Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Nanny

There is going to come a time in the next few years that this nanny will not be needed any longer. The children the nanny watches are already to the point where they don't need anyone to really be with them. In fact, one is already out of the house and in two or three years, the other will follow. The nanny has been around since the birth of the first child. The permanent A list actor father of the children is the one who hired the nanny. At the time she was very young and the actress mother of the children really thought the actor would try and hit on the nanny. There were lots of arguments before the actor said they were hiring the nanny and his mind wouldn't be changed. For the first decade, especially when the actress mom was going through some issues, she was convinced the actor was going to have an affair with the nanny. He didn't. He has never done one thing out of place or improper with her. What the actress doesn't know and our actor has no plans to tell her while he is alive is that the nanny is his daughter. The nanny was the result of an affair the actor had while married to his previous wife. No one but the nanny and the actor know the truth. 


  1. Replies
    1. And Jen Aniston? Is he old enough for that?

  2. CZJ and Michael Douglas?

  3. Now this sounds like some British literature.

  4. I think this is a continuation of yesterday's very late BI?

  5. Slow down and read for the love of god, it's not Brad Pitt.

  6. Nah Pitts kids too young.
    Maybe Douglas/CZJ sandy

  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    what a plot twist.

  8. The way the blind is written makes it sound like the nanny only watches 2 children. One is out of the house & the other is soon to follow. So, who only has 2 almost adult kids?

  9. i am on the CZJ/MD train.

  10. What a sh!t father. He couldn't have sent her away to college, oh no, he had to put her to work taking care of her half-siblings.

    1. Hahah Good point Bray!

    2. Maybe he actually wanted to be close to his child. That's a nice change.

    3. Really? Would u want ur child instead of having a life, be taking care of her siblings until they are grown ups. That is so fucked up.

  11. I like CZJ because of the part where it says she was going through some issues.

  12. +1 sandybrook my first thought too. They have an 18 and 15 year old

  13. CZJ and Michael Douglas - son just started college, daughter is 15.

  14. Michael has 3 kids Cameron with Diandra and Dylan who is 18 and Carys who is 15 with CZJ

  15. The only reason Michael Douglas didn't hit on her! In Hollywood,this is almost saintly.

  16. Will and Jada Smith

  17. are their kids that old, really? If so, it is them


    The nanny looks more like MD than his kid

    1. But that says former nanny. From the blind it sounds like she is still the nanny.

  19. Doesn't her,Mother know? Or is she dead?

  20. Anonymous10:36 AM

    seems like michael douglas and czj have had several nannies

  21. Anonymous10:37 AM

    danielle, lulu, some older lady from new zealand, and a welsh nanny named judy cole.

  22. Catherine supported their nanny in a business she started....

  23. This sounds like the plot of East Lynne, a Victorian sensation novel. Isabel is a lovely young woman who dumps her husband and kids to elope. Isabel is disfigured in a train accident and without a husband, moves back to England to become the nanny to her own children, who don't recognize her.

    Well, OK, it sounds a little like it.

  24. This is a great blind, but... No one but the nanny and the actor know the truth.
    then... ummmm...

    1. No one but the nanny, the actor,her mother and Enty obviously How can Enty know???

  25. @Brayson.

    That's what I thought too, but on further thought maybe she wanted to take care of her siblings? I doubt that whatever college course she did - unless it was to be a doctor or lawyer - would land her a career as lucrative as nannying for Hollywood A+ Listers. It seems that MD cares for her and CZJ (if one of the above links from @hhstar is to be believed) seems to be fond of her too.

  26. I believe this is also Michael Douglas. Carys will be 16 in April and Dylan turned 18 last August. Catherine fits with the having issues part. Maybe he did eventually come clean to Catherine, but just didn't want his oldest son and children to find out.

  27. Jeez, what pickle Michael Douglas got himself in! So the kids don't know she's their sister. When they find out they'll probably feel bad for any crap they put her through.

  28. Didn’t this already happen and it was Arnold and the housekeeper?
    Although I am on the MD/ CZJ train, however I wonder how old the nanny is?!

  29. Is the first wife / mother dead? Is there any remarried widower that fits the blind?

  30. It is like double degradation, your dad not acknowledging you, then you living in his house and him treating you as a servant to his other recognized kids.

  31. @Flashy, that's true but he could have acknowledged her as a daughter and then hired her to take care of the kids. It happened during a past marriage, there's no reason for CZJ to get upset. Sounds like CZJ would have been relieved that there was a women he wouldn't f*ck in the house. Makes you wonder how old the mother was though.

  32. I don't see why being related would stop Michael Douglas

  33. @Fi, Probably doesn't want to have to put down another three-eyed inbred calling him daddy.

  34. First the fact that it's his child doesn't make him not sleeping with her a very big deal. Good job of not Woody Allen'n your daughter. Secondly how shitty must it be to see your father being a Dad to your siblings when you probably have to call him sir. Thirdly, the kids must love the girl and might want to know. What if they've been jerking off thinking about her.

  35. I have to think they really didn't treat her within the family unit as the help. I mean, one has to think that she was treated as a member of the family without having the title as such. I want this one solved with reasons. Is it possible everyone in the household knew and for whatever reason, maybe her own request that she be referred to as our nanny? This is bothering me. I am the oldest of six, and I did do a lot of hands on care for my siblings so that isn't the part that gets me.

  36. Now THIS is a blind! Love it!

    Plus, what Kim said.

    Also, Enty knows because he's the attorney who drew up the financial papers that say if she keeps her mouth shut, she'll get $$$ at the end of the nanny deal or whenever MD dies. That's my guess.

  37. I think it should be pretty easy to determine if Fran Drescher ever worked for Michael Douglas.

  38. Michael Douglas is a hound dog

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. What a horrible man. Send her to college, buy her a house instead of being humiliated every day. PIG

  41. "no one but the nanny and the actor know the truth" AND ENTY of course lmao please

  42. There’s so much here to unpack- so the sibs don’t get to know and love her as a sister, the new wife doesn’t get to forge a familial bond with her, the dad doesn’t acknowledge her as his child, and where is her mother? I don’t get it.

  43. Brad and Angelina? Seems unlikely though because I'm sure Jennifer wouldn't have minded adopting her.

  44. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Not true. Fiction.
    Why don't you stop writing this junk...
    Always the same.
    Some woman is always, always cast as the "naive Idiot" .

  45. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Maybe the last nanny stole a ton of Sh**, or found out some dirt. And this was a circle of trust thing.

  46. jude law likes to *beep* the nanny

  47. Or Michael J Fox

  48. See, this the kind of stuff I like to see here! Way more interesting than spreadsheets listing which reality star is sleeping with which farm animal or whatever.

  49. It's like something out of a novel. I'd feel bad having to hide myself like that. It must be an awkward dynamic at times no matter how ok she is with it on the surface.

  50. There are spreadsheets for that?

  51. A good old fashioned CdaN blind!

    The nanny watches two children.

    Very young to me means under twenty but above fifteen.

    I'm posting before reading all the comments but I doubt very seriously, since only two children are involved, It's Brad and Angie.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. MD/CZJ? Maybe...Here she is (sorry, comments wouldn’t accept the https in a link :( )



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