Saturday, January 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #7

July 30, 2018

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort who thinks she is all that because some laundering money coke head chose to launder money through her really treated this foreign born former A- list mostly television actress from a hit almost network television show that is now defunct badly when they ran into each other out of the country. I mean really really treated her poorly and it was totally uncalled for.

Lindsay Lohan/Nina Dobrev


  1. Lindsay Lohan, the ultimate cockroach. Can we stop her for Bowie please?

  2. I watched 10 minutes of that train wreck of a show of hers. Good God is it aweful. She sounds like she smokes 4 packs of cigs a day.

  3. She's an ass. I hope her show tanks.

  4. Not surprised Lohan is trying to berate up-and-comers who are taking her place. Dobrev will maintain a career and keep getting work, regardless if she becomes a bonafide star or not.

  5. I have it set to get so I can see an episode.
    I didn't think it aired till the 8th?

  6. Nina is such a sweetheart, shame on Lindsay.

  7. ^ I agree, going through and reading this blog I have realized for many years the media encouraged us to pass judgment on many people who were publicly crying out for help. Disturbing.

  8. haha...and Tiffany Trump met her Nigerian boyfriend whilst visiting Lindsey's island!!!

  9. Nobody mentioned that great run-on sentence Enty produced so I will now 👏.

    1. It was glorious in its unreadability

  10. Either LiLo doesn't know who Nina is, which would be reasonable, since LiLo is stuck in 2004 or Nina got a "Jon" that LiLo thinks should be hers.

  11. Lindsay probably relates better to Nikki Reed

  12. Lilo is just mad because Nina pulls bigger and better clients then she does. Jealousy is a ugly color on everyone.

  13. Lohan is a child abuse victim who never got help or support, I feel sorry for her, no wonder she is fucked up.

  14. @ Jennifer- they had an episode on the other night to introduce the staff- um, cast- of Idiot Island. Also,@ Rene- there are plenty of people that have had awfu childhoods that don’t grow up to be lying, thieving hookers who treat people horribly. She’s a grown up now who has the opportunity get help and support—or the opportunity to have someone 💩 on her for money.

  15. @ Sandy - I think it would be helpful if Enty used brackets:

    This [former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort] who thinks she is all that because some laundering money coke head chose to launder money through her really treated this [foreign born former A- list mostly television actress from a hit almost network television show that is now defunct] badly when they ran into each other out of the country. I mean really really treated her poorly and it was totally uncalled for.

    Or used italics. Or had a high school student intern correct his grammar.

  16. I watched her try to take those 2 kids back to her hotel away from their Dad/parents, using her weird pseudo-Russian-English-is-my-second-language accent no less, which ended when the mother punched her in the face....annnnd that was all I needed to see! And serious, not to stereotype, but every member of her “staff” looks like a surgically enhanced barbie...I kind of wonder how that’S gonna go...she’s NOT going to be the centre of attention. Before long, her “servers” will be getting all the attention. She’s just the old Madam, lurking in the shadows, I bet every room goes quiet when she walks in the door... lmfao

  17. [@Mango Great idea with the brackets]
    [@Chaps You aren't kidding about that smoker's voice (and the show)!]



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