Today's Blind Items - A Night To Remember - A Tricia13 Blind
So I left with bated breath(🤞) awaiting the final moments of this Epic night. It is one of many ,but one of my fondest, merely because I genuinely like so many of the players and I know that readers would appreciate their presence in it.
That said-“The Night was just beginning “....
The person who stole the night’s attention has been guessed by many already ,and he was there with his then GF and a woman I came to realize was her sister (part of the doomed future events:(
She (GF/BC) was highly animated in a way people don’t generally arrive at naturally or through Vitamin B shots (if you know what I mean). The Host /Playwright I spoke of payed much attention to him(more than anyone else really),likely because as gay man he was under his spell like anyone with a pulse, but also because they were good friends/neighbors.As I stated , the man with the smile and the iconic family was an impressive supporter of the arts , and did it on several Theatre Co. Boards-that said ; as I was watching them with what I thought(hoped) was casual indifference- he came over to the bar /kitchen and poured himself a scotch /soda...We chatted again ,without him realizing we already had before at the Valentines Day Benefit about 6 months prior at that theatre company well call the “Unclothed Cherubs”.
He was noticeably buzzed but not as surly as the night of the Benefit .
He was actually sociable(May be the party favors he and GF were partaking in)?
Again- charismatic- but almost tragically poetic somehow in his bemusement. It’s as if he had already seen too much and was impressed by too little. Growing up under the microscope he did, I can only imagine there would be no other way to be....
So A list Asshole Actor/Director offspring coming off the huge hit /iconic film comes over and they chat it up.... Mr. Smile leaves with an eye roll at me (directed at him) and so here we are. I graciously tell him that his film meant a lot too many and that his character was the winning one (I lied lol,)that was held by a friend of mine (TD) who Enty gives a hard time too❤️.
He replied with no visceral care in the world and said “yeah- I get that a lot”.(I guess I wasn’t the only liar 🤥).He was drinking a Coors Lite and smoking and just wreaked of social discomfort. Contrarily, his guest that night (TR)- actress from an acting family previously mentioned - was a delight. Humble, shy but very engaging and kind. We spoke of her son and and hippy dippy stuff and when I saw the film they were working on at that time I realized how much she was that character IRL.(Repeat.- one of my fave films ).
A brief appearance was made by CB. Dual threat actress who some call equine like in appearance and her actor hubby. Both hold iconic roles - her in TV to film , his solid film (classic-though he is an awesome stage performer)They too are involved with the “unclothed Cherubs” (her brothers as well). I spent time with either at a dinner one night and find her like able(he is very shy but sweet), but they didn’t stay long.... her ex was there ( bonus guess ).
So that brings me back to the fellow guest that intrigued me the most and maybe still does. Our conversation was different(he was not yet famous), and the relationship had a totally different trajectory,as it were.
Recent Yale Grad(but non boastful I had to dig), he was mysterious, guarded and inquisitive about me and my life,which is always refreshing lol. It was due likely to his pre fame but he is still,the same person upon last time we met.
The chemistry was strong and I gave my number out(not often occurrence) f
For example Actor #1 never got it (TV dude with GF)”WS” but he wasn’t my type anyway. Too actory. This guy though. (DR) with the piercing stare and tapestry boho hat did. Never went to the dinner he asked me to go to at his friends crash pad from a 718 area code , but I did much later after many run ins ,met him for sushi downtown ( close to where he spent years growing up with his mom)He had kids and was with a woman who is an AA nominee (foreign) and a great person by all accounts and so never took that Vespa ride as they say). Regrets,Yeah I have a few- but not when I see pix of him with his kids or her with them smiling:)
That said the closure of this star studded evening comes with a touch of the Every man/my “hometown” as it were. It’s actually a comical and light way to end it and was more surreal than the event itself somehow!
So still hanging was WS too coiffed TV actor (not my type ), RD, Smile and his GF, and even A list asshole actor director who was making his way out ... as he says his goodbyes to our lovely host - I see like 4 dudes I went to HS and grew up with walk in!
To my dismay at the time(now I find it funny)my older sister had managed to alert them to the festivities (still no clue how she had a cell in the 19—‘s? But these were friends, family really we grew up with and weren’t far away from the spot . Distinguishing factor is they were wearing backward Yankee hats juxtaposition-ed against our BoHo beanies and beret...huh? I love a good laugh and these were a couple :Friend (male) #1 says to TR”you were AWEsome in well “TR”(the film that connotes her initials); or my cuz asking asshole if “RW” (his previous costar /directorial debut actress, was as hot in person....”? And if her boobs were real (head slam).
Smiles was bemused, his GF still fluttering about unaware of it all, and DR scratching his beret.
