Friday, January 04, 2019

Four For Friday - That's Messed Up

You know what is messed up? When you find out the father of one of the children of this A- list mostly movie actor (#1) all of you know was actually fathered by one of the actor best friends. Want to know what is more messed up? The actor's best friend is an actor. (#2). Something more messed up? The father of the baby is a relative of the mother. Even worse? The current actress girlfriends of #1 and #2 know and don't care. (#3 & #4).


  1. Matt Damon/Ben Affleck?

  2. Casey affleck and Joaquin Phoenix??

  3. But the mother isn't related to the father in that case.....

  4. My comment was in regard to Tricia's guess. But maybe MD has this right?

  5. Damon and Ben don't fit the clues.

  6. Yeah what's up with "The father of the baby is a relative of the mother" are we talking legally/not blood or straight up incest?

  7. And what dirty whore mother is this?

  8. So Summer /Joaquin had a baby?

  9. Well Rooney Mara wouldn’t care because was supposedly with both Casey and Joaquin

  10. I thought Rain was the one that has acted oddly with Joaquin? That whole family is odd extremely odd! River's tragic ending had to be connected to their childhood, very sad.

  11. What the hell is going on in here? Holy moly...

  12. Someone please simplify this! PLEASEEEEEEEEE

    1. I was thinking the same just as I read your comment.

  13. @yep, Their motto is, "If you can't keep it in your pants then keep it in the family."

  14. So one of Summer and Casey's kids was fathered by Joaquin? Joaquin and Summer are siblings, Casey and Joaquin are BFF. Tricia Mara and Floriana Lima for the girlfriends.

    1. Congratulations,you've untangled today's celebrity incest web!

  15. So Joaquin is actually the father of Casey Affleck and his sister Summer’s kid?! Ewww!

  16. If it were Casey wouldn’t Enty have said academy award winner/nominee and disgraced or something?

    1. Maybe Enty was being purposely vague, because this is incredibly scandalous if true...

  17. Sister banging of the rich and famous.

  18. I grew up across the Ohio River from Kentucky, so I believed I am qualified to help the CDAN community understand the situation in a way that was explained to my about 50 times in my life regarding the Indreed community of the Ohio River Valley.

    The Daddy Ain’t the Daddy, cause He’s buddy is the Daddy with that Mommy Woman.

    Mommy got with the other Daddy, and that Daddy is Mommy’s kinfolk.

    And no one cares, not even the women, because we all related through God.

    The only difference is that the inbreeds in Kentucky where conceive during an Orgy in a trailer at a trailerpark, and born in a County Hospital. Whereas in Hollywood, this child was conceived in a trailer on a movie set, and born in a County hospital.

    Regardless, they parents will die of drugs and alcohol long before the child is old enough to really get screwed up by their parents.

    And shockingly, these kids generally do OK in life once their parents are gone.

    1. Shawn Fleming I grew up in KY right off the Ohio River. Are you from Ironton?

    2. Hanover, IN, I could throw a Tomato from the backyard and hit an outhouse in KY.

    3. Good ole Kentuckiana. I have family there...

    4. Oh your so right! Here in Kentucky we bang our cousins, are married at 16, and whats those things that go on your feet, again? Gee golly!

  19. That's nothing. I recently heard about this teacher, 8 1/2 months pregnant, who was trolling for sex with the trash mother of one of her students. I mean, it's obvious that caring about any kids involved was the LAST thing on either of these dirtbags' minds.

  20. Can't be the Afflecks - FOB (father) is relation to the mother. Sibling/ cousin/ or parent.

    Shawn Fleming had the lineage language correct: i spent 3 yrs in southern Indiana working at a large metropolitan hospital.

    talk about keeping it in the family: Casey/ Summer/ Joaquin.

  21. I grew up near the Phoenix family and they were weird as children too. They painted a tree in the front yard like rainbow once.

  22. When you find out the father of one of the children of this A- list mostly movie actor (#1) all of you know was actually fathered by one of the actor best friends.

    Literally what? I read this as the actor's best friend is actually his father. Really bad grammar. Please take a writing course. Unless that's what is meant? Either way, really bad line. It makes the whole thing hard to read.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @Aris, Like just the trunk or the leaves too?

  25. I feel like this blind is going to give me a stroke.
    #1: Casey Affleck (best friends with Joaquin Phoenix)
    #2: Joaquin Phoenix (brother of Casey's ex-wife Summer Phoenix)
    #3: Floriana Lima
    #4: Rooney Mara
    #5: (Not listed) All of us on CDAN that are shocked but not that shocked.

  26. Johnny Knoxville, from the same area of our country as @shawn, was shown to have profoundly over-lapping dna, as in a high degree of inbreeding in his hillbilly ancestors. Knoxville was kinda proud of it when this came to light.

  27. >Knoxville was kinda proud of it when this came to light.

    Best attitude to take when you can't do anything about it (unless he's secretly make a breakthrough in developing CRISPR) .

  28. Your father is your brother,
    Your sister is your mother,
    You all fuck one another,
    Your the Affleck fam-ilee.

  29. Everybody snap your fingers! ;)

  30. Leaves too. I had a picture with them but I think my ex best friend who went to school with Rain(bow)has it. Or it got thrown out I haven't seen it in years.

  31. Oh that's some sick sh!t. Decorate the bark but don't mess with photosynthesis!

    1. Lol Brayson! 🌳
      Aris I met River when he was filming Running On Empty(they used my HS friends home for the shoot in Tenafky,NJ). Mom was super odd,dad same. Definite creepy/COG vibes... he River-was lovely:(

  32. I liked Joaquin in 8mm ..

  33. Neither one of the Affleck kids look like Phoenixes so am not buying.
    Think there must be another option out there. The reveal will tell.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I have ALWAYS stated that Ben & Jen's eldest girl looked to be fathered by Jen's Alias co-star, Victor G. The similarities are uncanny. But im not sure if Ben is friends with V or not. Just a guess. :)

  36. Anonymous9:01 AM

    River was too sweet and sensitive for the Hollywood vultures. God only knows what sick shit he had to deal with. The only ones who seem to be allowed to survive become abusers too.

  37. why does everyone think the Phoenix siblings are banging each other?...*bleugh

  38. @Skee, Victor Garber is gay.

  39. @Skee,Victor Garber played Jenn's Father on Alias,he looks like her. Caught looks like Jenn. @LondonGirl, they were raised in the Children of God cult which openly promoted child sex and incest. Years ago I received a pamphlet from them when they recruited people in front of a store. They weren't even subtle.

  40. Caught? Daughter.

  41. @Sarton

    Agree. What can Knoxville do about it anyway but be proud of the fact he is one of the few, a relative of Melungeons.

  42. Wouldn't be CDAN without Brayson calling someone a whore.

  43. "fucking hair lip bullshit"


  44. @muckduck Are YOU from Ironton? I'm in Ashland. And, hate to pop all y'alls bubbles, but that's West By God Virginia behavior, not Kentucky.

  45. @ShawnFleming my ex grew up in Hanover. Rusty Reed. At least I think he graduated from there in the 80's.

  46. @skee Jennifer Garner's father and Victor Garber do favor each other quite a bit, so I can see where you think Violet looks like VG.



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