Saturday, January 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #8

August 13, 2018

Teen Choice Awards

This barely legal A- list former Disney actress went to the awards thinking she would get to accept an award with her former co-stars. Apparently producers forcibly kept her from going on stage though after her co-stars said they would walk off the stage if she went with them. Our actress handled it like a pro and will probably be garnering some real awards for her new hit almost television show.

Ronni Hawk/On My Block


  1. So the co stars didnt want her on their block? But why?

    1. She’s known as a Trump supporter and a lot of them don’t want to be associated with that.

  2. The left are so petty, they allow no intellectual diversity.

    1. And then there’s the right, known for it’s acceptance...

    2. Lmao because the left caused a government shut down to push for the creation of a wall to keep Mexican immigrants out....... OK.

    3. Nope. It is all on Trump. He forced the shutdown and he OWNED it. Trump promised Mexico is going to pay for it. What happened? And now steel walls which is contracted to Trump's family friend, another Russian. There is no such thing as coincidence.

  3. Seriously? Because she is a Trump- ite?

    there has to be more to this than that petty detail.

    1. Well in On My Block she’s playing a character who’s parents are in trouble for being illegal immigrants, so... Not really great for the show for her to come out as a Trump supporter after that I think. When the information came out no one was sticking up for her.

  4. who is this girl again?

  5. If there was an actor playing a rapist, would it be bad for them to come out as being against rape?

    Why the double standard for criminally crossing the border? Is it because Hollywood types benefit from the criminally cheap lawn mowers and babysitters?

    1. I think if you take a look at the imdb page for the Disney show you might understand their reaction better.

  6. She plays Hispanic characters but she doesn't seem to be Hispanic? A lot of the Disney cast seem to be Hispanic though.

    1. Just so you know, roughly 30% of Hispanics vote Republican (as per NPR). Lots of reasons why. One being many legally immigrated here and are not so pleased the law is not applied equally.

  7. And here come the trolls...

    Go to the Daily Mail & agree with yourself with your multiple accounts there, no one buying it here.

  8. What you have is a stage full of self satisfied kids with the cumulative IQ of a kumquat and the cumulative real life experience of a newt. And they refuse to share the stage with this girl because she voted differently than them.

    Welcome to Hollywood.

  9. Good for them. We have to get back to publicly shaming these bigots back into the dark holes tRump dug them out of. And stop saying it's "just politics." Bigotry isn't politics. It's the difference between being a good person and a bad one.

  10. She got called out by her co-star Jenna Ortega for saying racist things about Mexicans when she play's someone with Mexican heritage. Why would they want to appear with her.

  11. Are you really so dim witted that you think that just because this girl admitted to supporting Trump means she is a racist?

    I know a lot of Mexican people and guess what? A lot of them came to the US legally and are against illegal immigration. Some even like Trump. I guess they are self-hating by your assertion?

    The leap you're making that anyone who wants to put a stop to illegal immigration is therefore anti-Mexican and a racist is ridiculous.

  12. The left are Oikophobic. They hate Americans they think they're Deplorable.

  13. Are they really that petty that they would not want to stand on stage with a coworker who supports Trump?

    Hell yes, they are that petty. Absolutely. Easily. This is Hollywood.

  14. Here we go again. Mooshi I am white/black/hispanic female libertarian business owner, spent a great deal of my childhood traveling around the world and have earned two degrees. I support Trump. Call me a bigot again you feckless cunt.

  15. WeeKitty, you may not be a bigot, but you have no problem supporting one.

  16. @Hayley I agree 100%, people shouldn't be surprised to be called a bigot when they support someone so openly bigoted.

    How any Trump supporter can complain about someone being petty while supporting the king of petty, the person with the thinnest skin on the planet, his skins so thin I can see his bone spurs through it.

    The left don't hate Americans it's faux patriots that are the problem, Trump complaining about US companies moving production overseas when he makes he crap in china is beyond hypocritical, He couldn't even be bothered to honour the members of your military, who died fighting for your country until he was shamed in to it. He'd rather believe Putin over your own intelligence agencies, he doesn't have a patriotic bone in his body, he's just a nationalist troll.

  17. Whether or not I agree with her, or anyone here on these comments agrees with her— That’s probably at least part of why the cast didn’t want to share the stage with her. I’m not sure why that means we need to start arguing amongst each other about it but this is the internet and it’s 2018 so I might be a little bit over reaching on that one. A simple Google search and you will find articles about it from that time. Thats fact, not based on my opinion. Geez. People will use anything as an excuse to argue about politics these days.

    1. (For the originals that started it not those standing up for themselves. Just saying.)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This girl is not disliked simply for being a Trump supporte, though that doesn’t help.

    She plays a Latina on a Disney show as well (Ronni Hawk is Italian). Her costar on the Disney show said that Ronni said racist stuff to her face... that all Mexicans were gardeners or something and that she hoped Trump would build the wall so all the Mexicans could stop taking money away from deserving white people. The costar is actually Latina, so you can imagine this did not go over very well.

    On her Netflix show she plays a girl who was born in the USA but her parents were here illegally. The parents get deported and she has to go live with family friends. She spends the whole season sad and missing her parents. So how a Trump-supporting allegedly racist white girl ended up with that part is a head scratcher. Heh.

    Anyway politics aside, she is not winning any real awards for either role. I have no idea where that idea comes from lol.

  20. Oh,? So she’s like Ariana Grande but she’s on Netflix?

  21. OMG!!!! I love all you idiot conservatives saying the left is petty... You elected the single most petty, vulgar, awful human being to run this country. Shut the fuck cup and dit down while the adults fix the damage you have done.

  22. So my friend in American who is black & very smart is a bigot? I love reading his posts as he is always attacked by his hippy looking social worker friends. He is studying to be a doctor

  23. @mooshki - 1 example... can you link me to the best proof/evidence you have of Trump being a bigot? Proof proof, not conjecture.




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