Best line of night came from our gracious host and Playwright “ Darling don’t you worry... It ain’t a party until you don’t know half the people at it!”
After hosting many myself, I agree. Still I love him for saying it.
That said-“The Night was just beginning “....
The person who stole the night’s attention has been guessed by many already ,and he was there with his then GF and a woman I came to realize was her sister (part of the doomed future events:(
She (GF/BC) was highly animated in a way people don’t generally arrive at naturally or through Vitamin B shots (if you know what I mean). The Host /Playwright I spoke of payed much attention to him(more than anyone else really),likely because as gay man he was under his spell like anyone with a pulse, but also because they were good friends/neighbors.As I stated , the man with the smile and the iconic family was an impressive supporter of the arts , and did it on several Theatre Co. Boards-that said ; as I was watching them with what I thought(hoped) was casual indifference- he came over to the bar /kitchen and poured himself a scotch /soda...We chatted again ,without him realizing we already had before at the Valentines Day Benefit about 6 months prior at that theatre company well call the “Unclothed Cherubs”.
He was noticeably buzzed but not as surly as the night of the Benefit .
He was actually sociable(May be the party favors he and GF were partaking in)?
Again- charismatic- but almost tragically poetic somehow in his bemusement. It’s as if he had already seen too much and was impressed by too little. Growing up under the microscope he did, I can only imagine there would be no other way to be....
So A list Asshole Actor/Director offspring coming off the huge hit /iconic film comes over and they chat it up.... Mr. Smile leaves with an eye roll at me (directed at him) and so here we are. I graciously tell him that his film meant a lot too many and that his character was the winning one (I lied lol,)that was held by a friend of mine (TD) who Enty gives a hard time too❤️.
He replied with no visceral care in the world and said “yeah- I get that a lot”.(I guess I wasn’t the only liar 🤥).He was drinking a Coors Lite and smoking and just wreaked of social discomfort. Contrarily, his guest that night (TR)- actress from an acting family previously mentioned - was a delight. Humble, shy but very engaging and kind. We spoke of her son and and hippy dippy stuff and when I saw the film they were working on at that time I realized how much she was that character IRL.(Repeat.- one of my fave films ).
A brief appearance was made by CB. Dual threat actress who some call equine like in appearance and her actor hubby. Both hold iconic roles - her in TV to film , his solid film (classic-though he is an awesome stage performer)They too are involved with the “unclothed Cherubs” (her brothers as well). I spent time with either at a dinner one night and find her like able(he is very shy but sweet), but they didn’t stay long.... her ex was there ( bonus guess ).
So that brings me back to the fellow guest that intrigued me the most and maybe still does. Our conversation was different(he was not yet famous), and the relationship had a totally different trajectory,as it were.
Recent Yale Grad(but non boastful I had to dig), he was mysterious, guarded and inquisitive about me and my life,which is always refreshing lol. It was due likely to his pre fame but he is still,the same person upon last time we met.
The chemistry was strong and I gave my number out(not often occurrence) f
For example Actor #1 never got it (TV dude with GF)”WS” but he wasn’t my type anyway. Too actory. This guy though. (DR) with the piercing stare and tapestry boho hat did. Never went to the dinner he asked me to go to at his friends crash pad from a 718 area code , but I did much later after many run ins ,met him for sushi downtown ( close to where he spent years growing up with his mom)He had kids and was with a woman who is an AA nominee (foreign) and a great person by all accounts and so never took that Vespa ride as they say). Regrets,Yeah I have a few- but not when I see pix of him with his kids or her with them smiling:)
That said the closure of this star studded evening comes with a touch of the Every man/my “hometown” as it were. It’s actually a comical and light way to end it and was more surreal than the event itself somehow!
So still hanging was WS too coiffed TV actor (not my type ), RD, Smile and his GF, and even A list asshole actor director who was making his way out ... as he says his goodbyes to our lovely host - I see like 4 dudes I went to HS and grew up with walk in!
To my dismay at the time(now I find it funny)my older sister had managed to alert them to the festivities (still no clue how she had a cell in the 19—‘s? But these were friends, family really we grew up with and weren’t far away from the spot . Distinguishing factor is they were wearing backward Yankee hats juxtaposition-ed against our BoHo beanies and beret...huh? I love a good laugh and these were a couple :Friend (male) #1 says to TR”you were AWEsome in well “TR”(the film that connotes her initials); or my cuz asking asshole if “RW” (his previous costar /directorial debut actress, was as hot in person....”? And if her boobs were real (head slam).
Smiles was bemused, his GF still fluttering about unaware of it all, and DR scratching his beret.
Best line of night came from our gracious host and Playwright “ Darling don’t you worry... It ain’t a party until you don’t know half the people at it!”
After hosting many myself, I agree. Still I love him for saying it.