Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Volunteer

This actor is A- list. He is on an initialed show and been on awhile. He never seemingly makes tabloid news at all, so when this popped up at first, I blew it off. Then, a couple of months later another person said something about him that was super similar. So, I started asking around. Apparently our actor hangs out at missions or shelters which help single moms. Our actor then scouts around until he finds one he thinks is attractive. He will usually take her to dinner and then if they click will do something with her and her children. He then moves them into an apartment to help them get their life back on track. Sounds like this should be a kindness right? Well, of course the woman is grateful for what he has done and he makes it clear that they will continue to only get help if the sleep with him. So, they do. They fulfill his twisted fantasies too. Usually after a month or two he gets bored and has an employee kick them out of the apartment and give them $1000. After a couple of weeks he starts the whole process again.


  1. Scott Bakuka/CSI Nola?

  2. Lucas Black/NCIS Nola. Seems creepy

  3. I hope not any of the guys from Chicago PD

  4. what a big POS, if true..wow

  5. @MJ


    this is so sickening.

  6. Chris O'Donnell / NCIS?

  7. That's f*cked up for the children, getting moved around and promised hope like that. As for the moms, they wouldn't be the first single mothers to try to sling crotch for a better life but come up empty.

  8. There are way too many potentials for this blind, wish it was more specific about the actor.

  9. Not sure if Ice T could get away with this with Coco around.

  10. I was about to say Ice T MD. He probably has twisted fantasies and he's not gossiped about often, altho Coco has been.

  11. Could be Chris O'Donnell:


  12. Ice T hangs and lives in Nj and stays under the radar but he used to be a pimp before acting and rapping.

  13. You know part of his thrill must specifically be homeless single mothers, otherwise if he just wanted to fulfill twisted fantasies with single mothers he could just hop onto Tinder and save the rent.

  14. I hope the twisted fantasies don't involve the children.

  15. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Snidley Whiplash.

  16. @Brayson I think the use of the word "they" in "they sleep with him" "they do" "not she does" means the kids are part of it, so the promise of hope and moving is nothing compared to what he is allegedly doing to them.

    1. I read ‘they’ as the multitude of single mothers targeted, not the children.

  17. @gauloise, Oh that's some extra sick sh!t, I wasn't even thinking in that direction. Certainly would explain why none of the mothers ever spoke out at about it after whoring their children and probably committing incest.

    Give us a name, Enty, you might be able to save some future children the horror. That motherf*cker would never sue, sounds like there's plenty of witnesses and victims that could be subpoenaed.

  18. You supposedly got two separate tips and did your own research, sounds prime for a reveal.

  19. It's pretty clear the "they" is the multiple women he has done this to, not the children. But hey, at least no one has tried to connect this to Trump yet!

  20. This feels familiar to me. Almost like it was the plot to a TV show or something.

  21. Ice -T was my first guess because as MD mentioned, people have seemed to forgotten that he used to be a pimp

  22. Sadly this isn't uncommon. The son of a very well known bank use to do something very similar. The son was like 70 when he offered me free rent among other things if I would do "be his friend" I told him "thank you, but Im sorry I have to decline your offer", and I pretended to not understand what he meant so I smiled and said "I thought we were already friends" wow, his demeanor completely changed and hehtried to make feel less by down talking me because he assumed I was very poor with a bad or no family.

  23. @Michelle, which country was that in?

  24. but seriously. who is going to sleep with IcedT. he is disgusting.



    thanks for the article.

  25. Ice T is still a pimp, and Coco is the main/top one in his "harem."

  26. Initialed show - Mayberry RFD. It's Goober Pyle!

  27. I’m willing to bet this sick f*ck is from a similar background. Building up the Mom and kids hopes and then screwing them over, like he’s trying to relive something from his past, but this time he’s the one with all the power and he’s getting off on wielding it.

  28. Ice-T was NEVER a pimp, his whole background is a FAKE STORY so he could look gangsta to sell records back in the day. And Coco is a TRANNY.

  29. Asshole! Karma needs to kick his ass

  30. Chris O'Donnell, Mr Holier Than Thou. AKA Mr Ambien, because his acting puts me to sleep.

  31. LL is overly critical of his dancers while his wife looks like a sack of potatoes. I can see him doing this and it is so wrong. Ban whoever it is from the shelters

  32. Mark Harmon from NCIS

  33. Definetly survivor guilt. Trouble is, troubled people don’t need more disappointment. He is preying on them when he inserts himself in their lives and then deserts them. He is being self serving and can’t move forward with his life. Hero to zero.

  34. This is very creepy and very disturbing.. Someone needs to report him, he’s definitely making it bad for the men who do help,
    knowing 99% of the women and children have been abused.. Some soooo bad you didn’t know people do that to their own love ones.
    That child is him and this happen to his mother with him looking at it and it’s ingrained in his head.. He should have received help if not he’s just a dirty low down, good for nothing loser.. He’s hurting innocent children and further pushing some of the women in a deep spiral..

  35. I am white and this may be racist a.f and I am sorry but this power trip is definitely a white dude with a little dick that is a douche who hides it under being jovial.
    I am sorry if that's offensive but we all know a similar dude.

    1. It is and you know it’s wrong and you wouldn’t dare say shit about anyone of any other race. So why the hell do you think it’s ok to do it here?

      Also discussing dick size is as shitty as when a man comments on women’s bodies. If you don’t want your fat ass or droopy tits commented on, don’t do it to others.

      However the person in this blind is a stone cold POS so I’m not that committed to this lecture for this particular instance.

    2. Oh and I wasn’t commenting on your looks obviously, just “you” in the general sense. Just wanted to clear that up, sorry.

  36. I think it’s Chris O’Donnell. Something about him has always creeped me out.

  37. @trapped

    1.How the hell do you know the childhood history of a nameless stranger?
    2. 'Someone needs to report this!'

    Why don't you make that call?
    "Officer. A very bad man is renting apartments for homeless women!"
    What rock did you grow up under?
    Got evidence of a crime?
    If you have nothing intelligent to add to a conversation, don't jump in.

  38. Not Bakula, I like him so much. Since days of Quantum Leap. No do not believe it.

  39. Ice T is actually one of the nicest most respectful people you could ever meet. This is not him. He has a lot of empathy for people going through hard times.



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