Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Spy

This actor is probably A- list. He can play serious or comic. When acting in comedies, he often plays second fiddle to someone higher on the list, but not nearly as good of an actor. Our actor owns a string of vacation rentals focused primarily in resort locations around the country. Warm weather spots. Tropical destinations. Honeymoon destinations. According to an assistant who left the actor's employ about six weeks ago after almost a decade working for him, the actor has a huge secret. Each of the actor's properties has a security system installed. Not just on the outside. The thing is, he makes sure to let everyone know who is potentially going to rent from him, but her buries it deep in the descriptions of the condos. The former assistant sent one to me and it reads, "Surveillance or recording devices on property - The property is equipped with a camera doorbell. There are also seven additional cameras; one in backyard and two inside to monitor the front porch. In addition, there are cameras monitoring each room for your safety."

You really have to look to find this disclosure in his properties. The thing is, none of the guests have access to any of this video. It is not for their protection, because they can't see it. Instead, it is for the actor who always looks at the photos of every potential guest and their profile and makes it a priority to let honeymooners rent. Our actor has thousands of hours of footage of guests having sex and has kept tabs on guests he found interesting. He has hooked up with several of them, but even they have no idea about the recordings he saw.


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I need this one revealed for when i go on my honeymoon lol

  2. Replies
    1. +1
      Sorry I said end of thread I agreed with this guess not seeing it was you who guessed it.
      He is a “voyeur” apparently and an avid photographer per the DM

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    vince is my guess. he has houses in florida that he rents

  4. The last two are good guesses.

  5. @unknown. That was my first guess too.

  6. John C. Reilly is my guess as well.

  7. the acting credentials seem to fit vince vaughn imo.

  8. Well which actor "owns a string of vacation rentals focused primarily in resort locations around the country. Warm weather spots. Tropical destinations. Honeymoon destinations." The list can't be that long.

    Always check wherever you're staying. Knew a guy that on the side helped people bust their spouses, he could hide cameras anywhere.

  9. John C works really well. Will Farrell being higher up

  10. This is not a spy, its a PERVERT!

  11. Anonymous10:25 AM

  12. I can’t imagine a decision impaired honeymooner being drunk or drugged up enough to copulate with John C Reilly so— Vaughn
    And he deserves jail time

  13. There you go, kfitz.

  14. Vince Vaughn owns rental properties in Florida.

  15. I really hope it isn't John C. Reilly, but his was the first name I thought of.

  16. Anonymous10:34 AM

    it has great reviews and its BEAUTIFUL.

  17. Anonymous10:34 AM

    who does Vince Vaughn play "second fiddle" to ?

    what about Jon Favreau ?

  18. Anonymous10:37 AM

    jennifer aniston, reese witherspoon, ben stiller, id say owen wilson but i like vince better than him lol

  19. Years ago, a Las Vegas based Security Expert said that his company had fire alarms/sprinklers, etc. that masked a camera.

    He demonstrated one to me and the picture was fantastic.

    I asked why so many other cameras had bad video/pictures.
    He said those were cheap.

    He said the next time I was in a casino take a look at the camera bubbles.
    He said those could zoom in close enough to see the pores on my face.

    I wonder: are the cameras in this story are like that?

  20. Isn’t that illegal? It’s creepy as hell. And crass to hook up with his renters.

    And are there some days that the pop up ads are worse than others, for anyone else?

  21. I thought Jason Segal.

  22. Anonymous10:54 AM

    jason segal is on my wish list lmfao

  23. Paul Rudd?

    Adam Scott?

    Michael Cera?

    Bill Hader?

    VInce Vaughn is a headliner

    John C and Jonah Hill are really good guesses.

  24. Jonah hill. John C is a comedian first to me.

  25. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Woody Harrelson. Second fiddle to mccaughney or Owen Wilson second to Vaughn?

  26. Getting a Thomas Haden Church vibe but not sure about the properties he may own. He is from Texas so maybe places in The southwest,Fl?New Orleans?

  27. In my opinion Vince Vaughan is A list. That said I wouldn't say he is a "better actor" than any of his costars. He's funny, and likable enough, but he kind of plays the same part in every movie.

    1. I love him unabashedly... not to say he does t have his faults- but he headlines and is A .

  28. vince played 2nd fiddle to harvey keitel in reservoir dogs

    1. Nope. Vince Vaughn hasn’t been in any Tarantino movies.

  29. Vince V. I thought he was a secret freak, but to record people having sex is pathetic

  30. Ha Ha Ha His name is now Jason Segel
    I kid you not.

  31. Jonah Hill comes off as an arrogant, obnoxious, insecure, twisted little puke. So yeah, him. Lay off the yayo, ya little F.F.

  32. @freckles has it I think.
    Article today about Jonah Hills passion for “photography “.

  33. Oh FFS, the blind says a string of vacation rentals around the country.

    "But Vaughn is game to try the rental market again, although this time he’ll be testing the waters in Florida. He has a pair of houses in Santa Rosa Beach, a northwest coast community nestled between the Gulf and the state of Alabama."

    Two houses in Florida are not a f*cking string around the country, it's not Vince Vaughn.

  34. This is totally Jonah Hill.

    Plays second fiddle to Channing Tatum (Jump Street movies) who "is someone higher on the list, but not nearly as good of an actor".

    Can do comedy or serious.

  35. Not to be a snob but since when is Florida a tropical honeymoon destination?
    Exactly how poor do you have to be to honeymoon in Florida?

    1. Lol too snobby for Florida! Aren’t you something? Whoa, everyone look here! THIS GUY is totally cosmopolitan! Florida isn’t good enough for him!

      I’ve been all over the world, to a lot of the celebrated beaches. Most are shit holes and aren’t worth the price. At least in Florida it’s cheap, close by, and you can drink the water, eat the food, and not necessarily be a target as a foreigner (although if you’re white you’re a foreigner from about Orlando, on down). Give me Florida any day. The most beautiful beaches I’ve ever been to are there. And only a retard wants to waste money on stupid status signaling vacations, instead of being prudent and financially responsible.

    2. Palm Beach,Sannibel Island,Long Boat Key, Naples... I could go on-all absolutely stunning places and not cheap.
      South Beach is also super expensive ...when you stay in nice places as is Key Biscayne.
      Just thought you should know Depeche. I don’t live there anymore but many beaches are beyond stunning
      Actually Britney ought a home in Destin on the Gulf coast(never been), but again-beautiful I hear

  36. he can play serious = oscar nom for Chicago

    He can play serious or comic = John C Reilly

    When acting in comedies, he often plays second fiddle = Step Brothers

  37. David Howes: Security camera quality has improved a LOT in the last 10 or 15 years. The kind of equipment your friend was talking about in casinos is now commonplace. Even the cheapest stuff is pretty high-def today.

  38. Thank you Tricia. Of course I have been to Florida but never in order to go on tropical beach vacations. They were mainly work related trips. Flying all across the Atlantic to visit beaches, brought me mostly to Caribbean islands and Mexico.
    I guess I should apologise for having honeymooned in the Maldives, but I won't.



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