselor.

    He let us drink, smoke pot, generally have fun.

    When I got back I told my mom and she asked if I would smoke pot again. I said yes, so she said "I'd rather you do it at home than 'in the street' (like we were mainlining heroin or something)".

    I told a few friends, overnight I became the most popular kid in the 10th grade.

    The jocks stopped picking on me and would come to my house in the morning before school to get high.

    This was in Central Virginia in the mid-70s - pot was very illegal.

    The Tri-Hi-Y was the stoner club and I was duly inducted.

  21. I couldn't join any clubs. I was a bus kid all the way through high school and had zero options.

  22. Jon belonged to the poop stain club.

  23. Lol. I was like Tracey Flick in high school. Spanish Club, Girl's Club (a charity group), Students Against Drunk Driving, and Field Ecology. I was also on the high school newspaper and a student-body member.
    Now I do nothing -- I definitely peaked early! :)

  24. The Late-Blooming Insecure Virgin Club. Founder and president!

  25. Nice story, @Admin. The Tri-Hi-Y ending up being the stoner extracurricular is going to be my go-to mental example of the phrase, 'you can't make this stuff up"

  26. I joined every club or organization I could, that was the only way I could stay longer at school.
    Beta Club
    Yearbook club
    Debate team
    Class President
    Dance Team —— HBIC
    VOLLEYBALL TEAM———- it never hurt that I’m 5”11 and proud of it
    GIRLS FAST BALL OVERHEAD PITCH—-1st time for women
    Speech Club
    I was everything in high school and college was the same
    College Volleyball Team
    Basketball Team
    On deans list
    I came from a large family living on 25 acres of land, it was always work to be done, but if you’re doing something in school, no Chores..
    I enjoyed being young and I’ve never did drugs and had my first drink 3 yrs ago and realized I wasn’t missing anything and it’s just not my cup of tea.. Just give me an ice cold coke cola and we good..

  27. Art club. But we met once. Other than that, nothing. Never was a joiner.
